Thursday, May 29, 2014


    Hey all, it's another Thursday closer to June!  This weekend is big for me because it's my first wedding anniversary, (although the actual day isn't until Monday).  We don't really have any fancy plans, but we are going out to dinner and treating ourselves to a much-needed night out together.  Even though we've been together for a long time already, I'm very happy and I can't wait to spend many more years with my Bear:)  Here's to us! (I know I'm toasting myself, so what?)
    This week I started working out at a new fitness center.  I decided to take hold of my future self and get a grip on my health.  I'm not an entirely unhealthy person, but I do have tendencies to let go of willpower and stray from the path I should be on.  I haven't been able to kick start my own workout regimen in the last few years, so I thought it was about time to have someone else help me start it.  So far, after the first week, I'm getting along really well with my trainer.  We have a lot in common and we never run out of things to talk about.  We're also taking it slow, which is nice for me and my knees.  I'm looking forward to going forward and improving my willpower, my strength and my weight overall.
    TV this week was even more scarce yet again.  SPOILERS, obviously...

    The Bachelorette was literally the only thing on that I watched this week so far.  The finale season has ruined my TV schedule, having more than half my shows ending in the span of a week.  Bare with me as I scrape by on this lone review.  The good news is that we got a more in-depth look at the guys this week as we maneuver through a couple one-on-one dates and an x-tra sexy group date.  Some girls might've found the strip teases pleasing to the eye, but that display of packages was all but lost on me.  I did enjoy the date between Andi and Chris, the impossibly-sexy and huge farmer.  Who makes farmers like that anyway?!  Seriously, the guy is like Paul Bunyan incarnate...  Sweet as a button and such a gentleman, I can't think of anything I don't like about this guy, (yet).  Honestly, I don't think I could ever be disappointed with him; he seems to have a decent head on his shoulders, so I can't see him ganging up on the other guys in petty useless arguments that are bound to happen.  Obviously Eric's date was great too, but I will spend the entire season feeling bad for him because he's gone.  It makes it even more difficult to watch, knowing he was a great person with little to no flaws to speak of.  The unfortunate circumstances around how he died were surpassed by the happiness he was experiencing while he was with Andi.  Everyone would want to know that he passed doing what he loved with people he cared about.  I was really surprised that they introduced the drunken idiot this close to the beginning of the season.  I'm glad she didn't waste any time getting rid of his sorry ass.  We ended the episode on a high note with next weeks exciting double feature event.  Let's see how much drama we can fit into TWO full episodes!
    So far, at this point in the competition, the pickings are plenty, so it's still difficult to pick a top 5, let alone a top 3.  I would obviously put Chris the Farmer as my top choice, followed by Dylan from Boston, (the only reason I'm rooting for him at all, seeing as he hasn't gotten much air time), and then Josh M. the baseball player, solely because he was the only other person to get a kiss from Andi.  We'll see how this list develops, but I have a feeling I'm not going to like Josh within the next few episodes.  Other than that, I'm looking forward to the newest installment of Game of Thrones, having had a weekend off last week.  I have a bunch of plans to get to this weekend, so I hope everyone enjoys theirs too!  Until next time, I remain your faithful correspondent.

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