Tuesday, February 4, 2014

There and Back Again

    Hello again, and welcome to my terrific Tuesday post! (alliteration is key)  As you might've guessed, not a whole lot has happened since last week.  I saw my nephew again this past Saturday and he's still ADORABLE.  Unfortunately that might be the only good thing to happen within the last two weeks.

(Which one is cuter?)

    Although I do still feel indifferent over the whole unemployment thing, I'm starting to get antsy, sitting at home all day either reading for class, typing up assignments or looking for jobs.  I feel like I started in a good place and now I'm back in a meh state of mind where I definitely don't want to stay.  I have a promising interview a week from Thursday, so we'll see how that goes.  Right now, that's my only promising lead, having been dropped from the contenders list of the first job I applied for already.  Fingers crossed for some good news!  Luckily I got called to substitute next week so, baring the inescapable weather conditions, I could be bringing home some bacon, (if only that were really true...)

    Speaking of jobs, I had my secondary education intern orientation this afternoon and I feel really good about all the prospective intern sites at my disposal.  Number one being my alma mater middle school, with two in close proximity to where I live being close second and third.  All of the schools have a lot to offer, and right now I'm thinking I might want to give high school a second go, but for now all I can do is wait and see what happens at the open houses next week, (again, weather permitting).  I swear to God, if these blizzards all pile on top of each other the ONE WEEK I have significant life decisions to make about my future, there will be HELL to pay.

    In YouTube news, video footage released on the first of this month by Shay Carl Butler and Corey Vidal announced some new information regarding the popular and much-anticipated documentary feature Vlogumentary, which will hopefully be in theaters this coming summer.  Obviously they couldn't say too much without giving stuff away, but we shall see the final product soon, which is more than we could say about a year ago when all this started.  To say that I'm excited about this would be a severe understatement.  You can view the two video announcements here:

    Well that's about it.  I'm pretty sure I had more to offer you today, but sadly I left my blogging planner at home and have since forgotten what I had originally planned to do for today.  More to add to next week!  Thursday I will be talking about the various things that happened in TV this week as well as other stuff, (probably).  How's that for a vague description?  I will also hopefully be starting observation work in addition to my open houses next week or this week, so stay tuned for more on that!  Until next time, I remain your faithful correspondent.


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