So now that it's almost over, everyone is reminiscing about the past year and the highlights that mean the most to them. As I have had a pretty stellar year, I guess I'll do the same. These are the best moments from my 2013, counting down to the best:)
Substituting has become one of the best decisions I have ever made. Honestly, I didn't think I'd ever become a teacher, but after I got more invested in my degree and experimented with substitute teaching, I grew to love the kids at my school and I will be very sad when I have to leave them for my internship next year. I've become fond of the middle school environment and I'm excited to see where the new year takes me and my career.
I got a chance to go zip-lining with my in-laws this fall and it was a great experience. If you know me at all, I'm terrified of heights, so this was also a huge challenge for me. However, I had a ton of support from my new family and they helped me through it. There were moments where I was more scared than excited, but I would still do it again if given the opportunity and I urge anyone thinking about it to do the same. So much fun!

This year my husband and I got to go to two amazing Comic Conventions in New England. We went to the Boston Comic Con and then the Rhode Island Comic Con, which were both packed with books, celebrities, costumes and more. I had never been to one before, but my husband wants to go into that line of business some day and let me tell you, if he does, I would have absolutely no problem going to any of those with him to support him. They are nice people, the literary works are intricate and the artists are extraordinary, so it's definitely an experience worth having. I'm looking forward to visiting more in 2014.

We moved from Dover to Exeter to Newmarket, NH this year. It was stressful, but totally worth it. We went from living with other people to living with my father to finally living on our own. Sometimes we need to move back home, just for a little while, to get back on your feet and set your affairs in order. For now we're happy in our tiny apartment, but we're patiently waiting for a chance to get a house. You have to start small to move up.
St. Louis was an awesome highlight for my 2013. We went for business, but if you had been there you could barely tell. It was one of the most fun trips I've been on and I would do it again in a heartbeat. So many genuinely nice people in one place, such good food and great sight-seeing made for a great mini vacation. Hopefully I get more chances to travel in 2014.

I graduated in 2013! It doesn't feel like it because I'm still in school for my Masters, but I obtained a Bachelor's degree. It's a great achievement for anyone to finish college, and the fact that I went back for round two is even more great, (and somewhat crazy, according to some people). I am proud of my degree and I will be even more proud when I am officially certified by the state of New Hampshire as a licensed educator. Then I can have my own students and I can finally start my career. I am excited about what's left to come on this journey, including a lot of interviews and starting the internship process next fall, so I guess we'll see where I end up.
(us at Space Mountain for the 4th time)
One of the top moments for me in 2013 was my honeymoon. We are truly kids at heart, so going to Disneyworld was one of the best trips of my life. I've been before loads of times, but this time we were in control, we made the rules and we did whatever we wanted to do. We ate magnificent food, spent some quality time together and made a lot of memories we can share with our kids in the future. My favorite parts were probably everything we did at Epcot and also our trip to Universal Studios on Tom's birthday and going to Harry Potter World:) That made my life complete!
The very best moment for me this year has to be my wedding. It was a long time coming. We've been together for five years now, and the only thing I ever felt that was missing was being his wife. It was the crowning moment on a lifetime of disappointment, hardships and struggling with relationships. I finally found my soul mate and I couldn't have asked for a better man. We are looking forward to the years to come and what the future may hold for us. We are enjoying our married life so far and it feels so great to be Mrs. Lapierre. I love him more than words could ever say.

So that was my year in review for 2013! So many great moments to pick from, it was hard to chose just a few. Otherwise, this would've gone on forever... I had a lot of terrible things happen this year as well, like my health problems, Lupus flares and other things, which I didn't necessarily want to include in here, but they are still a part of my life that I have to live with. Tom takes good care of me, so I'm looking forward to a happier and healthier 2014. There will be lots of changes, many obstacles and hopefully some rewards for all my hard work in the coming months. We'll have to wait and see! Thursday's blog is up in the air as of now, but I'm hoping to have some pictures from tonight for you guys, so stay tuned. If you have an idea for what I should talk about on Thursday, leave it in the comments! Otherwise, I'll think of something. Until next time, I remain your faithful correspondent.
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