Thursday, December 5, 2013

BLOGMAS Week 1: Books, Events and Advent Calendars

    Happy first week of Blogmas!  So these posts I do for Blogmas will feature Christmas themes and ideas to make your holiday season happy and bright.  So to start, I will be talking about a few random Christmas-y things today:

    Some families have certain books that they read to their kids every night before Christmas.  My family was not one of them, however I do like the idea and will hopefully be implementing it in my own future home.  That being said, here are my top three favorite classic Christmas books.
1. The Polar Express- by Chris Van Allsburg, a crowd favorite, especially combined with the movie of the same name.  Such a great choice for kids of all ages!
2. The Night Before Christmas- by Clement Moore, a traditional classic, short, sweet and to the point.  Everyone knows this story.
3. A Christmas Carol- by Charles Dickens, another great classic, with a bit of cruelty and creepiness to satisfy your inner horror geek, this is a true tale of goodwill towards man.  Another book with good movie options as well.
    If you'd like to check out any of these awesome reads, click on the title and it'll take you to each Barnes and Noble page respectively to learn more.
    This blogger also has a great list of Christmas books to read in her blog, if you want to check her out: 320 Sycamore  There are some awesome picks for every age group and every interest.  Also, if anyone has any suggestions for any adult Christmas-themed books, feel free to leave recommendations in the comments below!  I'll keep my eyes peeled in the mean time.

    So each town around the world usually has it's own set of Christmas gatherings, parties and parades.  For instance, my town has a tree lighting ceremony as well as a tree auction, where people come to bid on pre-decorated Christmas trees for good causes.  These events are typically fun and include a heaping amount of Christmas cheer and holiday spirit.  Just grab some hot chocolate, your jacket and mittens and come on down!  The details for what's going on in my town can be found here.

Advent Calendars:
    As I was raised Catholic, the Advent Calendar meant a lot more than just getting a piece of chocolate every day until Christmas, (or so I led my parents to believe...).  Nowadays I do still love opening my Advent calendar, but I remained blissfully unaware that there are other types of Advent calendars besides your basic chocolate variety.  This has recently come to my attention, so I thought I'd educate the rest of you who are also unaware that there are different prizes to be had.
-Religious: Advent calendars that hold true to history and feature no candy or toy, but a bible verse and pretty picture inside each compartment.  Especially made for all religious folk.
-Toys: Instead of chocolate, each compartment has a small toy inside related to Christmas or any other thing really, including, (but not limited to), pirates, princesses and ponies.  Oh my!
-Makeup: I'm not one of those girls who wear a lot of makeup, (actually I really don't wear any, except on special occasions, but that's besides the point), but if I did, these Advent calendars would be awesome!  To think, every day you open a compartment and a nail polish or lip gloss will be waiting for you!  Check out Benefit Cosmetics for their themed Advent calendar.
-Food: Yes, there are compartments filled with jam, nuts and other holiday treats, (other than chocolate) just waiting to get eaten.  I can't decide if that's a good or bad idea, but I'm going with it.
Also, if you're curious to see what other types of crafty Advent calendars there are out there, check out this blog for 25 different themed calendars.

    So if you've just started working on your Advent calendar or you needed a good Christmas book to curl up with, I hope these suggestions help your holiday spirit!  If you know of any Christmas book, special event or Advent calendar that's special to you or you just feel like sharing some Christmas stuff, comment below or tweet me about it!  I'm already excited for next week's Blogmas post!!  Only 20 more days till Christmas!!!  Until next time, I remain your faithful correspondent.

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