Thursday, March 3, 2016

March TBR

    Hello again!  Welcome back.  As promised, I've returned to give you my March TBR.  It's not impressive by any means, but they are books I'm looking forward to reading, so let's get started!

    The first book I'm planning to read, (or finish), this month is Prudence, which is book one in The Custard Protocol series by Gail Carriger.  I already went into some detail on this book in my previous post because I'm currently in the process of reading it, so you can check out my thoughts so far down below.  I am enjoying it so far, but I can't wait to get to the other two books on my list!


    A Gathering of Shadows by V.E. Schwab came for me in the mail yesterday, after pre-ordering it MONTHS ago.  The cover art is just as stunning in person and I literally cannot wait to dive into this book.  For those of you who aren't aware, this is the second book in Schwab's adult fantasy series, A Darker Shade of Magic, which follows the adventures of a magician named Kell and his friend Delilah Bard through alternative versions of London.  This book takes place four months after the dramatic events of the first book and Kell is left attempting to return to normal in his home of Red London as the kingdom prepares for a magical competition amid dark powers rising from a long-dead alternative universe.  This is one of the most original fantasy series I've ever read and I'm seriously invested in these characters, so I can't wait to see what happens in this next installment.  I literally have no idea what's going to happen, so I'm excited to find out for myself!  I mean LOOK AT THAT COVER ART THOUGH.


    Lastly, but not least, I have Lady Midnight by Cassandra friggin Clare FINALLY comes out this month.  This is probably one of my most anticipated books of the year besides A Court of Mist and Fury.  LADY MIDNIGHT COMES OUT IN 5 DAYS GUYS.  5 DAYS!!!  Shadowhunters are back y'all, and they are in Los Angeles for this one.  This new series takes place five years after the events of City of Heavenly Fire from The Mortal Instruments series.  Emma's parents have been killed and she's still trying to figure out how when a long-lost family member returns at a price to help the Fair Folk regain what was lost to them in the war.  I'm already thoroughly invested in the Blackthorns and their predicament, not to mention the lone Carstairs giving me the Jem feels all over again.  I just can't wait to immerse myself in more of this world.  It's honestly an addiction guys.  I think I need help...

    Those are all the books I'm going to try to attempt this month.  I'm hoping I can get to all of them.  I've been having trouble keeping up with my reading, but I will definitely be plowing through those last two as soon as I can.  Also, at this point, I believe we're a little more than half way through Shadowhunters, so I'll try to post a review/recap at some point before posting my wrap-up for March, but I'm not promising anything.  Until next time, I remain your faithful correspondent.

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