Thursday, October 3, 2013

It starts...

  So I have until next Wednesday to work out a project proposal for my YouTube case study.  I'm still not entirely sure how to organize my thoughts, but I'm sure I'll figure something out.  I've already tried to make contact with one of the YouTubers I'm following and I've done some research on possible journal articles and other resources I could use to help the process along.  I'm still pretty pumped about this, so I'll let you know how the proposal goes, but my spirits are high:)
  In health-related news, my hand has been acting up again, so I need to go back to the hospital for an x-ray tomorrow to make sure it's not my joints eroding.  If not all of you are aware, I have Lupus, which is a chronic autoimmune disease in which my antibodies attack anything that moves, (including the healthy, good stuff).  This usually results in me being routinely sore, tired and sick a lot of the time.  It's not fun, and for some reason over the last few months I've been having some serious flares.  I see a rheumatologist pretty often and we're trying to figure out where all of this is coming from, (stress, getting older, body changes, etc.) and how to stop it.  I've been in remission for so long I forgot what it felt like to be in serious pain, but it's all coming back to me now....  This is an on-going development in my personal life, which I will try to keep you updated on as much as possible.
  Other than that, I don't have a whole lot going on.  I have plans to attend the Powder keg Beer and Chili Festival on Saturday in Exeter, NH, so I will be vlogging that, (follow my budding YouTube channel here), and hopefully coming out with a win in my Fantasy Football match up against the Touchdownton Abbeys.  Wish me luck!  I'll also be writing another blog sometime soon, either this weekend or after next Wednesday about a topic in literature and education, so be on the lookout for that!
  Until next time, I remain your faithful correspondent.
PS: It's October 3rd.  Just incase you weren't aware...  (cue Mean Girls movie night)

*Follow me at these places!  Make sure to join me in the Pinterest 30-Day Challenge!!*

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