Welcome to Thursday's post! While my husband and I are meticulously cleaning our apartment, I thought I'd take a break, (we've been at it for about 10 minutes...)
First off, I'd like to point out that I'm down to one potential job as of today...a little disheartening, but I'm not going to let that bring down my spirit. I refuse to let depression take hold of me like so many others who are unemployed. Besides, it's only been about two weeks, so what is there to worry about? A lot of people spend more time than that looking for a job, so I should consider myself lucky that I might have a job by the end of next week. I'm trying to stay happy. I re-read the job description for the one I have the interview for a week from today and I feel like I would love that job! I hope your fingers are still crossed for me, (although you might want to think about taking a break because if you leave your fingers in that position they may get stuck like that...)

While I try my best to control the outcome of my future, I've been roped into an interesting concept for a project for one of my classes. We are looking at affinity spaces, that is spaces where people congregate, (in person or online), and collaborate, share and interact with each other based on a mutual interest. They are a relatively new, complex and extremely modern idea surrounding today's students and classrooms. One theory is that students learn just as much outside of school as they do in school. I found a fun article on The Huffington Post about parents with teens using digital media
By using digital media, (Facebook, Twitter, etc.) and games like Minecraft, Pokemon and World of Warcraft they can enhance their communication, social interaction and organizational skills while simultaneously creating a tactfully-designed alternative universe in which to engage with others who share the same passions. I find the whole concept absolutely fascinating!

So, in dealing with this idea of "affinity space" and gaming, I'm working on some research that involves Minecraft and Pokemon as they relate to students outside of the traditional classroom environment. Who plays these games? Is there a common pattern? How do players get their inside information? How do you play? How do you learn how to play if you aren't already familiar? What kinds of sites are at students' disposal when confronted with an issue? These and many more questions will hopefully get answered as I dive into this complex and relatively new terrain. I might post more about findings as soon as we start researching, but check back for more info later on.
For my television reviews this week, I'll start with The Bachelor. CLAIRE IS DRIVING ME CRAZY! I know she loves him and everything, but we have a Stage Five Clinger in the house and she is all sorts of wrong. She's not nearly as bad as some of the other wackadoos they've had on this show, but if she makes it to the final four, I may shoot myself. My Top 3 as of this week are Renee, Andi and Nikki. I know a lot of people don't like Nikki, but I can see things from her perspective and I think she just had a rough week last week, (not to mention I feel like they're highlighting a different girl each week to be the "problem child," so keep an eye out for next week's fire starter). I think Renee could win because like Juan said, she's just like him. I feel like they look good together and I'm hoping to see her in at least the final four. Let me know who you think should go home next in the comments!

Bones and Castle were pretty standard. Not a whole lot going on, and Bones just totally ignored the whole Wendell-cancer fiasco by bringing in another, (horrible), intern. I miss Wendell's gorgeous face already... Meanwhile we can see Beckett is getting her first case of wedding jitters as she dons that beautiful wedding gown. I'm still no the fence about it, so let me know in the comments if you loved it or hated it, but I feel like she would look so much better in something a little more form-fitting. Thoughts?

How I Met Your Mother tore at my heartstrings yet again as we see Ted FINALLY, (and literally), letting go of Robin once and for all. It's sad because of all the years they spent with each other but relieving at the same time. Now, hopefully, they can get on with the whole wedding business that they are taking forever to get to. I was anticipating that they would have the wedding happen next week, but seeing as they like to draw things out for as long as possible, I doubt that'll happen. We haven't seen the mother back yet, and we know they meet at the reception, so we'll have to wait a little longer.

New Girl after the Super Bowl was hilarious! Prince was a nice added touch, but I loved the ending. Also, this week's Tuesday episode didn't disappoint either. I know I don't talk about it much, but it's one of my favorite shows to watch. So is Agents of Shield, and this week made me question what they were doing completely. I'm liking the dangerous situations they've gotten themselves into, but I've totally forgotten the reason behind it. Also, I knew that whole romance between May and Ward wasn't going to last, but I never saw Skye getting shot, let alone almost dying. We'll see if she turns into some sort of superhero to save her own life, but the official introduction of Deathlok was refreshing. My husband and I had looked into it and figured he was the only logical explanation for Mike being kept alive, although the original Deathlok's story line is completely different. Obviously he has motivation to do the Clairvoyant's bidding. Let's see where this goes.

Lastly, I've been spending a lot of time inside, re-watching old shows I haven't seen in years, one of them being Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. I've been more into them lately, probably because of all the hype over the Michael Bay production coming along, but also because they've been a long-time favorite of mine and I refuse to give them up for the sake of being an adult. Luckily, I found at least the first and second season of my favorite cartoon reincarnation from 2003 on YouTube and have been getting reacquainted with it. I absolutely love this particular season because of the graphic artwork, more reminiscent of the comic book style drawing, the humor in the dialogue, and the relationship between the brothers. I think all of these aspects give the show a more authentic TMNT and they stay relatively true to the original story arc of the comic books. I have always been infatuated with the Raphael in this series. It's been nice to go back in time for a bit and relive my glory days as a thirteen-year-old nerd.
Well that's about it for this week. I think that covers most of what I've been thinking as of late. I'm excited for this weekend because I am actually leaving my house, (gasp), to go visit and have lunch with my best friend Katie up in Portland, ME, so that should be fun! I'm also starting my orientations at different middle schools next week, so hopefully I find where I belong for next year. I'm subbing on Tuesday, so for all my kids who read this I'll see you then! Also, I'll be posting again tomorrow until my class page about the "Walk My World" project, so stay tuned for that. Until next time, I remain your faithful correspondent.