Thursday, February 4, 2016

February TBR

    Hello all! So today I'm bringing you my February TBR.  As I discussed in my previous post, I will most likely not be posting more than twice a month at this point based on the way my course work is going, (I'm still behind, but quickly catching up!).  I may choose to post a little something regarding Shadowhunters if something crazy happens, but other than that, expect just a wrap-up and TBR from me each month.  That being said, I wanted to do something a little different for this month.  Since I have no idea when I'll be able to read again or what will be available at the library, (which is where I've been getting most of my reading material as of late), I wanted to list a few books that I may end up reading this month and in the wrap-up reveal which ones actually made the cut.  I know it's a bit unorthodox, but I feel like it's the safest way to post a TBR without disappointing everyone at the end of the month when they find out I went totally off script, (like I did in October/November with The Mortal Instruments...)  Since I'm sure that I can't make time to read more than two or three books at this point, here are four books on my radar for February.


    Rebel Spring by Morgan Rhodes is the second book in the Falling Kingdoms series.  I read the first book last month and loved it, so I'm obviously going to continue with the series.  Without revealing too many spoilers for those of you who haven't read it or haven't heard of it, we left off in Falling Kingdoms with an uprising led by King Gaius, leaving Mytica in shambles as Gaius attempts to merge all three kingdoms into one, led by himself.  Rebel Spring takes place directly after the events of the first book, with Cleo imprisoned in her own castle, Magnus vying for his father's attentions, Lucia discovering her long-dormant powers and Jonas attempting to counter the effects of the uprising with his rebel group.  I'm really enjoying the action and alternative perspectives in this book, so I don't think it'll disappoint me.  I currently have this book with me, so it's likely that I'll actually read it as well.


    Prudence by Gail Carriger is a brand new series for me.  It was recommended by a former staff member of my library and it seemed like my kind of book, so I thought I would give it a try.  This is the first book in The Custard Protocol adult urban fantasy series, which I believe will be at least a trilogy.  It just came out last year and takes place some years after the events of Carriger's first series, The Parasol Protectorate.  Carriger also has a young adult series starting with the book Etiquette and Espionage, which I may pick up as well.  The Custard Protocol series follows a woman named Prudence, (or Rue), as she embarks on a rather pointless journey to India to get tea.  She runs into some supernatural beings and a mysterious plot involving kidnapping along the way.  This series seems to have both elements of steam punk nature as well as supernatural elements, such as vampires and werewolves.  Throw in a Victorian era vibe and some wit and you've hooked me immediately.  Just from reading the synopsis, I'm having flashbacks to my Confessions of Georgia Nicolson series days, which were HILARIOUS, so I'm hoping for more humor than drama in this book.  I also have this book partially in my grasp, so we'll see if I can hold onto it long enough to read it.


    Daughter of Smoke and Bone by Laini Taylor is a book I've been TRYING to read for what feels like months now!  I originally made plans to read this book last month, however the person who currently has this book out from the library has yet to return it and has accrued a hefty late fee in the process.  Needless to say I requested it elsewhere, which means it should be in soon.  I've already blurbed this book, so I'll be brief.  It involves demons and angels, art students, magic and urban fantasy.  I've heard nothing but great things about this series, so I'm really eager to dive in!


    Another book that I've been meaning to read sooner but couldn't get my hands on is Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard: The Sword of Summer by Rick Riordan.  This book has been on my radar ever since I saw that beautiful cover grace my bookshelves at the bookstore where I worked this summer.  I've already read the chapter titles and they were hilarious, so I can't wait to see what the rest of the book has to offer.  This will be my first middle grade book since Harry Potter I think, so we'll see how I feel about that.  Also, I'm a little worried that I won't like the "young-troubled-boy-is-actually-a-descendant-of-greatness-and-gets-sucked-into-a-powerful-battle-against-his-will" trope that I didn't really enjoy in The Warrior Heir.  I'm hoping I can get more into this one since there are vikings, Norse mythology and Boston involved, as well as a lot more humor.  Even though I've never read any other books by Riordan, I'm excited to start my Riordan collection with this particular book.

    Alright, those are my tentative plans for reading in the month of February.  Like I said, I have some of these books already, but I can't hold them forever.  My studies obviously come first, so we'll see what I can make time for.  I really want to at least finish Rebel Spring, so anything after that is gravy as far as I'm concerned.  I also have more going on this month besides school.  My little sister is having her first child and her due date is tomorrow, (!!!!), so I'll be on baby watch this weekend.  I miss reading as much as I did this summer, so hopefully things will settle down soon!  Until next time, I remain your faithful correspondent.

Monday, February 1, 2016

January Wrap-Up

    Hey guys!  I'm sorry for being MIA for awhile.  I just started online classes and I ended up having a huge work load.  That being said, I will most likely be cutting my posts back to just two or three times a month.  I need to put all my focus on my studies in order to get caught up, (because I'm already behind after one week), and I really don't want to screw this up.  I will be attempting to keep up with my TBRs and wrap-ups for each month until classes are over in May, however my reading has also been suffering due to my coursework.  I was only able to complete two books this month, not for lack of trying.  One of the books I wanted to read is still on hold at the library because whoever had it last still hasn't returned it...  So I'm going to also try harder to make time to read this month in order to curb my insanity.  I'm hoping I can still make time to discuss more Shadowhunters and other TV shows when I have the time, but for now this is what my schedule will probably end up looking like.  Anyway, let's get on with the books I read this month!


    The Warrior Heir by Cinda Williams Chima was a book series I was so looking forward to reading, since I loved her Demon King series.  Unfortunately, this one fell a little flat for me.  It took me until well after 200 pages to get at least mildly interested in what was going on and even after that, my heart still wasn't in it.  I think the premise is similar to Riordan's Percy Jackson series, but not as well executed.  It was difficult to picture the setting and get attached to any of the characters.  No one stood out to me as "likable," except for maybe Will or Linda.  I was really disappointed that I couldn't get into it.  It took up a lot of this month's reading time, so I probably should have ditched it when I had the chance, but I like seeing things through to the end, even if it's not satisfying.  I gave this book 2.5/3 out of 5 stars.  I probably won't continue with this series.


    Falling Kingdoms by Morgan Rhodes was definitely a more satisfying read!  This series has been on my TBR for awhile and I'm still on my fantasy kick, so I decided to pick it up in the hopes that it would tear me away from the Infernal Devices series, (still working on it).  I was hooked right away, which was a stark contrast to the previous book.  I loved all the different perspectives of all the different characters and I loved all the drama.  The settings were solid with their descriptions and even felt familiar.  The characters are what really drive this story and they were both likable and not likable at the same time in their own ways.
    -Poor Magnus!  I think I'm probably the only one who actually likes Magnus as a character.  I felt bad for him more than anything, mostly for everything that's happened with his father and between him and Lucia.  This is such a Jace/Clary situation, but with a very different, (and more realistic), outcome.  The abuse he's gone through, both mentally and physically, basically drives him to where he is at the end of the book, so I'm hoping that by the end of the series there's some redemption for him.
    -Jonas also seems like a poor, unfortunate soul.  I wanted to kill that noble bastard too, but I think Jonas is regretting his decisions about where he put his trust.  Obviously he's going to go looking for revenge where ever he can find it, and I don't blame him for that.  I also noticed his feelings regarding Cleo changing drastically from the beginning to the end of this book, which felt rather odd to me.  You don't hate someone and then dream about them all the time and wonder where they are.  I'm sensing a ship in his future.
    -Cleo is the most stupid twit I've ever read about.I basically couldn't even deal with her until the very end.  Cleo also reminds me of Clary in the sense that she's stubborn and will throw herself into situations without realizing how dangerous it is.  I do feel badly that she's on her own now, but maybe that will teach her to buck up and live a rougher life than she's used to.  Sometimes having everything taken away from you makes you a stronger person, so hopefully she matures...quickly.  Also, I never believed in the whole Cleo/Theon thing, although it was reminiscent of  a Celaena/Aelin and Chaol situation.  I don't think they developed that relationship enough to make me care about them in the end.  A lot of other literary connections in this book!
    -Lucia, my precious cinnamon roll!  She basically spent her whole life living a lie and then gets thrust into doing magic for everyone.  She seems a bit dim, but towards the end I could tell that she's actually smart, but maybe chooses not to speak too much of her own mind.  I can understand her not wanting her brother that way, but I still kind of hated her for pushing him away and making him so angry.
    Overall, I really enjoy this series and I'll be reading the next book this month.  I gave Falling Kingdoms 4 out of 5 stars.

    That's it for the books I read this month.  Pathetic, I know, but maybe I'll get to three next month.  I'm currently re-reading Clockwork Prince because I needed something to read while I waited for my new books to come in from the library.  I'm still posting my favorite passages to Instagram, so follow me there!  On Thursday I'm hoping to bring you my TBR for February.  Until next time, I remain your faithful correspondent.