Wednesday, October 16, 2013

The Way Things Are

    I had intended to post a random blog about various happenings on Tuesday, but unfortunately time got the better of me and I wasn't able to do it.  So, now that I've successfully completed all of my assignments for the week, (GO ME!), I can post today.  Yippee!
    Like I said, time hasn't been my friend this week.  As usual, I left my reading assignments until Monday, had a doctor's appointment that day before work, then had to substitute on Tuesday, (I managed to get some stuff done because of NECAP testing, poor kiddos...), and now it's Wednesday already!  I skimmed the last chapter of reading and probably botched my grammar midterm, but everything is DONE and I can leave tomorrow satisfied that I can relax this weekend.
    I don't know why I even bother telling myself that I'm going to try to get at least some reading done on Thursdays because it NEVER happens.  Regardless, I will continue to tell myself to try harder, but I don't think I'm listening...not much I can do about that.  I'll have to give myself a stern talking to, (hopefully in a private place, like my apartment...), in the hopes that I'll shape up eventually.  I guess I can't even be optimistic about my apparent schizophrenia...
    In other news, I'm off to St. Louis tomorrow for an Elite Academy conference with my husband!  Very excited, but very stressed at the same time.  I've come to the conclusion that before any big trip I usually become more neurotic than usual, so I'm probably driving my husband crazy, but I HATE flying...  Now that all my school work is done, I have to turn my focus to packing, checking in for our flight and making sure everything is in order before we leave.  I've never been to St. Louis before, (I've also never had a connecting flight, so we'll see how that goes...), but I'm excited about what we would like to do during our free time and hopefully everything goes according to plan.
    Sorry this hasn't been a very eventful post, but I literally haven't had any time to devote to this week, (hence why I was able to pull off reading 3 chapters in under 24 hours).  I will be vlogging my trip to St. Louis and our adventures there between meetings, so be on the lookout for that video.  I will also try revamping a few things here in the coming weeks and maybe adding a few things.  I've been researching "linky parties" and other tips on how to become more involved in the blogosphere, so hopefully I can get somewhere.  I'm trying to decide what to post on Tuesdays, (seeing as Thursday is my dedicated educational/literary post of the week), so if anyone has any suggestions or ideas about a theme I could use, let me know in the comments!  Until further notice, it will be a vent for randomosity.
    Still in the midst of the Pinterest Challenge, so to those of you who have joined me, keep it up!  I've found that it's hard sometimes to make time for it each day, but I'm learning a lot and have found some great people and pins to add to my network!  All my links are on the right of this page, so if you want to stay in touch and see how I'm doing, there you go!
    Until next time, I remain your faithful correspondent.

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