Thursday, May 22, 2014

Short but Sweet

    Happy Thursday everyone!  I hope everyone has had a great week so far, with more good days to come.  It has finally started raining here, after what I feel was about a week of predicted rain with nothing to show for it.  On the not-so-bright side, it's going to be really gloomy for the next few days, so I'll have no excuse to go outside.  Bummer...  But getting to spend the day outside for my job has  been the biggest perk.  I finally found a job that I'm good at, (relatively speaking), and I love it.  It's fun to play with the kids and be active during the day.  Honestly, I'm still working on dealing with the kids because they're so young but it's gotten a lot better.  I've found that hard work really does pay off and eventually everything will fall into place.
    Let's just hop right into TV news.  Only two shows were on this weekend worth mentioning and they were Game of Thrones, as usual, and the new season of The Bachelorette!!  SPOILERS:

    Game of Thrones was awesome this week as we see Tyrion reeling from the aftershock of his speech.  He's visited by three spirits: his brother Jaimie, his sell-sword Bronn and the Prince of Dorne himself.  Oberyn ended up being the unlikely savior by proclaiming himself as Tyrion's much-needed champion against the Mountain.  We'll see how this plays out for him, but I'm betting it doesn't go well.  On the other side of Westeros, Arya, The Hound, Lady Brienne and Podrick are all on their way to The Vale to see if Sansa is there.  Guess what?  She is!  She's safe in Petyr's warm, creepy embrace, especially after he pushes that crazy bitch Lysa out of the Moon Door.  I feel bad for her son, who now has to sit on the throne and pretend to rule The Vale while Petyr actually calls the shots.  On the other hand, that sickly bastard will probably die soon anyway, so it's better this way.  At least Daenerys got some this week, FINALLY.  Lord knows we were all waiting for that to happen.  I'm secretly hoping that by the end of this season we will have confirmation of Lady Stoneheart's existence.

    The Bachelorette has begun and it might be the best bachelorette ever.  The lady is a fox, and a Phi Mu to boot, so she has my respect.  I have to say, the group of guys she has to chose from isn't bad either.  Andi will have her work cut out for her this season, but I already have a few favorites.  Obviously it would be stupid to come out with a top five at this point because every time I do that almost all of the guys on my list become jerks.  So in the spirit of competition, I will only point out two that I thought stood a fair chance with Andi this season: Dylan and Tasos.  I liked Dylan initially because he's from Boston so, you know, I have to stick by my New England guys.  Tasos, on the other hand, can speak French.  Also, his name is friggin Tasos, what's not to love?! (except his earrings...).  I'm excited to see how this season will work out, but from the looks of the previews it looks like your typical reality show dating roller coaster ride.  Rooting for Andi to find the love she deserves!

    That's it for TV reviews this week.  Sadly, because of all the finales that happened last week, I barely have any shows to watch now.  My reviews will most likely return to a more literal approach, having four books to read by the end of the summer.  I will say that my husband and I went to see Godzilla on Monday and it was AWESOME!!  I went into the movie having never seen a traditional or original Godzilla film, so I had no preconceived notions about what I should like or shouldn't like.  I loved the action and it was just a good old fashioned monster movie in my opinion.  The people involved didn't even matter, it was just all about the big guy.  I highly recommend it, from the point of view of someone who usually hates scary monster movies.  This weekend I'm hoping to see the new X-Men movie, so maybe I'll be able to review that one next week too.  Until next time, I remain your faithful correspondent.

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