Hey everyone! I apologize, (again), for not posting on Tuesday. I've had a lot going on and I've gotten back to working on my unfinished colloquium, which is supposed to be done at the beginning of December. That being said, I'm going to try to make an effort to remember to post on the days I've set aside, if not for your sake, then for mine, just to have some sort of distraction at least. I'll be moving my Nerd Alert to next Tuesday and in the meantime I thought that today could be a recap of the TV I've been catching up on. We're talking
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D and
Although I don't have cable, I do have a Hulu and a Netflix account, (like any normal person would), but that means I have to watch my shows the day after they air, which puts me at a slight disadvantage. Regardless, my husband and I try to get caught up as soon as possible and we just caught up with
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D last night. Oh my Lord has it gotten complicated! For those of you who aren't aware,
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D follows a team of people from the Marvel universe who work closely with the Marvel superheroes and tie in directly with The Avengers, etc. We're entering season three now and things have gone haywire from where they started in season one. Season two's finale tied in directly with the beginning of
Avengers: Age of Ultron, which was awesome! Marvel is working to connect the cinematic and television universes together and they are doing a great job so far. Beyond this point are
SPOILERS galore, so aver your eyes, unless you're an Inhuman!
Anyway, season two also ended with Simmons getting sucked into an inter-dimensional alien portal monolith, (otherwise known as a giant, black rock which can liquefy at random). At the beginning of this season, we see Fitz attempting to discover the mysteries of the alien stone and try to get his true love out of her prison. We find out that she's actually alive at the end of the first episode of this season, which aroused more questions, like where the hell is she? We also get introduced to the Advanced Threat Containment Unit, (ATCU), created by the government to fill the empty hole left by the destruction of the old S.H.I.E.L.D. Episode two saw more of Fitz scrambling to get into the portal, breaking an old Asgardian ally out of prison to travel to a remote English castle to experiment with ancient technology. Needless to say it was risky business, but Fitz was willing to do anything to get Simmons back. Meanwhile, Skye/Daisy, (I'm never going to get used to her name change), is still searching for Lincoln, who's now on the run from everybody, thanks to this new agency attempting to flush him out with press coverage. We see Simmons and Fitz finally reunited after a harrowing rescue ordeal with the help of Daisy's quake abilities. Episode three saw Simmons in recovery mode, trying to fight off the horror of surviving that hell hole mystery planet. Fitz tries to show her that he's kept everything as she left it, but Bobbi mentions that maybe she needs some change, something different to make her feel more comfortable and move on from her ordeal. So, naturally, Fitz uses his long-standing reservation at a nice restaurant to clear the air, only she spends the evening crying on his shoulder. The ATCU is still on the hunt for Lincoln and that poor bastard can't trust anybody but Daisy now, so he ends up giving in and finally asking for help, but not before he accidentally kills a friend of his. And kisses Daisy, which I've wanted to happen for awhile now and I'm SO GLAD it did! But now they have to find him again... Also, Ward is back in the picture, trying to reform Hydra with the son of von Strucker. This should be a very interesting season indeed.

Arrow has only had two episodes so far and I've only seen the first one, (we'll be catching up tonight with
Flash and
Arrow). Season three saw the disengagement of the team Oliver led with him fleeing into suburbia to a life of quiet and quiche. That didn't last long. Season four begins with the gang disarming a truck full of vagrants, with Speedy, aka Thea, joining their task force in a nice red getup. Soon they discover this goes far over their heads and the city is now in danger, thanks to Damien Dahrk, the villain of season four. I've heard he's a force to be reckoned with in the comics, so we'll see if that plays out in the show, but so far, I fear him completely. He has some modifications to the comic version of himself, including mystic powers far beyond those of most professional human beings, which incapacitate his victims easily, including Oliver. We see Oliver attempt to propose to Felicity before being interrupted by Laurel and Diggle, asking for his help. I really hope it doesn't take him the whole season to propose to her or I'm literally going to scream. We've been waiting for this for FOUR SEASONS NOW GUYS. Also, what concerns me is the end scene, with Oliver at a grave site in the near future, six months from the present. We don't see whose grave it is, but Oliver swears painful vengeance on whoever is responsible for the death. WHO COULD IT BE?!? I can't even begin to discuss the theories I have for this cliff hanger. For one, it could be Felicity, just because the CW people are cruel and refuse to satisfy the fan shipping we all want to happen and to destroy Oliver once and for all. Another option would be Diggle, since his warrior outfit is literally the worst and he still has to forgive Oliver for what he did to his family last season, so there's obvious tension there. Then there's Thea, an obvious choice because it's his only remaining family and it would devastate him to lose his beloved sister. Those are my three choices for who ends up dying, probably by the end of the season, so we'll have a lot of time to think about it before they actually show us who it is. I'm excited and frustrated at the same time.

So there you have it, my recap and slight reviews of
Arrow and
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D so far. I'm looking forward to following these series this season because I feel like they've both reached their apex. It can only get better from here. I've also reached season three in The Vampire Diaries after only a week of excessive late-night Netflix binge-watching. I've even hooked my husband into watching it with me, (against his better judgement). I'm addicted now, so if I keep going like this I should be able to catch up before the newer seventh season is over. Fingers crossed! What about you guys? Do you watch
Arrow or
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D?
Vampire Diaries? Thoughts on any and all of these shows can be left down in the comments! Until next time, I remain your faithful correspondent.
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