Wednesday, May 4, 2016

April Wrap-Up and May TBR

    Hey everyone!  I feel like it's been awhile, but it's only been a month.  I just finished my classes for the spring semester and it was a HECTIC last week.  I had about three major projects (two group ones) due last week all around the same time and it was crazy.  Luckily I now have a few weeks off before my summer course starts, so I'm looking forward to not having too many responsibilities this month.  That being said, I am excited that I'll have more time to read all the books I have planned for this month!  I decided to combine my wrap-up and TBR because I only read two books last month, so I didn't think it was necessary to make two posts.  I am planning on reading 4 books this month, so we'll see if I can handle that.  Let's get started!



    The first book I read last month was A Gathering of Shadows by V.E. Schwab.  This book was one of my most anticipated releases of the year and it definitely did not disappoint.  I enjoyed this book because we got to get a different look at the world we've already been introduced to from A Darker Shade of Magic.  In this second book we follow Kel and the repercussions of his actions from the events of the first book.  He's struggling inwardly with his decisions and what has become of his life in the castle.  We also get to follow Delilah Bard as she embarks on her quest to see the world(s).  The magical competition storyline was a nice contrast to the gritty, action-packed storyline of the first book.  Not to say there wasn't a lot of action in this one, but we see more of the political side to the world.  The alternating perspectives of the characters flowed really nicely and I was entertained throughout.  I can't believe how it ended, but I'll be eagerly waiting for the third (and final?) book in this series, whilst crying in a corner...  I gave this book 5 out of 5 stars.


    The second and last book I read this month was Uprooted by Naomi Novik.  I've had this book on my TBR shelf for awhile and finally got the nerve and time to pick it up.  I had heard great things about the story and that it was very fairytale-esq, which is was.  The book takes you in a completely different direction about half way through, so I was pleasantly surprised by that.  The book starts off with building the story, but not much world-building.  There are descriptions, but nothing concrete where I can actually picture something in my head.  The middle was great and I loved the chemistry between the Dragon and Nieszka.  Most of the time I'm pretty sure the Dragon resented her very existence, but she just went on not caring about a damn thing, so it was hilarious to see him get so frustrated with her all the time.  I did think that he bordered along the jerk line a bit though.  I thought that at some point he would express feelings for her (ANY feelings besides hatred or frustration) but he didn't...even after they shared an intimate connection.  He just reverted back to his usual self.  I was a little disappointed with that and the ending.  After chapter 30, I was done.  I loved the reveal at the end, but it took a long time to get there and too much descriptive narrative.  Overall I gave this book a 3 out of 5 stars.  I enjoyed most of it, but I'm sad that it's only a stand alone.



    The first book I'm reading this month is OBVIOUSLY A Court of Mist and Fury by Sarah J. Maas who has my life in her hands.  I actually went to the bookstore when I got out of work yesterday and bought the book so I could read it immediately.  This is easily my most anticipated book of the year, by far.  This book is the second one in Maas's new fantasy series, the first being A Court of Thorns and Roses, (which is a retelling of Beauty and the Beast and RUINED MY LIFE).  ACOMAF takes place after the events of the first book, so if you haven't read ACOTAR yet, GO READ IT, because there may be spoilery territory ahead.  Anyway, this book follows Feyre after the events of the first book, which left her broken.  She has also been bound by oath to the High Lord of the Night Court, whom she doesn't trust at all.  Her loyalties will be tested and tried as she navigates both the light and dark worlds she feels drawn to.  I've been hearing that this one is a retelling of the Persephone myth, which is one of my favorites.  For those of you who don't know, Persephone was married against her will to Hades, the God of the Underworld.  She spends half her time down there with him and the other half on Earth, which is an explanation of the seasons in Greek mythology, (the very abridged version...just Google it).  Anyway, since Feyre has to spend at least some time with Rhysand (SWOON) in his Court, I can only see this affecting Feyre in some major way.  Her love for Tamlin is obvious, but is it enough?  We shall see.  I literally haven't even started the book yet because I'm scared that I won't be able to stop...  SO EXCITED.


    The next book on my list is Tell the Wind and Fire by Sarah Rees Brennan.  This book was kind of a random pick based on the retelling alone.  Since reading and obsessing over everything Shadowhunters, mainly The Infernal Devices, I've been trying to get back into classics like A Tale of Two Cities.  This book apparently retells this story, which I am very keen on.  I don't know too much about it other than that, so I'm going into this blind outside of the summary.  The main character's name is even Lucie!  This book should have a lot of angst, revolution and romance, which I am all game for.  Bring it on!


    I will also FINALLY be reading Gathering Darkness by Morgan Rhodes, which is book three in her high-fantasy series Falling Kingdoms.  Think GoT, but with teenagers and lots of magic.  I won't go into too much detail here because this is the middle of the series and I've already read the first two, so a lot has happened, as you can imagine.  There are at least four main perspectives with a few more minor characters' thrown in for good measure.  Rebels, witches, royals and gods erupt in a kingdom-wide conflict to rule.  I also have book four in this series and I'm contemplating finishing it before the next one comes out in December.

    I am torn on the last book I want to read, so it could end up being a toss up between a few I've been eyeing for some time.  Like I said, I may just finish the Falling Kingdoms series to get caught up, or I could choose something else.  I've been thinking about either Six of Crows or The Dream Thieves, since I've only read the first book in The Raven Cycle and they just released the last book (which is BEAUTIFUL btw).  Anyway, I have a huge decision to make, but I think I'll leave my fourth book up to chance, if I can even get that far.  We'll see!

    So what do you guys think?  Which book should I read for my fourth pick?  Would you choose something completely different?  What are you reading in May?  Leave me a comment down below!  I may even post something extra this month on account of my free time...check back to find out.  Until next time, I remain your faithful correspondent.