Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Nerd Alert!

    Howdy y'all!  I apologize for being MIA last Thursday, but I honestly couldn't think of anything to write about and I didn't want to type out filler just because it was Thursday, so I spared you all that grief, (you're welcome).  It's hard to come up with content sometimes, so some days you just have to say "screw it" and wait until something comes to you, as all great writers have done.  Regardless of my brain fart last week, I'm coming to you this week with some great news!

    First of all, unrelated to the main point of this post, I have recently come into what normal people would call a "paycheck," so I used that to get me the newly released and gorgeous Queen of Shadows by the lovely and talented Sarah J. Maas.  I bought it yesterday while I was still in the middle of the third book, Heir of Fire, but I thought, "What the heck, why not?"  So here I am, already a quarter of the way through it because I JUST CANNOT STOP.  The fandom is real people.  So, as you might have already guessed, I'll be adding Queen of Shadows to my already impressive list of September books to wrap up in a few weeks.  I feel like I've read so much this month and it's only the fifteenth...  Keep that in mind, because I may very well add more to my TBR list if I keep this pace up.

    The main reason we're here today is for another installment of Nerd Alert, where I talk about something nerdy and relevant to not only my life, but hopefully yours as well.  Last week some information dropped out of Nintendo that had me literally crying with happiness and I've come to share that with you, (if you live under a rock and haven't heard or don't care, there's something wrong with you).  Pokemon Go is happening and all my elementary school dreams have come true.


    A little history for you regarding me and my love for Pokemon: it all started when I was eight years old and 1998 was a good time to be alive.  My younger sister and I started collecting and playing with the cards that were released in droves like a parasite, seeping into our daily lives and our friendships at school as well.  It was nothing like it is today, where kids will play dirty, steal cards from others and cheat until they get their way.  Parents, school officials and guidance counselors have gotten involved with some of the nasty things kids will do to protect their cards these days.  1998 was a simpler time, where kids enjoyed playing and battling with each other without the risk of espionage.  So after awhile, my sister and I also received our first taste of the Game Boy system, and what a world that was.  It was so new and exciting that I was consumed by it, playing any time I could, connecting with my friends at school, after school and at home through a link cable, (you know, when we didn't have wireless connectivity everywhere?)  I loved the Pokemon games more than the cards, and thus began my love affair with the pocket monsters.


    I still have my Pokemon Blue version for my Game Boy Pocket, which is green and only displays in black and grey, (NO color until I got my Game Boy Color, obviously).  I took a hiatus from playing because I was too cool for that in high school or something and re-introduced myself to Pokemon two years ago, when I bought myself a Nintendo 3DS with some of my Christmas money, (because I'm an adult), along with the new Pokemon X game.  I hadn't played since I got my Game Boy Advance years ago, so this 3DS was new to me.  Once I got used to it, I could really see the similarities to the older games.  Little did I know Pokemon would evolve again into something none of us could've fathomed at eight years old.

    I saw the trailer for Pokemon Go at work, actually, through a kind customer who had the decency to show me.  I was entranced, the nostalgia flowing freely through me, as I beheld the glorious footage.  I will link the video below so you can all watch and be amazed!

    Little is known about this system or how it will work.  I've read a lot about similar types of games or apps that failed because the desire or technology wasn't enough.  This time I think they will be able to grab people with the sheer magnitude of what this could become for gamers and/or Pokemon enthusiasts, both young and old.  The game seems to be based around GPS coordinates guiding people through their phones or a small watch-like Poke ball accessory towards various types of Pokemon in the real world.  If you've played Pokemon before, or even watched the show on TV or played the card game, you'll know how incredible this would be if it worked well.  The trailer also implies that you'll be able to trade and battle with friends and also battle wild Pokemon.  Although the game is being released sometime next year, there still isn't enough information out about this game.  We'll have to wait and see what Nintendo has in store for us, but regardless of how it works, I'm definitely on board with this.


    So what do you think?  Do you like Pokemon, or did you used to when you were little?  What is your favorite Pokemon?  Were you more of a card player or Game Boy addict?  Would you get this app for your phone when it comes out? (maybe I'll do a review of it!)  What would you like to know more about the Pokemon Go app?  Let's discuss in the comments below.  Until next time, I remain your faithful correspondent.

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