Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Marvelous Magic

    At the moment, I'm attempting to get over 50 pages of reading done AND write a summary response.  So, naturally, I'm stalling...  Especially because no one else has posted anything and it's past the noon-time deadline, so I figured I could take a few minutes to myself.

    We just got back from St. Louis yesterday and let me tell you, it was awesome!  I can't even describe how it feels to be in the same place with over 5,000 like-minded people in great spirits.  It was so much fun, and definitely more fun than I thought it would be.  Who knew a conference would leave me feeling so enlightened and empowered?  There's some big things coming my way, and I can't wait to get to work on a new future!  I love my team and I'm so grateful for this opportunity.

    Unfortunately, because I was having so much fun in St. Louis, I neglected to keep up with my Pinterest challenge...(I don't even know what day I'm on, to be honest).  I have since started up again, but I understand that three days of nothing is hard to come back from.  I'll try to make up for it this week.  What I DID accomplish was to vlog most of the trip, so I got some great footage I will be editing this week to hopefully put up this weekend.  Stay tuned!

    In other news, I've been trying to get caught up on my TV time.  I have a few shows that I watch every week after they air, (because I don't have cable), and I missed almost all of last week because of homework and other commitments.  One of those shows is Once Upon a Time, which I can safely say is my new obsession.  I managed to watch the first two seasons in a little over two weeks!  The thing I like the most about it is the creativity behind all the character modifications; the twists and turns in character developments/personalities and the story line.  I feel a connection to it partially because I can appreciate a good plot as well as the traditional characters they've altered or manipulated into something completely different.  All of this works really well within the plot line and I can't wait to get caught up with the third season.
    So that pretty much sums up the last few days for me.  It's back to reality now, but this time reality seems more hopefully and welcoming:)  Now I'm going to finish my reading, upload my vlog and plan my next post for Thursday.  As always, if you have any ideas or questions, please feel free to leave them in the comments below or contact me by my links to the right.  Until next time, I remain your faithful correspondent.

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