Thursday, January 30, 2014

An Update On The Life of Someone Who is Unemployed

    Howdy-ho everyone, it is officially Thursday and I am officially still not hired by anyone in particular...  Oh well.  That being said, I have made some progress that I assumed was impossible, given the current state of things.  Since being let go on Monday night, I have received one email notifying me that my resume and application are currently under review as well as an impromptu phone interview yesterday with a company that may allow me to work mainly from home, which would be super sweet!  Not sure what I'd be doing exactly, but I'll take it.  Fingers crossed for me to get a job by the end of February! (or hopefully sooner than that, if I keep progressing at this pace)

    I forgot how hard and long applications can be, (that's what SHE said?).  It's annoying filling out all this information that you think is unnecessary.  Most applications take about an hour to complete by themselves, let alone creating a completely new cover letter from scratch for each job you are applying to.  You have to be convincing and you have to sell yourself, both of which I am terrible at.  Just yesterday, after my random phone interview, (which I was NOT expecting, let alone prepared for), I remembered about a dozen things I could've said that I'm good at that would've made me seem perfect for this job, but alas, I never said any of those things.  Instead I told her where I lived...which I'm sure is important, however not viable enough to warrant giving me the job.  Hopefully I don't screw myself with my inability to speak directly to people...
    Although this has been a shock to me, my family has been very supportive and caring in my time of need.  My husband was the first person to bring me ice cream, which has helped me immensely in coping with my unemployment.  I've accepted it and have hopefully moved on to a better place, but I'm glad I have my own support system who are willing to help me with anything, including finding another job.  I'm not the type of person you'd think would get fired, and they know it, so it's nice that they have my back.  It's always good to have people in your life who know the real you and who love you for who you are.

    So while I'm dealing with all of that, I still have homework and various reading assignments I have to do, (like the one I should be doing while I'm doing this instead...oops).  Technically this is also homework, so it's justified.  It's tough to juggle all of this together at once.  Like yesterday, my phone interview happened right as I was about to leave to catch the bus to campus, and because I thought the call was important, I stalled in getting ready and was then late to catch the bus, (after running, in the cold, both up and down the hill behind my house, then had to trudge back up again).  Needless to say I was exasperated, but I'm not sorry I took the call because I could get that job.  Sometimes it can be hard to decide what's more important, and I'm sure I'll have to make more of those decisions as the days go on as well as in the future.

    On a completely different note, as some of you might know I am completely obsessed with the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.  There is another reboot in the works from Michael Bay, who will probably ruin it, but at this point I'm not one to judge.  Recently there were pictures leaked of the turtles in all their CGI glory, along with a possible movie poster.  Supposedly the pictures have since been pulled by Paramount, but you can still see the turtles for yourself here.  Although I am extremely skeptical about this production, I will obviously be seeing it in theaters this summer to either confirm or deny my suspicions of a horrible reboot.  More on that to come, as soon as I get a glimpse of a trailer.  I found out about the turtles pictures on Nerdist News, which is a subdivision of the Nerdist Channel on YouTube.  They cover various nerd news and updates on popular nerd culture, so if you're interested in anything from Skyrim to Dr. Who, you can watch Jessica Chobot here on Nerdist News and explore more of the Nerdist Channel.
    That's all I have for today.  Tomorrow I will be posting again on my ENGL 889 page about sponsors in literacy and how they shape the way we write, read and perform in schools, (and outside of schools).  If you'd like to follow my progress in the "Walk My World" project, you can do so through my Instagram link as well as through my Twitter page.  Until next time, I remain your faithful correspondent.

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