Friday, June 17, 2016

May Wrap-Up

    Hey everyone.  I know it's like the middle of the month, but I've been way busier with schoolwork than I anticipated (summer courses, amirite?).  Anyway, since I completely missed the beginning of the month, I thought I would grace you guys with at least one blog post this month.  Unfortunately, I don't think I'll be getting to a June TBR, but that just means I'll be doing a mystery wrap-up, hopefully on time this time.  I read four books in May, so let's get started!


    This book was EVERYTHING I HAD HOPED IT WOULD BE AND SO MUCH MORE.  Honestly, I'm not even kidding when I say this was already the best book I read this year.  A Court of Mist and Fury certainly lived up to all the hype.  This book tackled all the issues that weren't really present (but possibly hinted at) in the first installment of this series.  We see Feyre and other characters struggling with PTSD after the events that took place in ACOTAR.  I was surprised to see so many relevant social issues addressed in this YA fantasy book.  I LOVED the character development and it really propelled the story forward.  All of the new characters and their backgrounds were really fun to read and I loved the dynamic among all of them (Night Court squad goals for sure).  The story line began very similarly to ACOTAR with Feyre being taken against her will as per the bargain she made with Rhysand in the previous book.  Without giving too much away, the characters all learn a lot more about themselves, their abilities and their feelings throughout this book.  I couldn't put it down and I immediately began re-reading it upon finishing.  I laughed, ugly-cried and screamed during this book, so you probably will too.  Sarah J. Maas does not disappoint.  She is my queen.  Rhys is the fae version of Will Herondale (FIGHT ME).  10 out of 5 stars.  Take me to the Night Court forever please.


    Tell the Wind and Fire was a book I was hesitant about at first, but decided to read anyway.  I have mixed feelings about it.  For one, the beginning is very slow and I wasn't entirely sold on this futuristic version of New York City.  Despite the fact that it was set in a place I've been to, I still had trouble picturing the entire setting.  The characters were also not relatable and sometimes downright frustrating to read about.  Some of the choices the characters make throughout the book made me want to scream.  I really only liked Carwyn because he was the ONLY character with substance and personality.  I ate up the end of this book.  The last five or so chapters went by very quickly and I found myself unable to put the book down.  The ending was sad but expected, based on the original.  I wanted to like it more than I did because it was advertised as a retelling of A Tale of Two Cities and like the sucker I am for The Infernal Devices, I dove into it without thinking.  Maybe if I had actually read the original, I would have liked it more?  Maybe not.  I ended up giving this a 2.5 out of 5 stars.


    Gathering Darkness and Frozen Tides are the third and fourth books in the Falling Kingdom series.  These books were very different in the aspect of plot and had more character development for certain characters.  Gathering Darkness moved a bit slower for me than Frozen Tides, but they are both middle books in a series, so it's to be expected.  This series is all about the characters and is very similar to Game of Thrones and other books that follow multiple perspectives, which really makes the series interesting.  I really liked the development of Cleo and Magnus (I am so Team Magnus's Happiness).  I've begun to hate Jonas more than I wanted to, but his character has become very annoying and he's definitely not the same rebel he was in the first book.  I think all of the failure he's experiencing is ruining his spirit, but I'm hoping his luck turns around in book five, which will come out this fall.  I love this series because everything can change so quickly and you never know what's going to happen.  We get to visit a different kingdom in Frozen Tides, so it was interesting to see a different side of this world we haven't seen before.  I'm eagerly awaiting the next book!  I gave Gathering Darkness a 4 out of 5 stars and Frozen Tides a 4.5 out of 5 stars.

    Those are all the books I read in May.  Like I said before, I'll be doing a June wrap-up at the end of this month and prepping my July reading list for the summer very soon.  Right now it looks like I'll be reviewing at least two books, so you'll have to wait and see which ones I chose.  I can't wait to have a chance to read more!  I'll also hopefully have time to blog a little more.  I'll be starting to blog for my library on their reader's advisory blog for the books I've been reading, so stay tuned for more information on that.  Have a great Father's Day weekend everyone!  Until next time, I remain your faithful correspondent.

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