Thursday, December 3, 2015

December TBR

    Hello guys!  December is upon us and I'm really excited!  Not only is Christmas my favorite holiday, but my birthday is also this month, so I have multiple reasons to celebrate.  That being said, December is a great reading month because of the excess downtime from holiday break.  I'll also have at least a couple opportunities to acquire new books, so I've kept my TBR list light this month.  It will also be subject to change, depending on what mood I'm in and what books I get.  I didn't have any particular theme for this TBR, just books I've been interested in reading for awhile.  I'm still in a fantasy mood, although still slightly hungover from finishing The Mortal Instruments series.  I will try to think up a theme for next month, but for now here's a look at what I'm planning on reading this month.


    Flamecaster by Cinda Williams Chima is the first book in a new series which takes place about 20-25 years after the events of her Seven Realms series.  Also, LOOK AT THAT GORGEOUS COVER!  I was given an ARC copy of this book to read after I expressed interest in the Seven Realms novels.  If you haven't read any of The Demon King books, please go out and fetch them immediately.  Also, if you haven't read them, the following synopsis will be a bit spoilery, so fair warning...  Flamecaster follows a young prince named Adrian sul'Han, or Ash for short, as he tries to fight for his family against the cruel king of Arden.  His path crosses with a prisoner from Delphi named Jenna and they both need to work together to stay alive and destroy the king.  The king of Arden has his sights set on conquering the last free Queedom of the Fells, but Queen Raisa won't go down without a fight.  I'm already about half way through this book and it's already breaking my heart into pieces, (which is technically a good thing).  I don't know if I'd suggest reading it right after finishing The Crimson Crown like I did, but to each his own.  Eager to finish this one and see where it goes from here.


    Froi of the Exiles by Melina Marchetta is the second book in the Lumatere Chronicles and the sequel to Finnikin of the Rock.  This book takes place three years after the events of FOTR and follows Froi, who was originally a slave and a thief in the first book.  Froi now fights for the Queen and Finnikin.  He is sent on a secret mission to the kingdom of Charyn and discovers more than he bargained for.  I originally wasn't planning on reading the rest of this series any time soon, but I've heard really good things about this book in particular, so I thought I'd give it a try.  I didn't particularly like Froi in FOTR, so I'm hoping that because he's been trained more, he'll be a little easier to understand.  Here's to hoping!


    I had planned on reading Shadow and Bone last month, but got swept away in The Mortal Instruments, so I put it off until this month.  I very much wanted to read this book, so I'm glad I kept it in mind.  Shadow and Bone by Leigh Bardugo is set in the nation of Ravka, (which seems to be based loosely on Russia), which has a flesh-eating demon problem.  Many people are forced into the army to fight against the darkness, which is the case with Alina Starkov.  Alina is able to save her friend from death, only to be taken away to be trained at the royal palace as a member of the Grisha, a magical fighting elite, led by the Darkling.  She must tap into her untamed power to save her country.  I've been interested in this book for a long time and the premise still grabs me, so I'm excited to start this book, which will probably be right after I finish Flamecaster.


    Grave Mercy by Robin LaFevers is another female assassin book that takes place in England I believe.  Ismae escapes an arranged marriage only to be taken in by a guild of female assassins in a convent who work for the God of Death.  On assignment in the court of Brittany, she finds it difficult to stick to the task at hand when it involves murdering the one you love.  This book was recommended to me after reading Cruel Beauty, although I'm not sure why.  I have no major feelings for this book, but I'm in the mood for more assassins.  I feel like I'll either love it or hate it, so let's hope it's the former.


    The Invasion of the Tearling was another book that I was supposed to read last month but set aside in favor of The Mortal Instruments.  This is the second book by Erika Johansen in which we find our main character, Kelsea, ruling over her Queendom of the Tearling.  The events of the first book have overflowed into this one and the Red Queen is seeking vengeance for Kelsea's defying her rules.  Kelsea also has some secret mystery power to see into the past and future, which was revealed a little in the first book, but not expanded upon, so I hope there's more of an explanation of that.  I kind of get that it's a regressed future society, but I'm not sure to what extent.  We'll see if I like this one more than the first.


    I want to read The Bane Chronicles solely because I literally can't get enough Shadowhunters in my life right now.  Also, I want to know why Magnus is no longer allowed in Peru.  Can it just be January already?


    The Warrior Heir is the first book another series called The Heir Chronicles by Cinda Williams Chima that I was introduced to recently.  As if I needed yet another lengthy series to take up my life.  This series actually came before Chima's Seven Realms series, although this is still fantasy.  From what I understand, this book starts off in the real world of Ohio with a normal teenager with a health problem.  He soon finds out, through a series of unfortunate events, that he is actually a member of a secret race of magical warriors called Weirlind.  He is sucked into their world to battle for two warring houses.  The premise seems very Percy Jackson or Harry Potter-esq to me, (normal teenager, revealed to have secret/hidden ties to magic, goes on a quest involuntarily, becomes a part of their world, has to choose between the world he knew and the one he fits in better with now, etc.).  There's a bunch of books in this series, so if I get sucked in it'll be for awhile I bet.


    Lastly, I wanted to re-read my original copy of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, (since everyone else seems to be reading it this month as well).  I don't have the illustrated copy in my possession, (yet), but I do have my original hardcover copy that I got when I was in about 4th or 5th grade.  I always feel like watching or reading Harry Potter around Christmas time for some reason and apparently I'm not alone in this.  I haven't re-read them in a very long time, so I'm curious to see what it'll be like for a 26-year-old to read this middle grade book now.  I may also watch the movie right after I read the book, just to better catch the differences.

    So there you have it, my diluted December TBR.  I'm hoping not to change this list too much, since I'll probably have read most of the books on this list come Christmas time.  That way, if I do get books, I can read those and add them on as I go!  Next week I'll talk TV recaps and go over my Christmas book list.  Until next time, I remain your faithful correspondent.

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