Tuesday, January 7, 2014

YouTube Drama and The Life of a Hermit

    I hope everyone had a fabulous post-holiday weekend!  It definitely feels like January now...  These frigid temperatures are set to stay with us up here in the north east for awhile, so I'm trying not to skimp on heat.  That being said, I have spent a great deal of time indoors as of late and I am not ashamed of it.

    Whilst inside, I have been paying close attention to the drama that has risen out of YouTube lately dealing with Grace Helbig.  For those of you who don't know, Grace is a YouTube personality and classy individual who, until recently, uploaded video blogs to her main channel "DailyGrace" on the MyDamnChannel network.  Since her contract with them seems to have expired, Grace has chosen to start over on her own channel, thus preserving her content, (since MyDamnChannel wouldn't let her keep her old content on the "DailyGrace" channel siting copyright issues).  It seems as though Grace and MyDamnChannel had a falling out of sorts, however everyone seems to be happy now and Grace has her new channel from which to control her own content.

Subscribe to Grace's new channel here!

    This is all well and good, but when you move channels and go from over two million subscribers to less than 500,000, it takes a bit of wind out of your sails.  Grace has not asked any of her original subscribers to switch, however the Internet has taken it upon itself to educate the masses and let them know what's going on.  Grace's many friends through YouTube, including author John Green, Mamrie and Hannah Hart, her brother Tim, and many more came together to draw awareness to this change.  The amount of YouTuber support throughout this ordeal has proven to be very beneficial for Grace and extremely uplifting.  I've never seen this type of support before from an online community and it was great to get to watch all these people support Grace in her endeavors.  She still has a long way to go, but if she stays true to herself she should be just fine, if not better than before.

    As you may know, I've been following the YouTube community closely since the beginning of last year, (it feels weird to say that...).  I have 52 subscriptions and watch a few vloggers religiously every day, including Grace.  Seeing as my viewership has varied over the course of a year, I plan on experimenting and exploring with new channels and people this year, including Grace's new channel, in order to track her progress.  It's been an exciting year for YouTube and I can't wait for what this year brings, including the YouTube documentary Vlogumentary, which is set to come out this year.  If you want to know what's happening in the YouTube or online community as a whole, check out Tubefilter, "the curator of online video," including news, reviews and more.
    In other news, because of the new year, my husband and I have decided to implement some new rules and goals for our lives this year.  One of them being the "no spend" rule for January.  This idea came from my wonderful mother-in-law, who practices this rule as well.  All you have to do is not spend any money you don't need to spend.  Obviously bills and groceries are necessary, but going out to eat, going to the movies, shopping for clothes, etc. are off limits until February.  That way we have money to save for more important things.  It also teaches us to appreciate the things we have and enjoy ourselves from home, which I have no problem with.

    That's it for today.  I'm in the middle of a Star Wars marathon with a cup of coffee and I plan on continuing throughout the day.  I've also started reading Divergent, so if you have any questions for me about the book, or anything about reading in general, I will be answering them on Thursday through my Twitter account with the hash-tag "#LaxDivergent"  Tweet me your questions, comments and predictions! (if you are reading it with me for the first time)  Until next time, I remain your faithful correspondent.
PS: For your viewing pleasure:
Jimmy Fallon Late Night with Justin Timberlake: "History of Rap"

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