Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Nerd Alert!

    Hey guys!  I hope everyone had a great weekend.  Now that football is in full swing, I've enjoyed watching my beloved New England Patriots annihilate their revenge tour.  That being said, last night, during Monday night football, a significant final trailer dropped for Star Wars: The Force Awakens and I CAN'T EVEN.  This movie is coming out SO CLOSE to my birthday, (December 19th), that I've already purchased tickets.  Best birthday present to myself ever!  So today, I thought I would break down that trailer for you and review it.

    The first trailer had me crying, even after the fourth time watching it, so I had been eagerly waiting for another trailer to occupy my feels.  In the first trailer, we got our first look at some of the cast, including John Boyega, (Finn), Daisy Ridley, (Rey), and, most importantly, Harrison Ford, (if you don't know who he's playing in the movie, you shouldn't be reading this post).  We also got a glimpse into what the Dark Side may look like and it's players, including a female Sith leader.  This trailer is quite different in the sense that it builds onto that first trailer and adds more detail, so now we can investigate more into the lives of the characters and what their roles may be.  Here is the trailer for your viewing pleasure:

    At the start of the 2:35 trailer, we see Rey clad in desert gear, very much resembling those of the people on Tatooine. She looks to be scavenging for something, probably parts, considering the later shot of her working on some mechanical device/piece of junk in a tent.  Rey looks to be scouring an old, abandoned ship for something, maybe just parts.  She also carries with her a large staff, not a light saber, which is typical of a lone wolf scavenger.   Someone off screen asks who she is and she replies, "I am no one," while walking across the desert with a new, rolling droid figure before taking off in a space craft.
    We see the familiar gathering of storm troopers in front of a red banner and then Finn claims he was "created" to do one thing. "But I've got nothing to fight for." As a ship falls out of the sky propelling towards another planet.  We can guess that Finn is probably a product of cloning, which we saw the beginning stages of during the last Star Wars films.  His purpose seems to be marred, so we can assume he goes on a quest to find out what that may be.  We can also safely assume that he ends up crash landing on the same planet that Rey inhabits, which is how they meet up.  We also see later in the footage that he's facing off against the "villain" Kylo Ren, who my husband insists isn't on the Dark Side, but the Grey Side, as in the Grey Jedi Order, who serve neither side, but more themselves.  This would be an interesting theory if it's true, considering there are at least two Sith lords presumably running around the galaxy.  Speaking of the Sith, Kylo is seen confiding in the melted head of Darth Vader, vowing to finish what he started.  What does that mean?  Could he be talking about the Death Star, which is now the Starkiller base?  Or some greater plan known only to those close to Vader?  Then we see one of the Sith lords apparently torturing someone before a group of trees explode somewhere.  No idea what that's all about.


    After that, there's a lot of Millennium Falcon action, flying through what looks to be larger ship debris.  Rey says, "There are stories about what happened," to which Han Solo replies, "It's true.  All of it," before the Millennium Falcon blasts into hyper speed.  Then we get a lot of action shots, one of Kylo Ren, (I believe), and his group of dark soldiers, holding something in the background.  Then there's a lot of flying, shooting and fighting among squad leaders and storm troopers while Han continues, "The Dark Side, the Jedi... They're real." He also leads them into a colorful, rock tomb sanctuary with a red robot thing that looks like a walker from when they were on Hoth.  Then we see the familiar shot of someone who could very well be Luke Skywalker with R2D2, followed by more storm trooper fighting and a glimpse of Captain Phasma, played by Gwendoline Christie, aka Brienne of Tarth.  Rey is crying over someone's body, Chewbacca, Han and Finn have their hands up in surrender, (but are slowly lowering them), as someone is saying, "The force, it's calling to you."  More storm trooper action, Han and Leia finally make an appearance together, Rey shoots something, Kylo Ren faces off against Finn with his blue light saber, (see?), and then the voice finishes, "Just let it in."
    I will say that this trailer gave me goosebumps all over and I literally can't stand the fact that I have to wait two more months to see it.  I have a lot more questions after watching this trailer: What is Kylo Ren's true purpose, if he is in fact one of the Grey Warriors and not a Sith?  How many Dark Side leaders will it take to bring down both the old and new Jedis?  When will Luke come into play?  Why does Rey carry a staff instead of a lightsaber, (although we did see her take one from someone in the first trailer)? I'm not the only one who broke down this lovely trailer.  Nerdist News, one of my favorite platforms for news, has done their own breakdown of the trailer, which you can watch below.

    So what do you think of this new trailer?  Did I miss anything? (I bet I did)  Are you Team Star Wars or are you a Trekky?  What is your favorite Star Wars movie, out of the 6 existing ones?  What are you most excited to see in this movie and what are your predictions?  Let's discuss!  Until next time, I remain your faithful correspondent.


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