So far, so good! Hope everyone's doing ok. I'm glad I at least talked myself into typing this up tonight, even though it's been a really long day. I literally JUST got home from my first round of parent/teacher conferences, (it's about 9:30pm), and I can honestly say it wasn't terrible. Luckily the two kids who had signed up to see me who are failing my class didn't show, but I'll have to deal with them later. Most of my kids are great, well-behaved and acing my class, so I'm not too worried.

I was a little worried at the end of last week, on Friday, because I got some really negative and harsh criticism/feedback from my cooperating teacher about my progress so far:( I guess I wasn't doing as well as I had hoped... It really hurt to hear her honesty, but I appreciated that she had the heart to tell me. I'm not connecting with the kids in the right way, I'm still too soft on them, they talk over me STILL, I have some trouble makers who think they're smart asses who test my patience, and I guess overall I'm still not delivering the curriculum correctly, (or at least adequately enough to help them comprehend what I'm talking about). I know that her suggestions and opinions are only supposed to help me and make me better over time, so I hope I can improve to a point where I'm proud of myself again. Just today I got over the "I don't think I want to be a teacher anymore" feeling, so here's to a new leaf turning. We just started a new unit on
The Odyssey and we're doing a research project about monsters and Greek gods, so this should be fun!

On the health front, I'm feeling so much better! I'm on my second day of steroids and I can safely say I can't remember the last time it was easy for me to get out of bed in the morning. It's been nice feeling "normal" for awhile, even though it won't last forever. I have a month to see what's going on, but for now I'm focusing mostly on my upcoming biopsy, which is Thursday. I'll have a long weekend to recover, but I'm still really scared about the procedure and complications... I have an ultrasound on Monday which isn't terrible, but I have to "fast" for it, which means I can't eat for 12 hours, (2am-2pm). NOT fun. I think I'm going to cheat a little and get some jello and/or pudding, (who WOULDN'T want pudding?!) Getting through the day is hard enough as it is, but with no food and all these 'roids coursing through my veins it'll be hard to survive the day. Until we get the results back from the kidney biopsy, they won't know how bad my Lupus Nephritis is, so we'll have to wait and see. It's probably not that serious, but dialysis still scares me, so I hope it doesn't come to that.

On TV this past week, I've started a new show called
The Red Band Society, in which the series is narrated by a child in a coma as a part of a terminally ill or intensive care unit for kids and teens in a hospital in California. The doctor/surgeon is wicked hot, the characters are snarky despite their conditions and Nurse Jackson is my new spirit animal. I'm happy there's a show like this on Fox and I can't wait to see what they do with it.
Gotham is another show I've been loving recently that just started. Obviously my husband and I had to watch this one solely based on the Batman references, but it's surprisingly engaging without the bat. I'm also excited to see where they take this series because they have a lot to work with and many directions they could take this. So far I like the guy playing Gordon and I've always liked Donal Logue, so there's a win-win team right there. I'm still getting over him being a viking... I love how they've portrayed Selena Kyle so far and I can't wait to see how Bruce and Selena become friends, (or enemies).
Other shows that have started but I haven't been able to get caught up on are
Castle, Bones, (I know who dies...I'm DEVASTATED),
Face Off,
Agents of Shield, Reign, and
The Amazing Race. I did catch the premiere of
Once Upon a Time last Sunday and it was AMAZING! I'm not turned off about the Frozen team being there, especially if it means that Scott Michael Foster is back in my life again. I literally screamed when I saw the sorcerer's hat from Fantasia morph from that box at Belle and Rumple's house, but we'll see what he does/doesn't do with that. Also, the kiss between Emma and Hook proves that Captain Swan is alive and well! So excited for this season and what they have up their sleeves.
Well, that's all I have for this week. I really have to go to bed... Even though I'm feeling better physically, I'm still suffering from fatigue and my kidney issues. I've also been really itchy lately, all over, so I'm not sure if I'm allergic to my father's fabric softener or if it's a side effect from the steroids, but I'll figure it out this weekend I think. I should have an update next week. I may have to push back my post until Friday, depending on how I feel next Thursday after my procedure, but we'll play it by ear. Until next time, I remain your faithful correspondent.
PS: In other news, tomorrow is October 3rd. I'm planning an impromptu Mean Girls Day celebration tomorrow in class. You're welcome in advance kids:)
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