Hey all! Welcome back:) It was a nice weekend for me, despite working, (and then realizing I have almost the entire week off...lame). Still no baby boy from my sister-in-law, but we will definitely see him by the end of next week if it doesn't happen soon. Can't wait to be an auntie!! Other than that, nothing really exciting has happened yet, so unfortunately it's another Tuesday rendition of Boring Blog, which, apparently, a lot of you actually like, so maybe I'll keep this going.
Also, this is currently happening in the classroom I'm in today...not sure why someone would keep something so obviously creepy in a Social Studies classroom, but who am I to judge?...
First things first: I start my final semester of courses today! First class on deck is "Special Topics in English Teaching" with the wonderful Alecia Magnifico. I am most looking forward to my classes this semester, especially this one. The class I have tomorrow is "Teaching Writing in the 21st Century," which sounded very interesting to me. I'm looking forward to broadening my horizons as an educator and learning more new and captivating ideas this year to prepare me for my internship this fall.

Second thing: Pokemon update. I have now obtained all eight gym badges and have made it to the chambers of the Elite Four, (FINALLY). It literally took me about four hours to get through just that section, battling all of the trainers on the long and winding road up to the Pokemon League. After reviving at least three of my top Pokemon about six times, I made it to the Pokemon Center before the main building, (thank God for that, because I don't think I'd make it very far without one. I thought it was a little ridiculous to have THAT many trainers on the road just to enter the area where the Elite Four are. Then each of them have four Pokemon each level 63 and higher, plus the Champion who has a whopping SIX Pokemon level 65 and higher, so I'm in for a rough night if I try to take them on. The gym leaders were too easy and Victory Road seemed a bit too difficult for the amount of preparation I was given, so we'll see how that goes. I might try to level up a bit more before attempting to take them all out, (I'm currently at about 75 with my top two Pokemon and around the mid-sixties with the rest of my party). I am most proud of the legendary Pokemon, Yveltal, who I was able to catch on my first try, which almost never happens. Props to me!

In general, I'm a huge fan of water and fire types, however I can see now where it would benefit from having a grass or psychic type in combination with these types. This is the type of strategy and planning I was looking for when researching this game as a type of literacy. There are different kinds of people who play: people who play to get through the game, people who play to catch all the Pokemon they can get their hands on, people who want to get higher level Pokemon as fast as they can, people who want to find all the hidden items, artifacts and other gems around the game, etc. Game play ultimately depends on what type of person you are, and it's interesting to see me categorized among them. I haven't played like this in a very long time, so I'm still getting used to immersing myself completely in the game, (much to my husband's dismay). Since I've played older versions before, I went into this thinking differently than someone who would just be starting out fresh without ever having played the older versions. There are also people who have played every single version up until this point, and they are used to playing a different game than I am, having experienced some of the newer versions that I have not. I'm interested in continuing to log my progress and even write in a journal to gather data so I can maybe turn this into something beneficial. We shall see, but I'm enjoying myself nonetheless.
So that's basically it. Nothing exciting or substantial happening with me this week. Starting my courses, baby maybe and possibly taking on the Elite Four before I get dragged into the homework routine again. I will be catching up with all my shows today and tomorrow, so there might possibly be another TV review on Thursday if I have nothing else to talk about. Also I've added two more tabs to the top of the blog: "Open Letters" and "ENGL 889." The first tab will be dedicated to various individuals/situations I find particularly interesting/amusing/annoying/etc. while the second will be dedicated to responses for my new Special Topics course in English Teaching, which will be linked to my class' blog page. Feel free to check both tabs out and I will keep you updated on posts via Twitter, etc. Until next time, I remain your faithful correspondent.
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