Thursday, November 5, 2015

November TBR (Comics)

    I hope everyone had a great Wednesday.  Today I'm bringing you the second half of my TBR for November.  I'm keeping with the theme of "continuing series," so most of this list will consist of comics meeting that criteria.  Let's get to it.


    "Remember, remember the fifth of November..."  Obviously I had to add V for Vendetta by Alan Moore in here since I haven't read it yet.  I will be watching the movie tonight as well, but I wanted to read the comic to get a different perspective on the film.  It's similar to what I did with Hellboy last month.  Similarly, the comic differs from the movie, but the plot remains the same: in a totalitarian version of a future England, fascism runs rampant and the city begins to rebel against the authoritarian rule of Parliament.  I can't wait to read this!


    Fables is the first series I'd like to continue this month. Vol. 9 is where I left of in this series and I've been meaning to continue for ages but I've always been distracted by other things.  I'm really looking forward to picking this back up and finishing it.  I believe we will see conflict between Pinocchio and the other Fables as he continues to work with his father, who is also the evil Adversary.  We will also see Bigby come to terms with his father, the North Wind, as he and his family set off to find him.  It should be a good time.


    I left off in Saga on volume four, which isn't too far behind I think.  I believe this is where Alana and Marko go into hiding (in plain sight?) while their daughter Hazel grows into a toddler.  I am in love with this series, so if you haven't picked it up yet, DO IT NOW.


    East of West is one series I wasn't initially drawn toward, but was recommended to me by many friends.  Although I didn't like the first volume as much as the other comics on this list, I still want to give the second volume a try to see if I can keep going with it.  This volume will continue the story line from the first one, where Death will set out on a quest to find his son and prevent the Apocalypse from transpiring and the other three horsemen from succeeding.


    Although I've already read the first two volumes of Wayward, (up to issue #10), issue #11 comes out on November 18th, so I plan on reading that one once it comes into the shop.  The perks of working at a comic store is that you get dibs on all the new stuff when it comes in without having to buy it outright!  I just wish this series would hurry up and put out more than one issue a month...  Plus, LOOK AT THAT GORGEOUS COVER ART!!

    There you have it, my November comic book TBR.  Have you started any of these series?  Do you remember the fifth of November?  What series, book or comic, are you trying to finish?  Let me know in the comments below.  Until next time, I remain your faithful correspondent.

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