I know, it's Friday, not Thursday... I've been super busy again because I'm winding down from finals week. As of right now, I've finished almost all of my projects save for the big one: the 10-15 page literary review, (which really isn't a review of literature as much as it is an essay regarding a 21st-century writing topic). It's due Wednesday, so hopefully I can finish by then, but I'll have to be smart about time management. Because of all of this, plus work, I've been super busy as well as super tired with no willpower to do anything but sit, let alone type a blog.
Like the title suggests, I have plenty of good news to go around since my last post. Not only did I get the summer day camp counselor position I wanted, but I also got placed for my internship! Now that I have security, I can finally relax. I'll be starting summer camp training in the middle of June and teaching Freshman English starting at the end of August. I'm beyond excited about both of these opportunities so I can't wait to get started! Things are looking up.
This month is also Lupus Awareness Month, where people are encouraged to find out more about Lupus and do what they can to raise awareness. The official Lupus
website for the Lupus Foundation of America provides information on Lupus and various organizations to raise awareness and funds for Lupus research. As someone who has Lupus, this month has always been important to me in order to educate my friends and family on the severity and complexity of this chronic illness. I hope that you guys check it out and learn more about this disease. "Put On Purple"Day is May 16th, so put on something purple to raise Lupus awareness!
Now it's time for TV
spoilers and reviews!
The Amazing Race had it's ups and downs this week. I was very sad to see the cowboys go home because they had played a loyal and fair race. They just struck out on luck this week. I was really hoping to see the Blondes go home, finally, but alas, they live to race another day... Easily my favorite part of this episode was when Brenchel got pummeled by the "raging bulls" and Rachel kept whining about them being "too hard on them" just because she's a girl. Sorry hun, just because you're a girl, doesn't mean they will give you a free pass. In fact, strong women are very popular right now, so you feigning frailty isn't going to get you sympathy points. If Dave and Connor win this, I will be perfectly fine with that.
Once Upon a Time was awesome this week! The way Regina embraced her light magic really let us see that she has changed. Although I don't believe that Zelena is actually gone for good, I am impressed with Regina's resilience. What's up with the green smoke and what will happen to the necklace now that it's in Regina's vault? If Zelena regains her human form she can wreak some serious havoc in that chamber, so fingers crossed that that doesn't happen. I really loved the way Rumple proposed to Belle with his dagger. It showed her that he's literally willing to give up his life for her. But that pride turned into confusion and hatred as soon as he revealed to Zelena that he tricked Belle with a duplicate dagger so he could stab Zelena with the real one. Come on Rumple, you're FINALLY free! Neal wouldn't have wanted this to happen... I'm not sure if Emma will really end up going back to New York, but I say she stays with a last minute change of heart. Partially because of her new baby brother! No name yet, but I'm sure we'll find out this weekend. I can't wait until they have their actual real-life baby!

Game of Thrones was alright this week. Not my favorite episode, but definitely suspenseful. I was REALLY hoping that Bran would yell out to Jon, but I know why he didn't. Jon will be kicking himself if he ever finds out that they were there that whole time and didn't say anything. Jon was reunited with his long-lost dire wolf, which was very touching. I want a Stark family reunion! (whoever is left I guess...). Sansa looked downright terrified at Lisa's emotional rampage and who can blame her? Now she has to bunk up with the crazies and I feel really bad for her right now. I think the only truly innocent character right now is Tommen, the poor bastard. I like the relationship he has with Margaery and I think they would work well together. I also enjoyed watching Arya practice her swordsmanship while with the Hound. She seems like she's gotten so much better and I can't wait to see her strike out on her own and kill everyone on her list.
That's all I have for this week. I saw
Amazing Spider Man 2 last weekend and it was wicked good! I would definitely recommend it. There has also been an announcement that they are rebooting the
Mighty Morphin Power Ranger movie! It's still in the beginning stages and a lot is unknown as of now, but I'm still excited about it. They will most likely not use the original cast, (for obvious reasons), but I would bet money on Jason David Frank making at least a cameo appearance. This weekend is Mother's Day, so I will be spending time with my mom, cooking, baking and drinking lots of wine! Until next time, I remain your faithful correspondent.
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