Hey everyone! Welcome back to the work week, (for most of you). This weekend was great for me because I met my very first nephew on Sunday! Tanner James was born around one o'clock Sunday afternoon to a warm welcome from a very happy family. They are coming home this afternoon so I will be making plans to visit again this weekend once they get settled in. Welcome to the world little buddy! I am so happy to be your auntie and can't wait to spend more time with you!!

Unfortunately that is the only good news I have this week... I was regrettably let go from my job last night. It was an unforeseen circumstance and one that I will not soon forget. I cannot begin to describe my grief upon experiencing my very first, and hopefully last, termination, but I understood the company policy and that I had severed it inadvertently. Although I had been unhappy there as of late, I will truly miss all the friends and colleagues I have gained over the last three years there. I wish none of this had happened, but it was my fault and I will have to live with my repercussions. I got right on the job hunt last night, however I have certain qualifications I have to adhere to based on the rest of my schooling and my internship coming up this fall. I wish I could have the freedom to chose any job I can get, even a job in a school system besides the one I already have, but I can't and it sucks. Hopefully I will find a new job by the end of February, but we will see. Keep your eyes open for me and your prayers thoughtful.
On a positive note, after the first week of classes I've found that, yet again, both courses seem to relate well with each other, making my semester a lot easier. I've been immersed in my reading and trying to keep myself otherwise occupied from my current predicament. Now, on top of my readings and various assignments I'm also looking for employment, so it's a bit distracting. In about a week I will be attending a meeting for prospective secondary intern students, so I'm excited to finally put in my picks for schools and learn a little more about the process. Fingers crossed everything works out in my favor! Lord knows I need some help these days...
On the television front, I have yet to watch
The Bachelor due to all this drama happening in my real life, but I have heard who got eliminated and I am glad it wasn't anyone in my top three, however I also heard that Nikki was a bit cheeky this week, so we'll see if she can handle this in the long run. I managed to watch the 200th episode of
How I Met Your Mother and it was fantastic! I'm glad they did a back track on the mother and the ending was so perfect! I'm still not sure where Lily is going, nor do I know when or where she reconciles with Marshall before the wedding, (should be next week if they find Barney, which they should). I'm looking forward to seeing where they go from here.
I've also started watching a newer show, based on my recent infatuation with Jonathan Rhys Meyers.
Dracula on NBC has finished it's first season, with little information regarding a second. It follows the life and happenings of a really hot version of Dracula, or Vlad in Impaler, as they call him. I find the suspense and plot line interesting, (in addition to the obvious charisma of Dracula), and hope it is renewed for a second season, however I won't keep my hopes up.
So that's it basically. I don't have a lot to report, seeing as the baby and losing my job have taken up the majority of the last few days. I haven't had a lot of down time following the start of classes, so I will be back Thursday with a hopefully more educational post, (but who knows?). I will also post my "walk my world" from this week. Until next time, I remain your faithful correspondent.
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