Tuesday, December 3, 2013

"Winter is Coming": BLOGMAS!

    I hope everyone had an enjoyable Thanksgiving holiday and long weekend.  I know I thoroughly enjoyed mowing the delicious and glorious home-made lasagna my uncle made, (on top of the usual fixings mind you).  It has remained unmatched in my search for the best pasta dish.
    Speaking of holidays, they are finally upon us!  For me, it seems like Christmas actually started in October, because I work retail, but now since it is officially December, we can trade pumpkin for peppermint, listen to the continuous flow of Christmas music and decorate the crap out of our places of residence.  I, for one, love the holidays, so this is truly the most wonderful time of the year in my opinion.  As you can see, I take my Christmas tree very seriously and I never miss a year to go out with my dad to cut a fresh one down.  This one is Theodore and he is marvelous, don't you think?

    This year, for the month of December, I have decided to participate in "Blogmas," which is when bloggers post every day until Christmas.  Although I want to participate to the fullest extent, I honestly don't believe I'm capable of posting every day just yet, (lack of planning, plus finishing up my fall semester coupled with work and other things will make it virtually impossible).  So I compromised by setting a goal of twice a week.  Tuesdays will remain my random posting days, with a slightly more Christmas-y theme and Thursdays I will post about specific Christmas happenings and traditions, including books, movies, songs and more.  This way I can cover all the Christmas bases while still giving myself enough time to get all my mandatory work done and not overload.  I am really excited to dive head first into the Christmas spirit and can't wait to post more favorites about the holidays:)

    That being said, I would also like to inform everyone that I will hopefully be starting to live tweet certain shows on Sundays starting this weekend.  Live tweeting, for those who don't know, is when someone follows a show or movie whilst tweeting, simultaneously watching and tweeting at the same time.  I've always wanted to and since I don't have cable at my house, I will be participating while I'm at my dad's on Sunday night.  The shows I watch Sundays are The Amazing Race, (season finale this Sunday at 8pm), and Once Upon A Time.  Since they both air at the same time, I usually rely on the football schedule going over for me to catch both in one night.  Sometimes that doesn't happen, but I'll keep you posted via Twitter if I don't think I'll be able to do both.  I definitely want to catch the finale of Amazing Race, so Once may have to wait until Monday, but we shall see.
    Other than that, that's basically it for me.  I got to spend a lot of time with my families and enjoyed every minute of it!  I wish I had more time with them, but the point of the holidays is to bring families together, especially if you don't normally get to spend a lot of time with them.  Definitely looking forward to Christmas and seeing everyone again, giving people their presents, (I got some good ones already, I can't wait to see their faces!!), and eating more great food.  I've also decided to decorate my apartment this year, so I'm looking forward to going shopping this weekend again for more presents and decorations.  I'm certainly in the holiday cheer mode, so I hope you guys are too.  Check back on Thursday for my first Blogmas post!!  Until next time, I remain your faithful correspondent.

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