Thursday, March 27, 2014

Burn Out

    Welcome to Thursday everyone!  I really could use a weekend right about now, so I'm glad it's finally here.  Not to do fun, exciting things one would normally do on a weekend, but mostly to catch up and finish/start all the work I have to do by next week...

    For starters, I have not one, but TWO heavy-duty revisions to do, one of which is due by tomorrow, so I better hustle.  I also have a rough draft of my 10-page case study due Wednesday as well as a proposal for a unit plan due next week as well.  On top of all that, I still have to read another book before Wednesday and stuff to get done for my new job, (testing, fingerprints, etc.).  I felt so overwhelmed yesterday I thought I might cry, but I stuck it out.  Meanwhile, my body decided to play a cruel trick on me and make me feel like I got hit by a car...  Needless to say it wasn't the best time for a flare, but I feel better today, thankfully, and hopefully it won't come back anytime soon.

    That being said, I had a lot of fun filling out paperwork today for my new job, (that's funny, isn't it? "Fun" and "paperwork" in the same sentence...)  I have no doubt that my new superiors as well as the other staff members are really fun, caring and genuinely good people.  I was even reunited with one of my old friends from summer camp, who now runs the local branch summer camp.  Hopefully we'll be working together this summer because I'd really love a chance to get back into summer camp, even if it's only day camp.  I have no idea what I would do, whether I would just be a basic counselor, or if I could potentially fit into one of the program areas.  I was thinking about my strengths and realized that camp really isn't a good place for reading or writing, it's more about the outdoor activities.  I think since I've already done recreation that I would be good at that, but I'd like to try something new, (but relatively easy), like arts and crafts or drama, something I might be good at but have little to no experience in.  We'll see, but I hope my summer is just as fun as my new job should be!
    All the work I've been doing has kept me pretty busy, but at least it's mostly good news.  Unfortunately, that means I really don't have a lot to report on today...  I didn't get to meet with my favorite focus child this week, some of my shows weren't on or I haven't gotten to them yet, (like Arrow, which I heard was really good), and it's just been a really hectic week.  I did, however, learn about a premier of the first trailer for the new TMNT movie coming out this August, (SQUEEE), so I've linked that video below.  I can't tell just yet whether or not it'll be great from a TMNT fandom standpoint, but I do know that I'm really excited about it!  Even if it might be bad, I HAVE to see it.

    That's it for me.  Time to get cracking on some stuff before I run out of time.  I'll be posting another blog post tomorrow about a lesson on cyber-bullying we did in class today and Tuesday.  That will be in my ENGL 889 tab, so look out for that!  Until next time, I remain your faithful correspondent.

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