I hope everyone is having a good week so far. Thursday happens to be one of my favorite days because it's that much closer to the weekend. I definitely think next week should be just one giant weekend with all the work I have to complete. The end of my semester is coming and I couldn't be more calm. Usually I'd be extremely stressed thinking about all of the papers and projects I have to do before the beginning of May, but this year it's different. I'm completely aware of the amount of work I have to do, but I'm not worried. I have faith in myself to get everything done on time, or even early. It's always nice to get a break for the summer.
Three of my assignments are relatively large: a literature review, a unit plan and a multimedia narrative. For the literature review I have to read an entire book and focus on a central issue regarding 21st century literacies. I've created a unit plan surrounding one of my favorite movies,
Harriet the Spy, using both the book and the film to draw conclusions around identity and character development. For my multimedia narrative I'm supposed to reflect on my semester and make light of my experiences from the course using multimodal technologies. I think I'm going to use Storify, which is a site dedicated to mashing up various aspects of social media to create a coherent story. I'll be posting my thoughts and rough draft of this project tomorrow on my ENGL 889 page. All of these projects are labor intensive and require a huge amount of reflection and organization. I'm curious about what I'll discover while working on all of these simultaneously. I've already found that some of the readings I've done in both classes have the potential for crossing over. I'm looking forward to getting down to business and putting as much effort into these as I can muster. I may even share one of these finished projects on here in my ENGL 889 page, so stay tuned for a finished product.

On top of this school work, I've been working on finding a summer job. So far I haven't had any bites yet, but I'm still waiting to hear back from two places that seemed promising at first. Honestly, I don't know what will happen with either of them, but I'm still trying to keep my options open. Hopefully I'll hear something from one of them by next week, but who knows. Honestly, I didn't think I would be on the job hunt again so soon. I've also never applied for summer jobs before, so most of the application deadlines for opportunities in my area have been closed since mid-March. It's actually more stressful than my projects. The good news is that the after school program goes until mid-June, so I have some time left, but not much. I'm praying for some much-needed beach time, so fingers crossed.
As for TV reviews, they're very similar to last week. Heads up for some
The Amazing Race brought the laughs this weekend with the Globetrotters attempting to ride the smallest donkey's in Italy. Or maybe they just looked tiny underneath Big Easy? Needless to say it was another frustrating week for me, being a fan of the Globetrotters. I didn't like that they went home, but I have to say I can't really defend them this week. They've been having trouble reading the directions on their road block cards...or maybe just with common sense. Besides screaming at my television every time the Globetrotters were on screen, it was a decent episode. I didn't like that Brenchel won again, but I have to give Rachel props on her calligraphy skills. Is it sad that that road block was one of my favorites? I would've loved to have taken that one on, but alas, I don't think my dad and I will ever make it to the
Amazing Race. I can still dream though.
Once Upon a Time answered some questions for us this time around. We finally found out what Zelena is planning to do with all her body parts, why she wants to go back in time and who's brain she needs. How she plans on getting it is a whole other story...and it's probably not pretty. You know what else wasn't pretty? Rumple and Zelena's make-out session...EW. There was a time when I thought any romanticism with Rumple would've been gross, but I'd give anything for Brumple to be whole again, without Zelena. She's becoming an annoying wicked thorn in everyone's side, so I hope her demise is quick and painful. My favorite person from this week was definitely Regina. With her acting brave and working hard to help everyone, it's obvious that she's turned over a new leaf. Also, her kiss with Robin was AMAZING! (and so over due). Needless to say I can't wait to see what next week has to offer. Especially with Hook being so shady, now that he's pissed about the curse. Still hoping for a Emma/Hook ship to happen!

Game of Thrones was also great this week. I don't think I'm the only one who loves the dynamic between Arya and The Hound. It won't last, but I like that they hinted at Bravos as a potential ending point. I would like to know what Baelish wants to do with Sansa, but honestly I think she's safer with him. I wouldn't want to go back to King's Landing under any circumstances, even to save poor Tyrion. I definitely don't think he'll die, but his dialogue with Podrick was so moving! He really is the best squire ever. We're still not sure who actually killed Joffrey, but at this point I'm just glad he's dead. Obviously, if you've read the books, you do know who killed him, but I haven't gotten that far yet, so I think we'll find out soon. Another one of my favorite relationships is the one between Daenarys and Daario, who proved he was as badass as he claimed to be this week. From the look in her eyes at the end of that miserable excuse for a showdown, she likes what she sees. I'd ship them. There were a lot of things I didn't like about this episode though: Sam sending Gilly to that nasty brothel, Jaimie raping his sister near their dead son's body, (c'mon man, even Cersei wouldn't do that...), and those damn cannibals killing and eating everyone. Poor Stanis doesn't have a leg to stand on anymore, so I don't know why they even bothered giving him a two minute scene. Who knows what will happen next week, but from the looks of things it's going to be good.

I'd like to take this opportunity to mention something I'd like to start for the summer. I'll be reopening my book reviews page and starting a summer reading list. Now that I'll have more time to read, I can keep you guys updated on my progress and what books I'm reading through my
GoodReads page, which has become severely neglected since I started classes. I'm not sure about how much time I will give myself to read each book, but I don't really believe anyone should put a limit on reading time, so I think we'll leave that up to chance. I will be reviewing each book once I finish them, so be on the lookout for which book I will start reading first, starting as soon as I finish all my projects.
That's all for reviews this week. I think it would be good for me and all the work I have to do to take a break next week, so unless something ridiculous or miraculous happens, there won't be a blog. Sometimes you need to take a break in order to get stuff done, so that's what I'll be doing. I'll have my recaps and reviews of next week's shows and hopefully more interesting information regarding my life for May 8th. Until next time, I remain your faithful correspondent.
Oh, and this...
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