Friday, September 4, 2015

September TBR

    Hello again!  I figured since I was late posting on Tuesday, I would wait until Friday morning to post my September TBR.  I'm feeling a little ambitious this month and since I've already started two of the books I plan to read I'm feeling better about my odds.  I've chosen four graphic novels/comics and five novels to read this month, (so much for taking it slow).  I feel like I'll have a good reading month this month and I have a system in place where I'm reading my graphic novels and comic books at my workplace and reading my books at home.  In case I hadn't mentioned it before, I am now working at the local comic book store part time, which is a pretty cool job!  Plus, I get exposed to a lot more comic books and graphic novels this way, which is great.  So without further adieu, here are my picks for the month of September, starting with comics.


    The first comic series that I picked up this month is The Wicked and The Divine Vol. 1- The Faust Act by Gillen McKelvie and Wilson Cowles.  Volume one contains issues 1-5.  This series follows a group of twelve gods incarnate as humans in our world, who appear every 90 years and live only about two.  These gods act as pop stars and genuine pop-culture royalty and are treated as such.  Laura, a super fan in London, gets involved when one of the gods gets in trouble.  I've already almost finished this volume and so far, I'm intrigued.  This comic series has a lot of mature and violent content, so if you're easily squeamish, beware.  The artistry is awesome and it's such an interesting concept that I was hooked from the start.  I can't wait to (maybe) start volume two before the month is out, but definitely a must-read for anyone interested in mythology, mystery and legends.


    This series was actually just recommended to me by a fellow coworker who enjoys the same genres I do.  Wayward Volume 1- String Theory by Jim Zub, Steven Cummings and John Rauch introduces us to a young girl named Rori as she tries to reconnect with her mother in Japan.  She encounters the yokai, spirits dwelling in the dark, ancient areas of Tokyo, and they are intrigued by her for one reason or another.  I don't know a lot about this series, other than it has some element of Japanese mythology and folklore surrounding the yokai, which are Japanese spirit monsters that can shape shift and cause trouble.  I used to really enjoy Japanese culture and mythology, so I'm hoping this sparks something in me from my childhood.  The artwork in this series is breathtakingly beautiful and the colors are stunning, so I can't wait to pick this one up!


    This next comic series is East of West Volume 1- The Promise by Jonathan Hickman, Nick Dragotta, and Frank Martin.  This volume contains issues 1-5 of the series.  I've heard almost nothing about the premise of this series, other than it has something to do with the apocalypse and the Four Horseman roam this futuristic wild-western world.  I've also heard this series is extremely violent and gory, so maybe not for children.  This series has gotten great reviews from other BookTubers and my husband really enjoyed it, so I thought I'd give it a try.  It's not a genre I usually pick up because I tend to steer clear of wild west settings with cowboys and such, so I hope it's not terribly like that.  I'll give it a try and hopefully I'll like it as much as everyone else does.


    The last comic book I'm going to try to read this month is The Woods by James Tynion IV and Michael Dialynas.  Volume 1- The Arrow contains issues 1-4 of the series.  I became interested in this series because so many BookTubers were reviewing it and loving it, so I thought I would give it a try.  At first glance and from reading the description of what the comic is about, it seems sort of on the scary side, so I'm not sure if I'd like that, (I'm very easily scared and do not like horror by any means).  That being said, the description still made me want to pick this one up.  Here you go:
  On October 16, 2013, 437 students, 52 teachers, and 24 additional staff from Bay Point Preparatory High School in suburban Milwaukee, WI vanished without a trace.  Countless light years away, far outside the bounds of the charted universe, 513 people find themselves in the middle of an ancient, primordial wilderness.  Where are they?  Why are they there?  The answers will prove stranger than anyone could possibly imagine.
    Scary, right?  But it sounds SO interesting, so I can't wait to see what this series is all about.

    The first book I'm (already) reading this month is Crown of Midnight by Sarah J. Maas, which is the second book in the Throne of Glass series.  I LOVE THIS SERIES and I am officially ADDICTED to Sarah J. Maas.  This all started after I read A Court of Thorns and Roses and I was instantly hooked on her writing style and world building.  I had every intention of picking up this series and I'm glad I started.  The first book introduced us to Celaena Sardothien, who is an assassin imprisoned by the king and then released after years of hard labor solely to compete to become his champion.  The second book follows that story and involves Celaena fighting for not only her loyalty to the king, but her loyalty to herself as well as the men in her life.  I can't go too much further with this because I don't want to spoil anything, but I'm already almost finished with this book and it is already better than the first!  I highly recommend this series, especially if you're trying to get into fantasy.  Even though it's technically young adult literature, it certainly doesn't feel like it.  I already got Heir of Fire, which is the third installment of this series, so that will end up in here too.  I just can't stop...

    Yes, here it is.  The third book in the Throne of Glass series, Heir of Fire.  I really have no idea what this is about, other than a continuation of the second book, which I will probably finish today.  This will definitely be a quick read for me.  The fourth book just came out this week, so I will have to get my hands on it somehow.  I will also be reading The Assassin's Blade, which is a collection of five novellas about Celaena's past as an assassin of Adarlan.  I will probably put that on my October TBR list since I've already got too many books as it is.  It will be interesting to see her from a time before this series takes place.  I can't wait to see how this series turns out!

    The Darkest Minds by Alexandra Bracken is a Dystopian young adult novel, which is different than the other books I'm reading this month, (all fantasy).  Sometimes I like to break things up with a different genre, but other times I'm just in the mood for one particular genre, so we'll see how much I like this one.  Darkest Minds follows a girl named Ruby who was sent to a government "rehabilitation" camp when she was ten.  She survived a deadly disease that killed most of America's children, but resulted in her having strange abilities no one can explain.  At age 16 she escapes with some of the other children and seek the sanctuary of the East River, a supposed safe haven for kids who have escaped their prisons.  But not everything is as it seems and Ruby must use her gift to fight for what's right as well as her life.  I was interested in the premise of this book, but it seems very much like others that came before it, (Maze Runner, Hunger Games, etc.)  I'm hoping that it brings something else to the table that I haven't read before.  Here's to hoping!

    Red Queen by Victoria Aveyard has been on my to-read list for months now and I haven't been able to get it from the library!  When I saw that it was finally "in," I literally drove right down to the library to check it out immediately.  I've watched and read many great reviews for this book, so I'm excited to finally get to read it!  This fantasy novel follows seventeen-year-old Mare as she lives in a world divided by blood; those with common, red blood serve the silver-blooded elite class, who are gifted with magical super human abilities.  A thief turned servant of the Silver Court, Mare discovers she too has abilities, which cause her more problems.  She's playing a dangerous game and nothing in her life is safe.  I loved the idea of this book from the moment I saw the stunning cover.  I'm truly excited to read this one!


    The last book I will attempt to read this month is The Queen of the Tearling by Erika Johansen.  This is another book that has been on my TBR list for awhile but has been MIA at the library.  This book is about a young princess trying to take back her throne from a dark power that has taken over her kingdom.  Princess Kelsea was raised far away from her kingdom in a cottage in the woods, (very Sleeping Beauty), after the death of her mother and is unsure of her ability to rule.  This book takes place in a regressed society where technology no longer exists.  I like the idea of a fantasy-Dystopian crossover.  Many BookTubers have reviewed this book already and it seems to be a fantastic choice for an adult read, however I'm worried about the amount of political intrigue in this book.  I'm not a huge fan of that, but I'm hoping it doesn't overpower the main plot of the story.

    So there you have it!  My extremely ambitious book haul/TBR list for September.  I believe in my abilities to successfully succeed this month and I'm looking forward to reading a variety of different genres as well.  Let me know what you think of my picks, especially if you've read any of them yourself.  While you're at it, please feel free to give me some recommendations for next months TBR.  Until next time, I remain your faithful correspondent.

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