Tuesday, October 27, 2015

October Comic Book Wrap-Up

    Hello everybody!  October is already winding down and it's been a bit of a tough month for me, reading-wise.  I admit that I've been more focused on reading my books, since I allowed myself a lofty goal of ten, (which I still didn't meet due to unforeseen circumstances I'll elaborate on Thursday), so I didn't put as much effort into reading comics as I have in the past.  That being said, I managed to get four of my six picks done this month and I'm very happy with that.


    Hellboy:  I wanted to read this obviously because of my love for the films as well as the month being solely about Halloween, so this fit in really nicely with the theme.  I was pleasantly surprised by the story and how truly dark it was, which is what I was hoping for.  It was very similar to the movie, considering the movie is loosely based on the comics, but still had it's differences.  For instance, there is absolutely no romantic interest between Red and Liz in the comics, as it had been in the films.  Also, I do wish Professor "Broom" had more of a role in the comics because I was so enthralled by his presence in the films.  I thought his short time in the beginning of the first issue pegged him as a helpless and crazy old man instead of the proud and investigative explorer scientist we know from the movies.  Also, his relationship with Red is more fatherly in the movies; although he does mention in the comics that they had more of a father-son relationship, there was no time to really develop that claim.  Overall, I gave Hellboy Vol. 1 4 out of 5 stars.


    Hellboy and the B.P.R.D:  This was a comic I was excited about reading at the beginning of the month, so I'm glad I was able to get to it.  This comic is not related to the films at all, which was probably why I was so excited about the premise.  This comic takes place in the 1950s during the aftermath of the war.  Hellboy is a young man, (I think even possibly a teenager, since the other guys all refer to him as "kid"), who gets to go on assignment with the military members of the beginnings of the Bureau of Paranormal Research and Defense.  I loved the slight difference in art style to this one as opposed to the original comic series as well.  There is a lot of mystery and sabotage and I liked how vulnerable Red was at the beginning, trying to find out his place among the team, outliving most if not all of them in the end.  I gave this one 4.5 out of 5 stars.  I was very impressed with how good this was, I just wish there was more of it.


    Shutter:  Honestly, I just read this one today during work, so it's still fresh in my mind.  This series seems to be about an alternative Earth future where dinosaurs and mythological creatures and talking skeletons exist in harmony with humans.  The story follows a young woman named Kate and she ends up getting dragged into a situation involving her father and her mystery siblings.  She has a side kick in the form of a talking cat clock that looks like Felix and I LOVE HIM SO MUCH.  He made this comic for me because he's a glass-half-full sort of personality, plus he's a talking cat clock.  I was also intrigued by the fact that this human woman, ex-explorer, can co-exist in a world where a humanoid fox warrior can ride a triceratops shooting a machine gun.  There was also a lot of diversity in this comic, like Kate having a trans best friend and her father being red-headed and white while she is dark haired and dark skinned, (I'm not going to guess her ethnicity, but she's at least really really tan).  Regardless, the story was mostly easy to follow, except for some times when it wasn't.  Sometimes the text ran together too much for my tastes, but I was able to pick it up and continue without too much confusion.  I ended up giving it 3.5 out of 5 stars, but I am planning on picking up the second volume to continue with the series.


    TMNT: Change is Constant:  This series I had started years ago and never got to finish, so I thought I would.  I love me some Ninja Turtles, so obviously this was a no-brainer for me.  I love them as I knew them in cartoon form from 2007, so I have always been interested in reading the original comics, (now that I have a few), and reading about them in alternative time lines and worlds.  This story line takes place in a world where Splinter and the turtles still start off as lab experiments in StockGen, Baxter Stockman headquarters, and are taken care of by April O'Neil.  Ninjas of unknown origin end up stealing the turtles, with Splinter sabotaging their efforts and knocking them all into a storm drain.  A cat ends up walking away with Raphael before transforming into a humanoid figure, leaving Splinter with only the other three.  In the present day, the brothers are searching for Raph while Raph scours the streets for food until he finds Casey Jones and they team up before running into the cat again, who was also effected by the mutagen.  This was an interesting arc because I've never thought of the turtles not being together as a family.  Since Raph has been separated, this may effect his judgement and character in later issues once he is reunited.  I'm still getting used to seeing them all in red bandannas, but I gave this 4 out of 5 stars.  I'm planning on picking up more TMNT comics in the future to check out other story lines as well.

    Well, that's all I was able to read this month for comics.  I'll try to be more invested in my comic book reading next month as I work on continuing series that I've already started.  Check back next Tuesday when I lay out my TBR list for the month of November!  Until next time, I remain your faithful correspondent.

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