Thursday, February 13, 2014

Thanks a lot Pax.

    Hey everyone!  I feel like absolutely no time has passed since Tuesday, but here we are.  Obviously everyone has shut down because of this nor'easter, so I'm once again stuck inside.  Although it sucks that my interview and open house today had to be rescheduled for next week, I'm glad I don't have an excuse to go outside in this weather.  I'm better off going into hermit mode for a day.

    As many of you may be aware, tomorrow is Valentine's Day.  Most people deem this to be an unnecessary Hallmark holiday in which men buy pointless gifts for the women in their lives.  I'd like to think of it as more of a tradition passed down through generations of stupid people, but I'm not en expert.  Obviously I love chocolate; I am a female after all.  I also love flowers, possibly more than chocolate, (but really, who am I kidding?)  These would both be nice every once in awhile, but I don't think we need a day devoted to them, or him for that matter.  I see him every day!

    I've cooked a nice dinner for my husband every Valentine's Day for the last four years and it's my favorite part of the holiday.  Going out to dinner is overrated; I'd much rather make him something from scratch than wait around and make reservations to spend more money we don't have.  I make him the same thing every year, but he loves it, so it's totally worth it.  Plus, it's delicious because I'm an awesome cook:)  All I want to do tomorrow is cook sauce and drink wine with my mother, make a fabulous dinner for my husband and spend some alone time together.  If I can get him to sit next to me on the couch, I've succeeded in my efforts.

(courtesy of:

    Speaking of "love," I got caught up in The Bachelor, so get ready for some spoilers if you haven't seen it already!  I still hate Claire and think that she's crazy.  I also still think my top three are Renee, Andi and Nikki, but you can never tell with this show.  My favorite part, by far, was the group date dinner at Hobbiton.  I can't even tell you how much I was fangirling at that moment.  I think it's safe to say that was the best group date so far in the shows history.  Although I also feel that anyone who would truly appreciate that set wouldn't be caught dead watching The Bachelor, but to each his own.  If you want to read a recap of this episode or any other, check out this blog called Mel Got Served.  She does various recaps of TV shows and they are most humorous.  Check her out for a good laugh!

    Unfortunately none of my other shows were on this week due to the Olympics.  I can't even comment on them either because I don't have cable and therefore can't watch them until Sunday:(  I will say that 15-year-old Russian girl, Yulia, who claimed the gold in the women's figure skating last weekend, was amazing!  I've never seen anyone do anything like that before in that event, let alone a teenager.  To think of my students pulling off something like makes me cringe just thinking about how uncoordinated they'd be on ice.  The laughs I would have!  Note to self: arrange field trip to the skating rink asap.
    Well, that's about it I'm afraid.  I'll be spending the day getting caught up on some reading and some TMNT.  I'll also still be having class via Google Hangout, which should be interesting to say the least.  I may or may not have a new "Open Letter" up soon.  I at least want to get one up by the end of the month.  This weekend I'll be pretty busy: Valentine's Day cooking all day tomorrow, my mom's 50th birthday party Saturday and my dad's birthday Sunday, (yeah, I know, I couldn't have planned that any better myself).  It's great that I don't have to work, otherwise I would probably be screwed.  Here's to the minimal benefits of being unemployed!  Until next time, I remain your faithful correspondent.

    *I'd also like to say that I'm super excited that Camp Takota comes out tomorrow as well!  You can pre-order the movie here.  Watch the extended trailer!  Congrats to Grace, Mamrie and Hannah on your success!

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