Tuesday, February 18, 2014

North Eastern T-Rex Alert

    Another Tuesday taken by a rogue storm.  I swear someone up there is out to get me, but what can you do really?  The weather clearly doesn't want me to have a job, but as I have done before I will continue to be optimistic.

    The snow could not keep me from my observations at the middle school, although they did have an early release.  I got to see two teachers I really admire and I think they are my top two contenders for my internship next year.  They both have different teaching styles, but they are both fun, energetic and bring a lot of activity into their classrooms.  I would benefit from having either one of them as a mentor, but unfortunately the tough part is picking only one...  Next week is winter vacation for us, so I'll have to wait two weeks to see them again and make some decisions, but I'm feeling better about my chances.

    One of the two teachers I got to visit with today had Lupus.  This is a huge deal to me because usually I don't find random people in public who know what Lupus is, let alone have it.  It's not one of the common diseases everyone knows a lot about; in fact, it's the exact opposite.  So to find a teacher who has Lupus, who I can talk to, who understands me from not only an intellectual level but a physical level, is huge for me.  That sold it for me and I believe we were fated to be together in this journey, however I have to make a minimum of three school visits, so I have to wait.  But I think we both understand each other and know that we'll end up together.  She makes me feel excited, so I hope I get her!  Fingers crossed, knock on wood and all that jazz.

    That's literally the only exciting thing happening in my life right now.  I have some homework to do that involves actually seeing and talking to people and I don't feel like doing that.  I also had to reschedule my very important interview AGAIN, for a third time, for Thursday morning, so fingers crossed again for me doing ok with that so I can FINALLY have a job again.  I feel like I'd really like it there and that I'd be good at the job, so I hope it's mine.  They already took the posting off the website, so either they are holding out for me and already plan on giving me the job, or they are giving me the benefit of the doubt out of pity and already have someone else in mind.  UGH, the suspense is KILLING me...slowly.

    Since I've been spending so much time indoors and slowly getting less involved with the TMNT, I've picked up another series I had been eyeing for some time.  The Borgias has been very similar to The Tudors in the sense that they are both Show Time programs with a lot of drama.  I like seeing the plot line unfold from the Borgia perspective, having viewed them in a negative light since seeing the family featured in the Assassin's Creed games.  In this series they are very much a troubled family with many secrets.  There's a lot of death and less sex, which I guess is great if you like that sort of thing.  Personally I like watching how certain relationships unfold, destroy themselves and come back again.  The intrinsic properties of this show are the engrossing story line, the historical elements and the strife of the warring nations.  I'm looking forward to the second season now that I've finished the first.

    Comic book geeks may enjoy the "Jimmy Kimmel Live!" show tonight, around 11:30, when they show the trailer for the Guardians of the Galaxy movie coming out this August.  My husband is extremely excited about this, having more than one collection of these comics to his name.  I am intrigued by the plot line and the characters, but then again they are what makes the story work in harmony.  I only hope that it will live up to his expectations, but I'm not going to jump the gun.
    That's it for me today.  Hopefully Thursday I will have more to report after my interview:)  Until next time, I remain your faithful correspondent.

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