Monday, September 5, 2016

September TBR

    Welcome back!  I can't believe it's already September.  This month always signifies the start of fall, which is my favorite month of the year, and not just because of the weather and the cider donuts.  September also has a lot of great releases for books usually, so I'm eager to get my hands on a few of those in the coming weeks.  I officially start classes this week and I'm actually pretty excited about both of my courses, so hoping to incorporate some of what I'm reading for fun into my coursework.  Here's my modest list of books I hope to get to this month.


    And I Darken by Kiersten White has one of the most beautiful covers I've ever seen.  I MEAN LOOK AT THAT COVER GUYS.  I really hope this is on ongoing theme for the other covers that will grace this series.  Artwork aside, I have had my eye on this book since it was announced.  The premise intrigued me and obviously the cover had me at hello, so I had to pick this up.  A not-exactly-entirely-accurate YA historical fiction focusing on a gender-swapped Vlad the Impaler?  Shut up and take my money.  I started this book on September 1st and I'm about half way through and I can safely say that I'll be reading the sequel.  The characters are really intriguing (and somewhat annoying at times) and I'm really interested in where the story is going, based on historical facts and the author's interpretation.  Definitely enjoying this one so far!


    Empire of Storms by Sarah J. Maas is coming out TOMORROW AND HONESTLY I CAN'T WAIT ANOTHER SECOND.  I will be driving to the book store directly after work to buy this immediately and start devouring it with my eyes.  If you aren't already aware, I'm a HUGE Maas fan and I think I can speak for everyone in this fandom when I say that we've been waiting for book #5 for what seems like forever, (when in reality it's probably only been a year which is a totally acceptable deadline for Queen Maas I guess but whatever).  If you're new to this or haven't even read Throne of Glass yet and have been living a lie under a rock somewhere, then I'll very briefly summarize.  Celaena Sardothien, the best assassin in the realm, is given the opportunity to prove her worth in a contest to become the King's Champion, setting in motion a bunch of shit that hits the proverbial fan with both glorious and terrifying repercussions.  At this point I can't say much without spoiling everything, but there's a lot of Fae, hand-to-hand combat, romance, murder, court intrigue, and witty banter, which is basically everything you need in a high-fantasy series.  Plus a kick-ass protagonist with a score to settle and a taste for luxury isn't bad either.  Do yourself a favor if you haven't and start from the beginning; you won't be disappointed.


    The Winner's Curse by Marie Rutkowski came out what feels like a million years ago but everyone has been telling me that I'll love it so I decided why the heck not?  This series follows a girl named Kestrel, who lives in a realm that values war above all other things.  Kestrel is a general's daughter who's fate seems already sealed, until she buys an unusual slave at an auction.  Soon everything she has worked for is being threatened and she must sacrifice everything in the name of love.  Seems like your typical plot structure for a court-centered YA fantasy novel, but I'm willing to give it a shot, even if I can already tell where it'll lead me.  Better late than never!

    Alrighty, those are all the books that I'm committing to this month.  Are you excited for Empire of Storms?  Have you read The Winner's Curse already?  What did you think?  What are you all reading this month?  Let me know in the comments and I'll catch you all later!  Until next time, I remain your faithful correspondent.

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