Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Daily Routine and Disney Analogies

    Hello there!  It feels like it's been awhile, but I guess it really hasn't...  I had a busy week last week, but I'm proud to say that I actually caught up with my work this week already and only have my grammar assignment to do for Thursday, (snaps for that).  It feels good to not be behind or have to cut out some necessary reading just to get things in on time.  Hopefully I can keep this up!

    This week is the week I get to pick my last two classes ever, (the internship for next year is technically a class, however it is still an internship, so I will treat it as such).  It's surreal how long it's been since I first started college, to be here after getting my Bachelor's degree this past winter, getting married this summer, and now finishing my Master's degree already and going on to finally become a teacher!  It's so awesome, and I feel like I've gained so much more from this experience than I had ever hoped to.  You always hear people talk about the benefits of higher education and how it's definitely worth it to make the sacrifice and do it, but I don't think you actually appreciate it until you're done.  Actually, I can see myself not knowing what to do after all this work every day for the last five years.  Luckily I'll have lots of grading, lesson planning and curriculum development ahead of me...JOY abounded.
    I've also realized I really have to work on better motivating myself to do things.  Whether it's just a simple phone call to someone or cleaning the apartment to getting to the gym, (last time I went was probably April?....I think....that's horrible).  I need to work on getting myself out from behind this computer and actually DOING things, things that make me happy.  I was thinking about maybe getting back into baking, since I did it a lot when I lived with my dad.  I really enjoyed making things for other people, and I'm not very crafty, so food was a natural choice.  You can ask anyone about my Blondie brownies;)  I just miss cooking in general and I wish I didn't have to work late so I could take the time and prep meals for the two of us.
    I've been so focused on school and work that I've been in a lull for a long time and I don't know how to get out of it.  It's like, right after the honeymoon in June I just went right back into my routine without really getting a chance to have everything sink in and enjoy it.  It's like nothing even happened...and that's partially due to the fact that we've been together for so long that it just felt normal to be married and that nothing significant had occurred because we already felt it.

    I actually had an interesting thought the other day about us.  I had determined our wedding theme, (much to the distaste of my husband), to be "Beauty and the Beast" inspired, because I love that movie so much and I like to think of us symbolically as "beauty" and the "beast," (nothing weird there).  Our color scheme was dark blue and yellow, (with some teal), I had a full A-line dress, and I danced with my father to "Tale as Old as Time," (I can't even watch the movie anymore because I tear up just thinking about it...).  From an aesthetic standpoint, I think we nailed it, even though there were a few things I wish we could've had, like glass covers for floral arrangements on the tables, (like the rose).
    The one thing I hadn't thought of until now was our story, and how it corresponded to the story in "Beauty and the Beast."  As an English student, soon-to-be teacher, I like to analyze and pick apart story elements and themes because that's what I do.  The story, to me, symbolizes impressions, acceptance and that not everything is what it seems on the outside.  "Don't judge a book by it's cover," comes to mind, (because she loved books, get it?).  When I look back on how we met, it made sense to me because we didn't necessarily like each other at all.  I thought he was an older, weird guy who sweat a lot and he just thought I was cute.  There was absolutely NO intention of going further with our relationship.
    So we were friends, mostly acquaintances, for quite awhile, until I went off to college, after I went through what could possibly be one of the worst summers of my life to date.  He was there for me when no one else was, when he probably should have just let me be, but he didn't.  We grew together and I think the beginning of our relationship wasn't perfect, but it worked out.  There were times where he rescued me, in a way, from myself and things I would've done if it hadn't been for him stepping in and taking care of me, and for that I'm eternally grateful.  I just thought that, even though the theme of the wedding was solely for my benefit and it wasn't exactly right from a visual standpoint, I realize now that it sort of fits perfectly for our relationship.  I am in no way a product of Stockholm syndrome nor do I agree with bestiality, but I think the underlying message of the story holds true to our relationship, and I'm really happy about that.  My prince is real <3

(Photo Credit: kivalophotography)

    That's all I have for this week.  Very mushy and so-on, but it was a relief to get all that out!  I'm going on another trip this weekend, to Vermont, to spend time with some friends.  I might film the experience, however I'm still backlogged from the last few weeks of footage, so we'll see.  Since I'm so on top of my work, maybe I'll actually get on that.  It's getting closer and closer to the holiday season, so that means I'll be both extremely annoyed with all the retail aspects and really happy about all the family time coming up in the next 40-ish days, (don't judge me, I'm not exactly counting the days yet).  If you're interested in following me, my links are on the right and the tab for my YouTube channel is now up top.  Keep checking back for updates on my latest upload!  On Thursday I'll be doing a bit on multi genre projects, so be on the lookout for that!  Until next time, I remain your faithful correspondent.

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