So I feel that this might be a rather short blog today, just because of that behemoth I posted on Tuesday night, but I could be wrong... Also, I haven't really been exposed to much literary excellence recently, and I walked out of class early yesterday because I wasn't feeling well, so this might be a tad strained. Bare with's been a long week.
What I DO have is my totals for the Pinterest Challenge, which I finished yesterday. For 30 days worth of action, I still have 10 boards, pinned 342 pins and gained 35 followers, (36 as of today), for a total of 175. Not exactly an even number, but I can live with it. Thanks for everyone who participated with me and had fun with it. I had fun too, but I'm glad I don't HAVE to do it every day anymore. It can go back to being a leisurely activity, when I'm bored.
As far as school news goes, I'm getting ready to pick my last two classes...ever. My internship starts next fall, (if all goes well), and I need just one English class and one Education class to round out my Masters of Arts in Teaching. However, all the classes I want/need to take are at the same time... Apparently Tuesdays between 3 and 6 are prime time class time for both departments. So I'm in a mild dilemma that will decide what direction I want to take my big deal. Hopefully I can get it together before registration starts. Any advice would be appreciated.

As I said in my previous post, in my Digital Literacies class we're discussing social media and new media literacies as an emerging issue in education. Students are using social media more and more every generation and adults are mostly against this source of "distraction." Educators seem to be torn between focusing on their curriculum and trying to integrate new media into their curriculum somehow. As of right now I'm not sure where I stand on this, solely because I'm still not sure how I would integrate new media into the classroom... We discussed the issue a little bit, but I don't think anyone came up with a good enough answer to warrant action. Hopefully, someday, teachers will be able to take control of social media for their classroom activities, and more than just making a fake Facebook profile for some character in [insert name of popular Shakespearean play here].

Other than that, that's all I have for education and literacy discussion. Also, I now have two huge projects to do for the end of the semester: one is that YouTube study that I'm trying to do and the other is a unit plan on something that's writing-intensive. I decided to do a unit plan instead of a lesson plan in order to make it more extravagant and time-consuming, which will probably be my downfall, however I'm still optimistic that I can make it work. I'm hoping something will come to me in the next few days so I have something to email my professor about, but who knows?
This weekend my husband and I are driving down to Rhode Island to go to the Rhode Island Comic Con, which will feature a few important reunions and special appearances, including most of the original Power Rangers, (which is why I'm excited about going). I can't wait to vlog that experience and take loads of pictures! You can find out more information about the comic con
here. I'm still working on editing the St. Louis video, (I KNOW, I'm sorry...). But it looks like it WILL be up by the end of the week. When given the problematic choice between over 200 pages of reading and uploading a video of a fun weekend away, I kinda have to choose the reading. I'm still trying to figure out how I'm going to get my laundry done and grab some groceries. If you guys have any suggestions on what I can post for next week in the education or literacy category, let me know. I'm THIS CLOSE to finishing the first book in
Game of Thrones, so I might do a review of that, but we'll see. Until next time, I remain your faithful correspondent.
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