Hey everyone! I'm currently on day two of my extra long weekend and I'm feeling much better. I didn't want to post yesterday in order to give myself a little more time to recuperate after my operation, so I'm posting today instead. Not a lot has happened in the last week or so, but I'll fill you in on the big things.

My kidney biopsy went very well yesterday. The staff at the hospital made me feel so much more comfortable about the whole situation that I would honestly do it again if I needed to. I spent my entire day there, which was a bummer since it was the most perfect fall day outside. Luckily I got to experience the outdoors today instead. There were no immediate complications and I'm still a little sore and stuffed up, but otherwise I feel fine. All my entry points are healing nicely without any discoloration and I've had almost no abdominal pain since I've been home. The procedure, although initially very scary, wasn't as bad as I had imagined it to be. The worst part of it all was probably putting in the IV and the distribution of the numbing agent through my back. Overall it went well and I'm hoping that they got a decent sample to give me some answers in a week or two.
As for teaching, I've been taking more of a back seat lately. Due to my health issues and frequent absences, my professor and cooperating teacher thought it would be a good idea to follow a co-teaching model up until the end of the first trimester, (which will end up being sometime in November). I'm hoping that I have my Lupus under control by that point where I can take on more of a leadership role. I'm relieved to have a little more time to get some observations in, work on my pedagogy statement and focus more on following directions in the classroom so I can make sure I'm doing everything right. Come spring I'd like to feel a little more confident in my teaching abilities and earn my cooperating teacher's trust back so that I can substitute and lead my class properly, but right now I know I'm not in a good spot to do that. Sometimes in situations like mine you have to learn to be humble and take what you're given, even if you don't want to.

It's also been awkward dealing with what I've come to recognize as my "new normal." I've had Lupus for about 14 years now and for most of that time I was in remission. I hadn't had to deal with any serious health problems since 8th grade, which was the last time I was hospitalized. Now it seems that my body is changing rapidly in a negative way and I've never had to deal with something of this magnitude. Over the last month or so since I've started teaching I've talked to my professor and cooperating teacher a lot about "accommodations" related to my health and I've never really thought about it like that before. I've never thought of myself as someone who needed to be accommodated for and that makes me feel sort of fragile, like I'm not able to do the things I've always been able to do. My "new normal" situation is sometimes frustrating and aggravating to the point where I just want to shut it all off. Since I've been on the steroids it's been a lot easier to move around and do simple tasks like opening a bottle of water, but I'm afraid of what will happen when I'm done with them. Will I be prescribed something that actually works for my whole body or will we ache through another month or two of trial and error until we find a combination that works for now? There's a lot still up in the air and not a whole lot of explanation, but I guess that's what I've been given. If I've learned anything from this experience, it's that sometimes you just have to roll with the punches.

PREPARE FOR SPOILERS: As for TV for the last week, my husband and I ended up binge-watching everything we missed last week last Saturday so we're all caught up for now.
Bones made me cry and I really wish they didn't kill off Sweets...but it looks like it'll be a huge motivator for Booth and Brennan to catch whoever is behind it. I also hope that Daisy doesn't name her child Seeley Sweets, but we'll see. We watched the premier of
Arrow last night and it was awesome for about two seconds. I've wanted to see Oliver and Felicity together SO BADLY and then they're date was ruined and then he changed his mind and WHAT THE HELL OLIVER?!? Also, killing off Sarah may or may not be a good move, but I guess we'll see how this plays out over the rest of the season.
That's all I have for this week. Monday is a holiday, hence the extra long weekend joyousness, so I'm back to school on Tuesday for an intern-friendly field trip. Should be a nice, relaxing couple of days and I plan on taking full advantage of them:) Until next time, I remain your faithful correspondent.
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