Tuesday, October 1, 2013

The Pinterest Challenge

    I recently stumbled upon a blog post about a challenge regarding Pinterest.  Now, if you haven't heard of Pinterest, then I think you're in for a treat.  I've become very invested in my Pinterest boards, although I only have 10 boards, 1,060 pins and 139 followers.  It's become a very useful tool for me in looking up recipes, classroom lesson plans and interior decorating ideas, among other things.  The challenge is being hosted by this blog here.  She is awesome and has great ideas and tips for married 20-somethings, ranging from how to pay back your student loans to how to buy your first home to crafting ideas.  The rules are very simple: 10 pins a day and 3 people to follow for 30 days.  Since it's the start of a new month, I'll be starting today, (already done!).  My goal is just to get an even number of followers, because I'm terribly OCD...  Not expecting anything special, but it should be a fun time!  If you'd like to join me in this challenge, let me know by following me on Pinterest here.

  I'll be posting another blog later this week as part of my usual schedule, but I just wanted to give all my friends the opportunity to check this out.  If you have any questions or want to talk about cool pins you've found, you can contact me at the links below, or in the comments.  Until next time, I remain your faithful correspondent.  Happy pinning everyone!


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