Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Shadowhunters Review

    I hope everyone is having a good week so far!  I'm making an attempt to post at least once this week just so I feel accomplished.  As you all know, I've been eagerly waiting for the arrival of "Shadowhunters" on Free Form, which used to be ABC Family.  Unfortunately I didn't have time to post about it last night because I ended up watching not just the first episode, but the SECOND one as well!  I downloaded the new Free Form app on my phone in order to access the second episode, which they unlocked for those people who had the app.  I will be reviewing both episodes here while also letting you know what I did or did not like about the show so far.  If you haven't seen either episode one or two, be prepared for spoilers below.


    I'm going to start off with the negative because I feel like it's easier to pick out what I didn't like than what I did like.  Don't get me wrong, I really enjoyed watching this show and I will definitely keep watching, however there are some things that bugged me about this pilot.  The first thing I'm going to mention is that once things moved past initial introductions, everything seemed a bit rushed, even the dialogue.  It's as if they were trying to cram too much into the pilot episode.  The second episode was a bit better tempo-wise, but still crammed with a lot.  I think a lot of people have already commented on this, so I won't elaborate any more, but I think it may have something to do with attempting to combine the first two books into this first season.  We see elements of both City of Bones and City of Ashes here in these first two episodes, so those of us who read the books may deem this to be a bad move.  I think as a show, without re-reading the books for it, is a great show and Free Form's first attempt at a really good fantasy show.  We have to remember that Cassandra Clare was directly involved with this show, so there is hope for the show to become more relaxed.


    The biggest thing I had a problem with, besides the obvious rushing of events, was the institute.  There were WAY TOO MANY PEOPLE in there!  The New York institute is supposed to be practically empty except for the Lightwoods and Hodge.  The ancient and empty institute is what made it interesting and mysterious.  Now it looks like they are raising an army in there with loads of modern technology.  The institute in the movie took my breath away with how beautiful and spot on it was visually.  This TV show one fell a little flat for me.
    I don't mind the difference in ages and I think it works better for the demographic they are trying to hit with this new launch of ABC Family as Free Form.  I don't mind Hodge as a younger guy because apparently he was younger than the rest of the Circle members in the books.  I also like how Valentine is older and looks more like a father of an 18 year old.  I also love the guy playing Valentine, (he was also in Reign as King Henry and he was AMAZING).  He had a decent amount of screen time too.
    The Silent Brother's scene from episode two bothered me a little also.  They look pretty much the same as before, although I think they could look even creepier, but that's just me.  The graveyard setting was key because they look after their dead, so the fact that this looks more like the entrance to the troll market from Hellboy is a little underwhelming.  I did enjoy the part where Jace said my favorite line from the book, "Shadowhunters: looking better in black than the widows of our enemies."


   The characters were good.  I loved the Lightwoods!  They are spot on and Alec is SO DONE WITH EVERYONE'S SHIT already, it's so perfect.  I also really liked Simon because it really felt like the Simon from the book, (not sure if that's because Alberto has read the books and is actually a fan girl like the rest of us, but it could be).  I also like Luke, even though they've deviated from his original profession.  I even liked Raphael, for the short time he was in the second episode.  Dom looks great as Jace, but I honestly think that Jamie Campbell Bower was a better Jace at this point.  Jace is sarcastic, witty, narcissistic, and rude.  It was almost as if Dom was holding back a lot, so I'm hoping he gets more comfortable with himself as Jace as the show moves forward.  Some of the dialogue was straight from the books while some of it was really corny at times, so they have to find that happy medium.  Clary felt mostly true to her character for me, but there were times where I feel like she accepted everything that was going on too easily.  She really just went along with Jace without asking too many questions.  I understand that she's in it for her mom and that's all she cares about, but shouldn't all of this be a bit more overwhelming at first?  I can understand her coming to terms with her new status in the second or third episode, but she shouldn't just be able to jump right into being a Shadowhunter.  Can we mention Jocelyn for a minute?  She's a complete bad ass and I totally approve.  She's still unwilling to introduce Clary to the Shadow world, but she is willing to kill demons to protect her, instead of acting helpless.  Also, definitely not enough Magnus for me.


    The second episode was better than the pilot.  They had a decent introduction to the vampires, but I'm wondering if they're going to turn Simon this early in the season or if they'll wait it out a few more episodes.  Obviously they're going to have to attempt a rescue mission in the third episode which may or may not involve Magnus's help, so we'll see how that goes.

    Overall, I think this show has potential.  There were some great lines in these first two episodes, (including the one above),  many nods to the books while also recognizing this as their "translation" of them, and a little bit of action.  I really hope they have the fight in the vampire den as a part of this series because I'd love to see more vampires vs. werewolves up in here.  This is how I see everyone's inner dialogue, based solely on the first two episodes:
  Jace: How's my hair?
  Isabelle: *looks at everyone like they have a secret to keep and she knows it*
  Alec: I CAN'T EVEN.
  Simon: What the actual fuck?
    I'm really excited about this series and I will not be deterred from watching because of only the first two episodes.  Yes, there are some things I didn't like or that didn't feel right to me, but that's because it's a pilot.  After watching both episodes I can say that the second one felt better than the first, so I'm hoping that trend continues throughout the series.  I may or may not be posting every week about this show, but I will keep you posted on definite likes and dislikes that need to be addressed as they come up.  What did you think?  Do we have similar opinions about the show so far?  What would you like to see in future episodes?  Is anyone else counting down until Malec?!??  Let's discuss in the comments below!  Until next time, I remain your faithful correspondent.

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

January TBR

    Hello, and welcome to 2016!  So far so good on this end, although I've been battling a pretty nasty cold.  I apologize in advance if I don't end up posting Thursday, but I've been pretty busy on top of being sick, planning my little sister's baby shower for next weekend.  Forgive me if I'm a little scatter-brained!  I'm here today to bring you my list of books I'll be attempting to read this month.  Seeing as I only read about 3 books last month, I'll only try to tackle 4 or 5 this month.  We'll see if I can get to them all.


    The Warrior Heir by Cinda Williams Chima is the first book in Chima's older, (first?), 5-book fantasy series.  I had originally planned to read this book a few months ago, but never got around to it.  But now I have time!  This book follows a boy named Jack, who is a high school teenager with a heart defect.  One day he skips his very important medicine and actually feels great, superior even to his old self.  He then gets thrown into a secret underground world filled with wizards and enchanters and warriors who live among us normal humans.  I've already started this book and I'm about 200 pages in.  At this point, I'm not loving it as much as Chima's Demon King series, but I'm going to try to read a few more hundred pages before I give up on it.  I'm just not that into it at the moment, but we'll see if that changes by the end of the month.


    Falling Kingdoms by Morgan Rhodes is a fantasy series I've heard a lot of great things about.  It's been on my TBR shelf for awhile and now that I have access to it through the library I work at, I can finally read it!  This first book introduces the reader to the three kingdoms of Mytica and their struggle to keep the peace between their realms.  Four very different people in each of the kingdoms become intertwined in the fate of the ruined world.  I think the idea of telling the same story from four different perspectives seems interesting and I've liked other books that have done that as well, so I have high hopes for this one!


    Daughter of Smoke and Bone by Laini Taylor just seems like a wild ride!  This is another books I've heard a lot of great things about and the last book in this series came out last year, so I'm looking forward to starting it fresh.  This is also another story about demons and angels I guess, which perked my interest, considering my current obsession with Shadowhunters.  This story takes place in Prague and follows Karou, a budding art student with bright blue hair who gets involved with the wrong sort.  Akiva, a haunted but beautiful soul, will no doubt change Karou's life forever.  The synopsis on the book doesn't really give much away, but I kind of like that because I have no idea what this book is really about other than from what I've heard from other people who've read it already.  Really excited to pick this one up!


    Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard: Sword of Summer by Rick Riordan is the first book in Riordan's new middle grade series, which came out last fall.  I am one of those people who've never read Percy Jackson, but what drew me to this particular book was the tie in with vikings and Norse mythology, which is very interesting to me, and the fact that the book takes place partially in Boston, which is my home city.  I recently picked up this book while I was at work and just leafed through all the titles of the chapters and I DIED LAUGHING.  I can't wait to read this and I can't wait it's taken me this long to put it on my TBR.  THAT COVER THOUGH.


   Clockwork Prince by Cassandra Clare, because I really haven't gotten enough of this series and I'm TRYING to prepare myself for the SHADOWHUNTERS premiere in A WEEK GUYS.  IT'S OFFICIALLY A WEEK AWAY!!  If you still, for some reason, haven't read my synopsis or review of this book already, click the link here or forever hold your peace.  Still keeping track and posting the funniest quotes I find from the books, so hit me up on Instagram to check it out!  I'll be compiling a huge list and posting it to here, maybe this month, once I'm finished gathering the funniest quotes I can find.  Stay tuned!

    There you have it, my  condensed TBR for January.  I feel sad that I can't read as much as I could over the summer, but it will only get more difficult when I start classes at the end of the month.  I'm also trying to pay attention to what I want to read versus what I'm forcing myself to read, hence why I may abort that first book to make room for others.  Always follow your reading instincts!  Until next time, I remain your faithful correspondent.