Happy Tuesday to all! I'm having a surprisingly good day so far, but that could all come crashing down at any moment, so let's keep our wits about us, shall we? I spent some time with my favorite teacher this morning, had some Dunks for second breakfast and now this, so I'm doing well today. It's also Founder's Day for
Phi Mu Fraternity, of which I am an alumnae member. Love, Honor, Truth!

As usual, I don't have much to talk about on the personal front. I'm actually getting over my cold, (I think...knock on wood, or whatever is closest), so I feel better and school is back in session, so I don't feel as useless as I did last week. That being said, I do want to talk about a few things, one being an ultimatum I gave myself whilst wallowing in my self pity. I'm going to make it a point to try harder at things like cleaning around the house, getting out of said house and making more of an effort in general. I've been really lazy and bored lately and I'm tired of feeling crappy, so I want to do more. Obviously having no job makes being lazy really easy, so I'm going to try to fill up some of my free time with more beneficial activities, like reading for leisure and getting caught up, (or ahead!), in some of my homework and other projects. Since I don't really have an excuse not to, I should be doing more instead of letting distractions like TV take over my down time. I have about four books lined up for me to read and review, so I want to make it a goal of mine to start one this week or during vacation next week. I would also like to be more active, maybe even go back to the gym, (it's been at least a year since I've been to the gym I keep paying a membership for...). Or at least yoga or something.

Speaking of TV being a distraction, two things that happened on TV this weekend were
The Amazing Race and The Oscars.
Amazing Race: I was sad enough when they introduced the show with Bopper being sick and leaving Mark to race with Mallory, but then she had to go and ruin it again for all of us by losing the second leg. I can't see how, being an obvious fan favorite, they can keep doing the show and leave with nothing, but we'll see if they ever get to come back. I don't think they'd do two "all-stars" in a row, but you never know with reality television...
As for The Oscars, I think it's safe to say that it was one of the best Oscar events in the history of the show. Ellen was
almost flawless, (that snide joke about Liza Minnelli rubbed some people the wrong way), and there was pizza, so it was pure gold in my book. So glad that
12 Years a Slave won a few awards, including the big one. Also, I think it's time for me to see
Frozen now. I've compiled a few of my favorite gifs, memes and pictures from the night, so enjoy those below.
That time Ellen scared the crap out of Leo and Sandra.
The Selfie Heard Round The World (on Twitter)
Everybody getting pizza!
My personal favorite. Poor Leo...
That's all for today. Like I said, I'm trying to get back in the swing of things with my school work, so hopefully that will pay off for my paper due at the end of this week. I've also started observations again, so hopefully this will get me closer to a potential cooperating teacher for my internship as well as my focus student, who is cool beans by the way. I will most likely have my TV show reviews by Thursday, although I've stopped watching
The Bachelor for now, (I think it's gone downhill super fast, so I think I might just wait for the end to see who he ends up with, if anyone). I'm very invested in
Arrow on the CW as well as
Vikings on the History channel, which just started back up again last week, so stay tuned for at least those. If you're not already following me on Instagram, click
here to check my progress so far in the
Northeast Bloggers March Photo Challenge! I still have almost a full month to go, but things should get interesting. Until next time, I remain your faithful correspondent.
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