Wednesday, September 25, 2013

New Beginnings

  Hello all!  This is actually my third blog...  Although I've had an adequate amount of blogging experience, I've never really had a main focus to any of my blogs, (besides my News-writing blog from last year, which didn't last long).  Needless to say I needed some direction, so I've decided to create a spot to really express my love of literacy, not only as a student, but also as a future teacher.
  This blog will, (at some point), have a schedule of posts regarding everything from book reviews to recommendations to writing prompts to my experiences at Grad school.  I'm going to try to keep this as focused as possible, leaving the possibilities open to suggestion.  I don't think many people realize that literacy encompasses much more than just reading and writing; it's a collection of anything that represents the written word, including virtual communication such as social media and visual stimuli.  I know that I'll be documenting my progress in a project I'm doing on YouTube for my Digital Literacy class, which I'm really excited about!
  I'm really busy these days, but I think this will be a nice outlet for me to get away from school work and regular work.  If anyone has any suggestions for books or prompts, let me know! (either here in the comments or by another means of contact).  This might be a little slow to take off, but I feel really good about this and I'm excited to start blogging again!

  At this moment, I'm in class ignoring a very important lecture on textbook analysis, so I'll sign off with that.  Until next time, I remain your faithful correspondent.


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