Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Fantasy Comic Pokemon League

    So this week has already been hectic and it's only Tuesday...  I feel like this will most likely be the rest of my semester, so at least I know there's relief in the form of the first week of December.  The good news is that I finally feel like I'm in control of my courses for the spring!  MORE English!!

    As a few of you may know, my husband and I went to the Rhode Island Comic Con this past weekend.  It was awesome!  I had been to the Boston one earlier this year, however I believe this one was a little better.  I say this solely because there were more celebrity appearances, but the comic book selection seemed to be much better and more extensive in Boston.  Regardless, we had a great time!  We also got to meet and shake hands with Bulk and Skull from the Power Rangers!!!  To say my life is complete would be accurate.  I loved seeing some characters from my childhood:)  Hopefully I will have better luck uploading that video in a timely manner... (I'm not making promises about the St. Louis video anymore, but I'll try to work on it this weekend...or tomorrow).

    In other news, I'm killing it in my Fantasy Football league!  Second place, and there's still at least 7 weeks left in the season.  I didn't think I'd ever get this involved, but I've gotten really into it and I'm finding that winning feels a lot better than losing, (go figure, right?).  Also, it's taught me that some things are just out of my control and not worth getting upset over.  Megatron can't always be there for you...

    Still in the midst of my YouTube project, (haven't done much "active" participation as of yet...), I'm thinking about another one revolving around Pokemon as an affinity space.  Unfortunately, I would need to actually play the new Pokemon game, which requires an entirely new gaming system from the one I currently own, (upgrade, what what!).  Hopefully if I put them on my Christmas list Santa will help me with this educational endeavor.  Maybe since I want to write a research paper on it it'll help my chances.  It doesn't hurt that my sister wants to play with me, so I'll have a second participant.  I'll keep you posted on that development as soon as my birthday roles around come December.

    So far that's everything.  My week is wide open after Thursday, so hopefully I'll have some plans for this weekend besides laundry and dinner with my father, (which I always enjoy).  If anyone has any ideas on what to do with a free weekend, let me know in the comments!  Maybe I'll get on that video upload now...  I'm also thinking about doing a few more blog modifications too, like adding tabs.  Hopefully I can move some posts I've already made once those are in place.  Check back again Thursday for a pretty awesome book review about video game affinity spaces!  Until next time, I remain your faithful correspondent.


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