Tuesday, February 11, 2014


    Happy Tuesday everyone!  Sadly I have almost nothing positive to report...  It's been pretty dismal and boring on my end and unfortunately I don't see that changing any time soon.
    This week is open house week and so far I've only been to one in Dover, NH.  It was nicer than I expected and extremely welcoming.  I felt like I was being bribed almost, but it was nice to have so much coffee cake to eat in the morning.  There were only two English cooperating teachers to choose from and believe me, they were very busy.  It's as "urban" a district as you'll get in New Hampshire.  We'll see if I fit in there, but it definitely feels familiar to my own middle school.

    Speaking of my own middle school, I'm heading over there in the morning for my second open house.  I was more excited yesterday for the prospective teachers list which got emailed to us with all the bios attached.  I saw some familiar names in other departments, but the good news is there are six English teachers to choose from, so I should have more luck here.  I have my eye on one particular teacher already, but I've heard a rumor that her intern from last semester wants to be with her for a full year, so I think there might be some competition for her at this point.  Fate will tell.
    The last open house is scheduled for Thursday, but I doubt it will happen this week due to the snow storm headed our way.  Currently, we're projected to get about 8-12 inches from Pax all day Thursday to Friday morning.  Thus postponing not only my last open house opportunity, but also a job opportunity.  My very important interview is supposed to be at 3pm on Thursday, but I've already emailed the HR manager to ask what we should do in this situation.  I should know by tomorrow whether or not schools will be closed and my interview can be rescheduled, so please keep sending good vibes my way.

    All the stuff I have going on this week coupled with the constant early mornings and barely any sleep has made me quite irritable.  I've been feeling an awful combination of frustration, nerves and exhaustion.  I'm starting to lose the wind in my sails...  I think I need a break sometime soon, or I will likely lose faith in humanity, (and my own abilities).  I've applied to a few more jobs, but I'm really gunning for this one, so I'd really appreciate it if I could acquire some divine intervention, and soon.
    Well, that's pretty much it.  Like I said before, not a lot going on.  I didn't really have a lot of time this week to devote to the blog, so I apologize if this seems rushed and brief.  I promise Thursday, (might), be better, especially if I have some good news.  Either way, I'll have my TV reviews from this week and more on this coming weekend's plans.  Until next time, I remain your faithful correspondent.

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