Thursday, March 20, 2014

Beware the Ides of March

    Hello again!  It's Thursday already and oh, how the tides have turned.  Tuesday I was filled with hope and happiness and today not so much.  A lot has happened and by now I've already been able to remedy some of my situation, but even I can't work miracles.
    First off, I've had a sinus migraine for the last two days, which would've been great if I were still on vacation and didn't have stuff to do.  For instance, the two revisions I have to do on the papers I passed in before vacation, which I thought would be fine.  I always think my work is satisfactory and when I miss the mark on something I get frustrated and disheartened.  Who wants to do a revision?  Nobody.  Then, to add to my disappointment, one of my prospective teachers for my internship contacted me to let me know she was no longer interested in working with me.  Now I only have two teachers left in my remaining intern pool and I'm hoping they don't crap out on me because I have no other options.  I'm starting to panic because the form is due by next week and I'm already down by one.  What's to stop the other two teachers from backing out on me too?  This whole situation has been awkward from the start and only makes me more anxious.  I just want this to be over and know where I'm going already.

    On top of all THAT, I was (mis)informed about my eligibility for financial aid and REALLY started to panic because of the amount of money I would need to pay for my internship.  Thankfully I fixed everything with the financial aid office and am covered for next year with at least half time status.  With my job situation still in limbo, it was hard for me to envision paying off a personal loan without any money coming in.  Speaking of jobs, I found out through my potential employer that one of my references, (my old boss), got transferred, so his contact information I had been giving to other potential employers was invalid, which caused a lot more problems for me than he did originally...  With ALL of that stuff having happened in the last few days, this weekend will be a welcome relief, at least for a little while.  I went from elated to struggling within 24 hours and it wasn't fun.  At this point, I've accepted the fact that revisions are a necessary part of school and shouldn't be viewed as a punishment.  The fact that I don't have a particular due date helps too.  I'm in a much more positive mood now that I've assessed my situation and applied the necessary patchwork solutions for now.  You wouldn't think my life would be this hectic and stressful without a job to burden me even more.

Hidden Harley Quinn foreshadowing?

    All of that aside, I have two new television reviews for you this time.  As some of you might remember, I believe I've mentioned the fact that I watch Arrow on the CW every Thursday, (because it airs on Wednesday and I watch everything on Hulu Plus).  It's really one of the only good shows on that channel, which is frequently plagued by good-looking murderous teens who always seem to end up at a dark club.  Anyway, Arrow follows a traditional DC comic book storyline about a green-hooded vigilante figure protecting his city from injustice.  If you've been following the series, you should be caught up to what I'm about to say about this week's episode.  If you aren't, then I suggest you should start from the beginning, especially if you're looking for a new show to watch.  Watch out for these spoilers!  We left off with Oliver agonizing over the realization of Slade being alive and ready to kill his entire family, but we don't really focus on that in this episode.  It was all about the Suicide Squad, (another DC reference).  Including Diggle and his ex-wife/lover, (weird), there are also con men involved in this team of ruffians.  They end up dealing with an old terrorist "ally" of Diggles when they find out he's harboring some sort of chemical weapon that I'm still unsure about.  The whole story line was great, but the best part, by far, was one scene in the base where we hear one sentence uttered by what we can only assume is the Harley Quinn, judging by her very familiar tone.  Although it may just be a one-time gig for my favorite DC villain, there's always potential in these shows, so we'll see.

    The other show I watched tonight was The 100, which premiered its pilot episode this week.  According to the description and from what I gathered from the show, it centers on a small cluster of humans on a space shuttle almost a hundred years after a nuclear disaster destroyed the Earth.  Obviously some people escaped to form this group and they are attempting to maintain the population to keep themselves alive for as long as they can, (or until they find a habitable planet).  Cue the imprisoned teens, 100 of them, sent to Earth to test the environment, because they're "expendable."  The range of their crimes vary from serious murders to mindless pranks to just having been born.  The teens touch down on Earth, not knowing what they'll encounter or how much radiation they'll be exposed to, but their reactions were priceless.  Even though the premise seems very "Hunger Games" like, there were a few issues I spotted.  One being the obviously pretty cast, although that doesn't hold true for everyone this time.  I do like the fact that one of the original April O'Neils from the 80s TMNT movies is one of the main characters.  Unrealistic attack sequences left me scratching my head, (why didn't she lose her leg in that monster's mouth?).  And the kids' rebellion screamed Lord of the Flies.  It's only the pilot, so I will keep watching because it seems interesting and very unnatural for the CW, but I'm hopeful for it's success.  If anyone else wants to sound off on this or on the developments in Arrow thus far, you can do so in the comments below.
    Well, sadly that's all I have for this week.  Like I said, I'm looking forward to this weekend because I actually have plans.  I have a baby shower on Saturday and dinner with family Sunday, so it should be a good time.  Hopefully I'll have more good news by next week, but we'll see.  I'm getting tired of saying that and then coming up with nothing, so I won't be making any more promises.  I'm just going to enjoy the time I have to myself and keep looking forward.  Until next time, I remain your faithful correspondent.

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