Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Sauce, Cheese and Anchovies

    Happy Tuesday everyone!  I hope everyone had a great weekend!  My husband and I went to go see How to Train Your Dragon 2 on Sunday night and it was AWESOME!  Even if you haven't seen the first one, go see it, (although it would be great if you could see the first one beforehand).  Even if you're an adult, it's still a great movie.

    We also went out to dinner with my parents for sushi, (one of our favorite foods), to chat about some things, one being moving in with them next year when our lease is up.  My husband and I had been discussing plans to build our own house and how we would go about doing that.  We don't want to settle and I'd like to make sure the next place we move to is at least somewhat more permanent.  In order to save up the money we'd need and plan out our strategy, we believe this is our best chance to really live our ideal life.  They would be converting almost the entire upstairs into a livable space, complete with a common area, full bathroom and bedroom.  We can even park in the same driveway, which we haven't been able to do for as long as we've known each other.  So by this time next year, we will be moving in with my mother in our own little "apartment" upstairs.  I'm excited about the opportunity and I can't wait to see what's in store for us in the future, as usual.

    So far my health has been much better, considering the conditions I've had to work in.  Camp has been stressful, but great these past few days.  Sometimes I can't wait until the weekend, but I've met a ton of cool kids and I will miss them next session.  The bus route has been the most stressful and problematic part of my day, what with all the kids, less help and constant noise and interruptions, (sometimes from fellow staff members...), sometimes it's difficult to sustain my patience.  I'm hoping this week will serve as somewhat of a practice round and I will be better prepared for the two week session that starts next week.  I'm hoping to find my camp spirit sometime soon, since it's been buried for several years.

    This week it's only The Bachelorette I have reviews for, so keep reading for some SPOILERS.  This week they were in Italy and I feel like they did every stereotypical thing you should do in Italy.  Nothing overly exciting, but Italy is still one of my top places to visit.  I was sad to see Cody go, (even though he's dull as dirt, he was still really cute with the way he hoped for love).  Nick annoyed me almost the entire time, as usual, and Josh made me regret putting him in my top 5 list.  I didn't like the lie detector test solely based on the fact that she didn't even bother reading the results.  Total waste of time!  I would've been all over that if I were her, but alas, I'm not.  I was also sad to see JJ go, but you really couldn't see him getting any farther anyway.  My top 3 is still Chris, Marcus and probably Brian or Josh, (I don't really like Brian either, but Josh seems to be more her type, so he's still in there, unfortunately).  I'm still holding out for Dylan to be a bit more interesting, or perhaps even less like a piece of wood, but just because he's my Bostonian guy.  We'll see what next week holds I guess.
    That's it for me this week.  I've been really busy again, (get used to hearing that all summer), so you're lucky I even posted.  I just didn't want to slack off on it again.  There is a brand new trailer, (FINALLY), for the new Ninja Turtle movie, so I've linked that video below.  It was the highlight of my day, so I hope it eases your suspicions just a little.  Until next time, I remain your faithful correspondent.

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