Here we are, on a Friday. I apologize for the lateness of my post, but I was busy all day with reading, then a much-needed family night. Trust me, it was entirely worth it.
Speaking of family, I have some great news! My sister-in-law is being induced tomorrow and will have my highly anticipated nephew this weekend! I am so happy for her and I'm very excited to become an aunt. My only hope is that when I have my first child I am as lucky as she is to have all the love and support that her family has given her. They've had a pretty rough time the last few months and her family dropped everything and made room for them and the baby, gave them a place to stay and a new job to help support them. My in-laws are the most selfless, honorable people I've ever met in my entire life. They surprise me every day with their unwavering kindness. I suppose that's sad for me to think that that kind of love is unnatural or special when it should always be that way. Regardless, I have no doubt that that child will be brought up in the best of circumstances.

On a less emotional note, I have started classes this week, as you all know, and have been engrossed in reading and other preparations for future projects and case studies. I will be posting on a new page later today directly connected to my Special Topics course about our readings pertaining to participatory culture. I have also been making preparations to start an observation case study on a student at the school I substitute at. I already have consent from three different parties, so as soon as I get her class schedule we can start! I'm super excited to start looking at her writing and see what connections and inferences I can make.
In addition to the blog posts and readings for my Special Topics course, we are trying to participate in the "Walk My World" challenge, which is a research study created by William Ian O'Byrne, (you can follow him on Twitter
here). The purpose of this project is to explore the use of digital texts to see how people connect and communicate with each other. For ten weeks, I will be posting a picture or video snippet of my life accompanied with the hash-tag #walkmyworld in order to provide a glimpse into what my "world" is like. There are no guidelines or requirements to the posts, but it has to be about your life. I take that to mean I can continue to post random pictures from various moments of my life, but more diligently. That is to say I haven't been keeping up with my Instagram as of late, so I will be posting at least once a week for the next ten weeks or so, starting next week. Should be fun, and I'm excited to be participating in someone else's research! If you'd like to participate or learn more about Will or the "
Walk My World" challenge, you can visit his website
On a completely different note, I
did get to watch the latest
Bachelor, Bones, Castle and
How I Met Your Mother episodes from this past Monday. So far my current Top 3 ladies for
The Bachelor are Renee, Andi and Nikki, but we'll see how long that lasts. I'm just glad that Lucy Lewd went home, finally. I really like these girls because they seem really down to earth, they're not too young or immature and they seem to really have his best interests at heart. Again, not sure how it'll turn out, (my father insists that he never picked anyone at the end), but I feel god about this Top 3.
Bones made me cry AGAIN this week. I'm not sure what it is with all these TV shows tearing at my heart strings, but apparently they're in a phase. Wendell was diagnosed with a rare form of terminal bone cancer, so he now has a 10% chance of living through chemo and other treatments. I died a little, not only because he's been on the show for so long and has been an undeniable asset to the team, but because Brennan SHOWED EMOTION. If you've watched the show for as long as I have, you'll understand that when Brennan shows emotion, it's a big deal. Her being sad at his diagnosis, which SHE discovered, shows that it's definitely a hard pill to swallow. I wish him all the best in this season, but I'm definitely expecting him to die in the finale...fingers crossed I'm wrong.
Castle was your typical
Castle plot again. After the tumultuous burning building episode we kind of needed a break from the drama. I was happy to see Alexis (hopefully) break it off with Pi, seeing as he brought nothing more to the story and was basically dead weight in her life. We'll see if she caved next week, but I'm guessing they're officially over. It's sad that that was the highlight of that episode for me.
How I Met Your Mother is getting more and more daring with their story line as we saw Lily and Marshall finally had the fight they needed to have, but it ended in disaster. Lily ended up leaving in a random vehicle after calling an unknown person for a ride out of the inn. She didn't say where she was going either, so we could be following her anywhere next week, but I'm most curious to see who it was that she called. Marshall will most likely be heartbroken so close to the wedding, but we all know from previous episodes that Lily makes it back in time for the ceremony with everyone else, so we'll see what happens. We haven't seen the mother in a few episodes either, not since she helped Marshall, so I'm eager to see her during the wedding reception.
That's all for this week. I'm expecting to post pictures of Tanner when he arrives, so look out for those on Tuesday, but for now I'm going to try and enjoy my weekend. Here's to more reading and two blog posts today instead of one! Until next time, I remain your faithful correspondent.