Monday, February 9, 2015

Holy Hoth, Batman

    Sorry I'm a little late, but at least I didn't take another month.  My most recent affliction is a sinus infection, so I've been feeling a little crappier than usual.  It's also been snowing quite consistently up here and I'm beginning to think we've become New Greenland instead of New England.  Apparently we've already surpassed the blizzard of '78 in regard to total accumulation.  I will most likely need a Tauntaun to get anywhere tomorrow.  I've been enjoying my time off from doing anything, but I think it's about time I left the house and actually did something productive.  If only I could learn how to not panic driving in the snow...  You'd think after living here my whole life I would be used to it by now, but unfortunately I still get anxious.  Luckily, my job allows me to relieve that stress by making staying home during a storm mandatory.  However, there's only so much Netflix I can watch before I get cabin fever.  I do have some good news, another Bachelor review as well as another book review on my Reviews page.

    The good news is that I finally found a middle school placement!  The extra good news is that it's in my own town, which means it's super close and convenient for me to get there.  I also have more connections there, which might work in my favor.  The teacher I'm supposedly working with is younger, male and very good with technology, which are all great.  He also spent his sabbatical last year researching and doing a case study on the flipped classroom model, which is a model of teaching centered around providing students with lectures and other content online to watch from home and doing supplemental work and discussion in class.  I've always been curious about this method of teaching and it looks like I'll get a front row seat to this concept when I start my internship again this week.  I'm hoping that with my extended background in technology I'll be able to integrate seamlessly into his classroom and work well with him.  We'll see how it goes, but I'm looking forward to meeting him and getting back in the classroom with some middle schoolers!

    As for The Bachelor, I'm still sticking with my Top 3 of Kaitlin, Jade and Whitney.  Mainly because they are probably the only genuine people left in the house, besides maybe Casey.  I actually didn't even watch the whole episode last week because I got bored halfway through and didn't really feel like watching Kelsey's "panic attack" for the fifth time, (because they showed it so often in clips of the previews).  It's only week six and I'm already sick of the unnecessary drama that's been happening.  I'm usually ok with it, because that's what this show thrives on, but this time it's just sad.  Like they're all trying way too hard to be THAT dramatic, it doesn't even feel real.  I know that show is at least partially not real to begin with, but still.  I'm hoping tonight's episode and the two-on-one date will shed some light on what Chris thinks about all this.  I feel like we've barely heard him talk this entire time.  If it were me, I'd send both Ashley AND Kelsey home, but we'll see.
    That's all I have for this week.  It's short, sweet and to the point.  I'd probably have more if I actually did anything with my life these days, but sadly I haven't.  I don't mind being an introvert, but sometimes, if you get stuck in a rut of being home all the time, it gets harder to leave when you actually have to.  I'm going to try to make more plans with friends and see if that helps.  I've already planned my spring break vacation, which is unusual because I've never gone anywhere for spring break while I've been in college.  I'll be visiting my best friend in Colorado and I'm really excited about it!  I've never been and I can't wait to see the mountains and hang out with her again because it's been way too long.  I wish it were April now:(  While I've been shut in, I also managed to read Looking for Alaska by John Green, which is another book I got for Christmas.  I'll be putting the review for that on my Reviews page later today.  In the meantime, I'm going to go cue up my LOTR marathon and bake another batch of chocolate chip cookies.  Until next time, I remain your faithful correspondent.