Tuesday, December 15, 2015

My Christmas Book List

    Hey everyone!  Sorry about flaking out again last Thursday, but it's been an adjustment working around my new work schedule.  I've also been feeling a tad under the weather, so I've been doing my best to give myself more opportunities to rest and take care of myself so that I don't have a repeat of last Christmas, (when my husband had to physically carry me down the stairs).  Here's to hoping!  I wanted to give you guys a look at the books I'm asking for for Christmas this year.  Obviously the illustrated version of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's StoneThe Mortal Instruments/The Infernal Devices, the Throne of Glass series and A Court of Thorns and Roses are all on there, but I wanted to highlight some of the stand-alone novels or ones that have caught my eye but haven't gotten a chance to talk about yet.


    The Night Circus was one of the best adult novels I read this year.  Plus, LOOK at the gorgeous cover art!  If you'd like to read my review of this book, check out my November wrap-up here.  I loved the story and premise and I adored all the characters.  It was truly an enchanting book and I'd recommend it to anyone who enjoys the concept of magic and romance.


    The Mime Order is another adult book I'd like to add to my collection.  I already own The Bone Season by Samantha Shannon, which I enjoyed thoroughly.  I read this one all the way back in August, so to check out that review, go here.  The third, (and final?), book in this series doesn't come out until November of next year, so I have to wait almost an entire year to finish it...oh well.  It's a fantastic read for anyone who enjoys a London setting, Dystopian literature or alien-centric fiction.


    The Red Queen is a newer YA book on my list.  I didn't know how I felt about it at first, even though I gave it 4 out of 5 stars when I read it back in September, (to read my short review, click here).  This book started off slow for me, but I still feel a connection with the characters.  I've been very into court and medieval-style or regressed society books lately, anything with a castle and kingdom, (or queendom), so if you're into that, or supernatural/magical elements, you'd like this book.  I almost never give up on a series after the first book and I'm actually looking forward to The Glass Sword, book two in this series, which comes out in February next year.


    Tangled Webs by Lee Bross caught my eye at the bookstore actually.  The picture of this cover doesn't do it any justice whatsoever.  It's bright and obnoxious and I LOVE IT.  After I stopped ogling the cover art, I checked the inside flap to see what this book was about and it intrigued me. It's set in 1725 London, which is already right up my alley, and follows a woman named Lady A, who is apparently a professional blackmailer.  It has betrayal, crime lords and romance, so what more could you want?  It's gotten mixed reviews, but I feel like I'd like this book.  Check it out if you haven't already!


    Another book that caught my eye at the bookstore because of it's GORGEOUS cover is Vengeance Road by Erin Bowman.  Again, the picture doesn't do it justice.  This book appears to be a Western, which is definitely not a genre I go for.  In fact, I hate the south, truthfully.  However, I do enjoy a good historical fiction, even if it's mostly fiction and set in the dust bowl era.  Kate Thompson is looking for revenge for her father's murder and travels across the plains in disguise to get it.  This book just looks fun and adventurous, so I'd read it just based on the cover art.  If you're into Westerns and strong female leads, go check this one out!


    The Sword of Summer is the first book in a new series by Rick Riordan called Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard.  It is the only middle grade book on my Christmas list and again has a gorgeous cover, (do you see a theme here?).  I'm going to confess that I have never read the Percy Jackson series, (please don't kill me), but this new series got my attention because of the Norse influence.  I'm on a viking kick at the moment and my husband just published his first comic book about a re-imagining of the Odin mythology, so Norse myth sounds really interesting to me.  Also, Magnus is apparently from Boston, which is my home city, so OBVIOUSLY I'm going to want to read it!  This looks to be the beginning of a great new series from Riordan, so I hope I can start it soon!

    There you have it!  Those are the books on my Christmas list.  Let me know in the comments if you've already read some of these or if they're on your list too!  Until next time, I remain your faithful correspondent.

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