Here I am, all alone, sitting on the couch watching
The Avengers. This has been one of those days where you pretty much wanted it to end the moment it began, save for the one hour I got to spend with some of my favorite students. Other than that one small event, I haven't wanted to do anything all day.
I guess my health could possibly be to blame for my lethargy. This isn't really anything new, but it has taken me for a bit of a loop lately. With Lupus, it's hard to tell what's wrong and what's "normal." Usually I have the typical joint pain coupled with some minor fatigue. Today it's been more like having been hit by a vehicle and struggling to keep my burning eyes open...which has been slightly uncomfortable. I have an idea about what's causing this to happen: I've been taking some antibiotics recently to combat a completely different ailment and those tend to weaken your immune system. Add antibiotics to an already barren wasteland and you have a giant rave going on between your white blood cells and anything that moves, (ie:
everything). So, long story short, I feel like complete crap and I'm just waiting for all of this to go away and feel normal again. I don't like not feeling like myself.
With all of this going on, I'm still waiting to hear back from the YMCA about my job opportunity, however I have been informed that my references have been contacted and she's gotten a call back from at least one by now. Hopefully, if all goes well, I should be employed by the end of this week. Keep your fingers double crossed for me still because you never know what could happen. Even though this job would only last until the end of the school year two days a week, I still feel like there's more of an opportunity for me to grow there and have fun at my job, so I'm holding out for it as long as I can!
You hear some people say, everything happens for a reason. I'm still not sure if I buy into that concept completely, but something tells me there's some sort of higher power at work here. Although I've suffered a lot of setbacks recently, including my unemployment and health issues, I've realized that I am truly happy. Some people feel incomplete or unhappy with the choices they've made thus far. As for me, I can say with certainty that I am finally really happy. I'm working towards my Masters degree, (which will be my last degree), I have a loving and devoted husband who supports me in everything I do and has for the last six years, plus we're lucky enough to have a mutual understanding of each other which means our fights are virtually non-existent, I no longer have to worry about the stressful retail environment I was subject to as of January, I have spent loads of time with my family lately and I've been loving every second of it, I'm an aunt to a wonderful little boy and I can't think of anywhere else I'd rather be right now. I feel like I'm exactly where I'm supposed to be with who I'm supposed to be here with and I wouldn't have it any other way. I have small moments of epiphanies every now and again and the one I had today only boosted my spirits even more. Despite my shortcomings, I am happy nonetheless.

That being said, let's talk about TV, shall we? As you might know already, right now my shows are
Once Upon a Time, The Amazing Race, and
Agents of SHIELD. We'll be focusing on the two from this past weekend.
Spoilers beyond this point, obviously. First up is
The Amazing Race, and let me tell you, disappointment takes on a whole new meaning after this weekend. To say that Brendon and Rachel have overstayed their welcome is an understatement in my opinion. They are possibly one of the most annoying couples that have ever been on reality television and I CAN'T STAND THEM. I was so happy that they were going to be last because of that ridiculous challenge Phil made them do, but he pulled the "non-elimination" card out on them. I was beside myself with rage. Really Phil? NOW you pull that out? C'mon man... They better screw themselves over next week or I'm going to be super pissed. I hope she chokes on her stupid sequins...
Once Upon a Time was also new this week and it was great! I made a few predictions last week about the Wicked Witch and her relationship to the Evil Queen that ultimately came to fruition by the end of this week's episode, (thank you, thank you...). The only thing I didn't count on was the Witch turning all the missing dwarfs and Little John, (poor bastard), into her personal flying monkeys. That can't be comfortable. What does the Witch want with Snow White's unborn child!? If only Snow knew who was caressing her stomach, she would high-tail it out of there so fast. By the way, where the heck is Neal? Everyone else is wondering, but we probably won't find out until much later, knowing them. Now we know that his father is still alive, so what's up with that? Also, why is Rumple acting like such a sniveling little worm again? It's almost as if he reverted back to his old self when the Witch, (?), brought him back from where ever he sent himself. Who knows...with this show, anyone could be behind all this freaky stuff. I just hope poor Belle doesn't have to spend half her lifetime trying to get Rumple back to loving her again.
Well, that about does it. I just finished the movie, so now it's time for some last-minute reading for homework I already know I won't finish by tomorrow. If I wasn't so cold and unwilling to move I would totally go grab some McD's right now, but sadly, I'm still too lazy. I have high hopes for the rest of the week, considering spring is almost, (FINALLY), here. Hopefully I'll have a lot to talk about on Thursday. Just a reminder, keep up with my progress on Instagram with my link up at the top of this page. Until next time, I remain your faithful correspondent.
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