That's right, I'm officially DONE with my fall semester! One more semester to go before my full-year internship next year. It seems like I still have so much to do, but I also feel like I'm in the home's a weird feeling I can't really explain. It doesn't seem like much, but I know that when I'm really done, it'll be for good. Until then, I'll be enjoying my winter vacation as best I can and looking forward to another great semester in January.
(Does this look plowed to you?)
Apparently the weather is against us up here in New Hampshire. Did I mention it's not supposed to get above 20 degrees today?! We had a mild blizzard this past weekend where we got at least a foot of snow in some places and we're expected to get more snow this afternoon, so I might be snowed in again today. I don't mind too much, I just hate clearing off my car... My husband is one of those guys who feels obligated to shovel everyone out so that the other tenants can get to where they need to go. Just based on that, I know I bagged myself a good one. Thanks to the shoddy work the plowing company did on our driveway, (or didn't do). I'm grateful that my own spot is clear, but as for the other two tenants, they have to shovel themselves out I guess. You had one job plow guys.

So far in our decorating endeavors we added a few things to our collection. A nice door mount complete with white poinsettias and pine cones as well as some twinkly icicle lights to hang somewhere in our living room. Unfortunately, we're in desperate need of more outlets and extension cords. Luckily my father hooked us up with an extra power strip, so we might be able to plug our tree and the lights into that, but we'll see when it's all done. I'll be sure to take more pictures!

This week is special to me not only because finals are over, but because my birthday is on Thursday! I will be 24 and I know that's not a huge deal or anything, but I definitely feel it this time. Because my birthday is in December, I've always been bombarded with storms and winter weather, ruining any real plans. This year it looks like I'll be free from the torment of Father Winter and finally be able to enjoy my birthday. So far I have plans with my father for breakfast and his famous pancakes, finishing up my Christmas shopping, a lovely trip down to Boston for a nice dinner date with my husband and spending some quality time with my mother, whom I haven't actually seen on my birthday in about six years. My birthday memories with her are my fondest; she used to call me out of school and we'd go wherever I wanted all day. I'm really excited to get to spend time with her again. It's been far too long.
So that's my recap for the past few days. I'm really looking forward to all the fun things I'll get to do this week and knowing Christmas is literally right around the corner makes it even sweeter! I'm so excited this year and now I feel like I can finally enjoy the holidays! Christmas cards have been sent, (major wife points right there), and presents have begun to be wrapped, so it's only a matter of time! Our first Christmas as husband and wife has been so rewarding to me thus far, and it'll only get better:) Check out Thursday's Blogmas post where I will list my Top 5 Christmas movies! Until next time, I remain your faithful Christmas correspondent.
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