Thursday, February 27, 2014

In Short...

    Hey guys, it's Thursday and I have almost nothing to say.  I apologize for my lack of decent content, but literally NOTHING is happening except homework and television, which has also been lacking due to the Olympics, so all my shows are just now coming back.  I've also been really sick, so I haven't really wanted to do much of anything.  Luckily I've had a steady flow of Netflix and Hulu to get me through my lonely time at home, but it can't last forever...

I just really wanted to use this one.

    I know I said I'd give a brief overview of the book I'm reading for class, Born Digital, but to be honest I haven't really gotten very far yet...I've only just started the first chapter.  The good news is I have another week to read to chapter six, so I will hopefully get that review up for next week.  I know, I'm a horrible person for not keeping on task, but I have a feeling it was a blessing in disguise, somehow.  At least I've enjoyed reading it, unlike all the case studies I've been forced to read instead.
    One good thing I've decided to try is the Northeast Bloggers Network March Photo a Day Challenge on Instagram.  To participate I'll be posting a photo on my Instagram every day for the month of March according to the various themes for each day.  Take a look at the list below and make sure you're following me on Instagram to see my photos for each day!  The link to my Instagram page is in my links at the top right corner of my blog.

    That's about it.  Really short blog today guys, sorry.  If I had more to say, I would, but there's just nothing going on right now.  Still unemployed, still nothing to do, still stuck at home watching cartoons.  My only plans for this weekend are to go through some of my old writing from grade school, (should be interesting) and spend time with my family.  I'm really happy that school vacation is almost over so I can go back to observing classes and learn more about my potential cooperating teachers.  I also wouldn't mind subbing again soon because I miss my kids.  Fingers crossed I get some action next week or I might just die of boredom.  Until next time, I remain your faithful correspondent.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Vacation Land

    It's Tuesday again, so you know what that means!  Another boring blog.  It's school vacation week around here, which means no visitation/observation hours at schools and no work substituting.  I haven't even had class since last Wednesday.  I've also been really sick, so that's been no fun at all...especially since I've been a snot zombie and can't feel my face from all the congestion.  The good news is that I have at least one fun thing planned for this week, which I am excited about: tubing!  Maybe I'll remember to take pictures this time when I leave the house so I have proof that it actually happened...

    Operation Employment has been stagnant of late since the botched interview last week.  I'm still hopeful and I have at least four or five other jobs lined up, so we'll see what happens.  I've caved and applied to some retail stores, seeing as that seems to be all I'm good for, so maybe I'll hear back from someone this week.  Maybe not...  Who knows?
    As I currently have no steady job with any way to make payments on anything consecutively, I've resigned myself to the fact that I will probably not be getting a new car this year:(  I was holding out for it and very excited, but since getting fired put a damper on my funds I really don't have the means to purchase even a newer used car right now.  This couldn't have come at a worse time, and the savings I had up until this point would've been great towards a down payment, but I've had to use it to live off of, so it's slowly dwindling down to nothing again.  Maybe someday I'll be able to get myself a new car so that the Red Baron can finally retire, but it is not this day.

    Let's have some good vibes now!  So far, my two big TV reviews are for The Bachelor and for The Amazing Race, which premiered this past Sunday, (unbeknownst to me, but my father called and let me know we missed it so I could watch it yesterday).  Unbelievable, (for both shows).  SPOILER ALERT!!...  I can't believe Renee got eliminated!  And yet I can, because she was really the only normal person left besides Andi and he obviously wasn't giving her enough attention.  That being said, he probably should've let her go a little earlier, considering he ended up meeting her son for no apparent reason.  I don't know how I feel about that, and the fact that Nikki has already met Camila.  Does that mean he likes her the most?  Meeting someone's child should be a big deal, in my mind, and Renee tore down a lot of walls to make that happen with JP and Ben, but to no avail.  It's really sad, but at least they won't be burdened later on with the fantasy suite fiasco set up to happen.  I'm still rooting for Andi, but at this point, I wouldn't be surprised if Nikki won.

    The Amazing Race started off with a huge disappointment!  Of course Mark and Bopper were one of my favorite teams to come back and race for the all-stars, but they couldn't let me have that.  Poor Bopper, all ready to go, then BOOM, inflamed pancreas, (or whatever).  Poor Mark too, since he's stuck to that Mallory from now on.  Despite this obvious set back, (and set up), I will be supporting Joey and Meaghan for this race, seeing as they're the only people I really know.  That's a little sad to say, isn't it?  Claiming you "really know" someone from YouTube.  But it is possible I think.  We'll see what this race holds for everyone, but there are already people in this one I don't like so I'm not sure.  That's all I have for TV right now.  I don't think all of my shows are back just yet, but they should be by next week.  Also, Vikings is back on Thursday and I couldn't be more excited!  I should have a review of that by next Tuesday, so if you're into that, be on the lookout!

    For Thursday I think I'm going to be talking about the book I'm currently reading called Born Digital, which focuses on understanding our generation of young people as they master new technologies.  Even for someone like me, born in the beginning of the growing digital age, there are still some things I don't understand about today's technological advances and how kids know how to use them.  It should be interesting and I'm reading the first six chapters, so I will do an overview of that with a book review to follow after I finish in a few weeks.  I want to start getting back into doing educational or English-related blog posts on one of my blogging days, so let me know what you think about that and any topics you'd like for me to discuss.  I will be updating and monitoring my Good Reads account a little better to let everyone know what I'm reading right now and what I plan to read in the near future.  Now that I have a lot of downtime, I'm hoping to at least start a new book, but I have to decide which one first.  Until then, homework awaits!  Until next time, I remain your faithful correspondent.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

The Luck of the Irish

   Hey everyone!  This week has been hectic, to say the least, and I've had a lot going on.  Early mornings, observations at various middle schools and job hunting have all surrounded my school work in a never-ending vortex of misery that is unavoidable.  I'm hoping the next month goes by quickly because I'd love to feel a sense of relief.
    I have good news and bad news surrounding the job hunt.  The bad news is that my interview this morning, although I feel it went well, revealed that I was not who they were looking for in terms of availability.  It didn't feel as bad as I thought it would, partially because of the good news.  The woman conducting the interview mentioned that she loved English majors and that she would pass on my resume to another department looking to fill a different position with more flexibility.  I'm hoping this works in my favor and if all goes well I'll have another interview next week.

    While I was waiting to go into my interview I had a lot of time to think about things, about what I wanted and about how desperately I need a job, (I'm starting to feel sad just sitting at home by myself all the time...).  Then I thought about God and asking Him to help me, which I've done before.  I apologize for anyone who reads this who is very religious, but I swear my views are only my own and not meant to hurt anybody's feelings.  I've prayed before to God for help, for answers and for life and I don't think it's ever worked for me.  This may be my fault for not getting accustomed to my original faith of Catholicism, but I don't think God has ever heard me in a way that we both understand each other.  I don't doubt His existence, nor do I condone it.  I've never been an overly religious person, but I've learned about religion for various kinds of people, including Judaism, Protestant, Mormonism, etc.  There are aspects of other religions that I agree with and can see as probable, at least in my eyes.  That is to say I do think there's a higher power with some divine control over what happens around us, but I can't explain it further than that I'm afraid.

    Back to my original thought, as I was sitting there, waiting to go into the interview, I clutched my lucky clover bracelet and asked my grandmother for help.  I don't know why because she probably wouldn't be able to help me get a job even if she were still alive, but I miss her wisdom.  I would always ask her advice to get to know situations from another perspective besides my own and I can't do that anymore.  I think what I'm saying is that I'd rather pray to my own family than to someone I don't know because I know my family will hear me and listen.  I do believe that they can see us from where ever they are and they are watching over us.  I'm so unsure of myself sometimes it's amazing I'm still a functioning human being, but I was nervous and didn't know what else to do, so I called out to her, (not vocally, but internally so the other people in the lobby wouldn't think I was crazy...).  I guess I felt like I needed a little bit of extra luck today, but obviously I didn't get it.  Us Irish girls put a lot on luck and I think sometimes we treat it as an alternative form of religion, but it doesn't always work for us.  I don't blame them for not offering me the job because my availability wouldn't work for them but I was still disappointed in myself for getting my hopes up.  Some things are non-negotiable and you have to just run with it.  I'm hopeful that I will find a job soon, I just don't know where at this point.
    Sorry that was sort-of deep and somewhat off-topic, but let's skip to something more fun now!  I have two pop-culture-related things to talk about, number one being The Bachelor, (SPOILERS if you haven't already guessed yet).  With this episode in Miami, I'm not sure what's going to happen now.  My dad's vision may come to light because at this point, especially with the previous for next week's two-day home town visit, I don't know if he'll actually end up with anyone.  He must be quite a dumb pervert to mess this up: having over 25 women at your disposal and ruining it at the last second.  We'll see what happens, but I'm still routing for Renee and Andi as my top two girls.  I'm on the fence about Nikki now, but I think her attitude may have an explanation just because of Claire and her bat shit crazy ways of manipulation working against Nikki's rejection of this alternative reality.  Again, we'll see.
    The second thing is the new Guardians of the Galaxy trailer has premiered on Jimmy Kimmel the other night and OH MY GOD it is amazing!  The video is posted below for your viewing pleasure.  I'm not sure how authentic to the comic it will be, (judging by my husband's gripes about certain character's origin stories, there's bound to be some confusion and outrage among comic fans).  But the trailer proves that it will at least be a kick-ass action film, so I am excited nonetheless.  Please join me in my enthusiasm!  I'M HOOKED ON A FEELIN'!!!

    That's all I have for this week.  If you want something interesting to look into, I posted a neat article in my ENGL 889 tab this week about "Twitch Plays Pokemon" and his continuous game play project.  There are links to the live video stream, an article that gives a great explanation of what's going on, and a link to the Google document with all the goals and achievements to date that have been tracked by the participants.  It's really cool stuff if you're interested in affinity spaces, gaming or just Pokemon Red/Blue.  Next week is school vacation week, so I'm hoping to focus more on my job hunt while my internship and observation hours are put on hold for the time being.  Until next time, I remain your faithful correspondent.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

North Eastern T-Rex Alert

    Another Tuesday taken by a rogue storm.  I swear someone up there is out to get me, but what can you do really?  The weather clearly doesn't want me to have a job, but as I have done before I will continue to be optimistic.

    The snow could not keep me from my observations at the middle school, although they did have an early release.  I got to see two teachers I really admire and I think they are my top two contenders for my internship next year.  They both have different teaching styles, but they are both fun, energetic and bring a lot of activity into their classrooms.  I would benefit from having either one of them as a mentor, but unfortunately the tough part is picking only one...  Next week is winter vacation for us, so I'll have to wait two weeks to see them again and make some decisions, but I'm feeling better about my chances.

    One of the two teachers I got to visit with today had Lupus.  This is a huge deal to me because usually I don't find random people in public who know what Lupus is, let alone have it.  It's not one of the common diseases everyone knows a lot about; in fact, it's the exact opposite.  So to find a teacher who has Lupus, who I can talk to, who understands me from not only an intellectual level but a physical level, is huge for me.  That sold it for me and I believe we were fated to be together in this journey, however I have to make a minimum of three school visits, so I have to wait.  But I think we both understand each other and know that we'll end up together.  She makes me feel excited, so I hope I get her!  Fingers crossed, knock on wood and all that jazz.

    That's literally the only exciting thing happening in my life right now.  I have some homework to do that involves actually seeing and talking to people and I don't feel like doing that.  I also had to reschedule my very important interview AGAIN, for a third time, for Thursday morning, so fingers crossed again for me doing ok with that so I can FINALLY have a job again.  I feel like I'd really like it there and that I'd be good at the job, so I hope it's mine.  They already took the posting off the website, so either they are holding out for me and already plan on giving me the job, or they are giving me the benefit of the doubt out of pity and already have someone else in mind.  UGH, the suspense is KILLING me...slowly.

    Since I've been spending so much time indoors and slowly getting less involved with the TMNT, I've picked up another series I had been eyeing for some time.  The Borgias has been very similar to The Tudors in the sense that they are both Show Time programs with a lot of drama.  I like seeing the plot line unfold from the Borgia perspective, having viewed them in a negative light since seeing the family featured in the Assassin's Creed games.  In this series they are very much a troubled family with many secrets.  There's a lot of death and less sex, which I guess is great if you like that sort of thing.  Personally I like watching how certain relationships unfold, destroy themselves and come back again.  The intrinsic properties of this show are the engrossing story line, the historical elements and the strife of the warring nations.  I'm looking forward to the second season now that I've finished the first.

    Comic book geeks may enjoy the "Jimmy Kimmel Live!" show tonight, around 11:30, when they show the trailer for the Guardians of the Galaxy movie coming out this August.  My husband is extremely excited about this, having more than one collection of these comics to his name.  I am intrigued by the plot line and the characters, but then again they are what makes the story work in harmony.  I only hope that it will live up to his expectations, but I'm not going to jump the gun.
    That's it for me today.  Hopefully Thursday I will have more to report after my interview:)  Until next time, I remain your faithful correspondent.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Thanks a lot Pax.

    Hey everyone!  I feel like absolutely no time has passed since Tuesday, but here we are.  Obviously everyone has shut down because of this nor'easter, so I'm once again stuck inside.  Although it sucks that my interview and open house today had to be rescheduled for next week, I'm glad I don't have an excuse to go outside in this weather.  I'm better off going into hermit mode for a day.

    As many of you may be aware, tomorrow is Valentine's Day.  Most people deem this to be an unnecessary Hallmark holiday in which men buy pointless gifts for the women in their lives.  I'd like to think of it as more of a tradition passed down through generations of stupid people, but I'm not en expert.  Obviously I love chocolate; I am a female after all.  I also love flowers, possibly more than chocolate, (but really, who am I kidding?)  These would both be nice every once in awhile, but I don't think we need a day devoted to them, or him for that matter.  I see him every day!

    I've cooked a nice dinner for my husband every Valentine's Day for the last four years and it's my favorite part of the holiday.  Going out to dinner is overrated; I'd much rather make him something from scratch than wait around and make reservations to spend more money we don't have.  I make him the same thing every year, but he loves it, so it's totally worth it.  Plus, it's delicious because I'm an awesome cook:)  All I want to do tomorrow is cook sauce and drink wine with my mother, make a fabulous dinner for my husband and spend some alone time together.  If I can get him to sit next to me on the couch, I've succeeded in my efforts.

(courtesy of:

    Speaking of "love," I got caught up in The Bachelor, so get ready for some spoilers if you haven't seen it already!  I still hate Claire and think that she's crazy.  I also still think my top three are Renee, Andi and Nikki, but you can never tell with this show.  My favorite part, by far, was the group date dinner at Hobbiton.  I can't even tell you how much I was fangirling at that moment.  I think it's safe to say that was the best group date so far in the shows history.  Although I also feel that anyone who would truly appreciate that set wouldn't be caught dead watching The Bachelor, but to each his own.  If you want to read a recap of this episode or any other, check out this blog called Mel Got Served.  She does various recaps of TV shows and they are most humorous.  Check her out for a good laugh!

    Unfortunately none of my other shows were on this week due to the Olympics.  I can't even comment on them either because I don't have cable and therefore can't watch them until Sunday:(  I will say that 15-year-old Russian girl, Yulia, who claimed the gold in the women's figure skating last weekend, was amazing!  I've never seen anyone do anything like that before in that event, let alone a teenager.  To think of my students pulling off something like makes me cringe just thinking about how uncoordinated they'd be on ice.  The laughs I would have!  Note to self: arrange field trip to the skating rink asap.
    Well, that's about it I'm afraid.  I'll be spending the day getting caught up on some reading and some TMNT.  I'll also still be having class via Google Hangout, which should be interesting to say the least.  I may or may not have a new "Open Letter" up soon.  I at least want to get one up by the end of the month.  This weekend I'll be pretty busy: Valentine's Day cooking all day tomorrow, my mom's 50th birthday party Saturday and my dad's birthday Sunday, (yeah, I know, I couldn't have planned that any better myself).  It's great that I don't have to work, otherwise I would probably be screwed.  Here's to the minimal benefits of being unemployed!  Until next time, I remain your faithful correspondent.

    *I'd also like to say that I'm super excited that Camp Takota comes out tomorrow as well!  You can pre-order the movie here.  Watch the extended trailer!  Congrats to Grace, Mamrie and Hannah on your success!

Tuesday, February 11, 2014


    Happy Tuesday everyone!  Sadly I have almost nothing positive to report...  It's been pretty dismal and boring on my end and unfortunately I don't see that changing any time soon.
    This week is open house week and so far I've only been to one in Dover, NH.  It was nicer than I expected and extremely welcoming.  I felt like I was being bribed almost, but it was nice to have so much coffee cake to eat in the morning.  There were only two English cooperating teachers to choose from and believe me, they were very busy.  It's as "urban" a district as you'll get in New Hampshire.  We'll see if I fit in there, but it definitely feels familiar to my own middle school.

    Speaking of my own middle school, I'm heading over there in the morning for my second open house.  I was more excited yesterday for the prospective teachers list which got emailed to us with all the bios attached.  I saw some familiar names in other departments, but the good news is there are six English teachers to choose from, so I should have more luck here.  I have my eye on one particular teacher already, but I've heard a rumor that her intern from last semester wants to be with her for a full year, so I think there might be some competition for her at this point.  Fate will tell.
    The last open house is scheduled for Thursday, but I doubt it will happen this week due to the snow storm headed our way.  Currently, we're projected to get about 8-12 inches from Pax all day Thursday to Friday morning.  Thus postponing not only my last open house opportunity, but also a job opportunity.  My very important interview is supposed to be at 3pm on Thursday, but I've already emailed the HR manager to ask what we should do in this situation.  I should know by tomorrow whether or not schools will be closed and my interview can be rescheduled, so please keep sending good vibes my way.

    All the stuff I have going on this week coupled with the constant early mornings and barely any sleep has made me quite irritable.  I've been feeling an awful combination of frustration, nerves and exhaustion.  I'm starting to lose the wind in my sails...  I think I need a break sometime soon, or I will likely lose faith in humanity, (and my own abilities).  I've applied to a few more jobs, but I'm really gunning for this one, so I'd really appreciate it if I could acquire some divine intervention, and soon.
    Well, that's pretty much it.  Like I said before, not a lot going on.  I didn't really have a lot of time this week to devote to the blog, so I apologize if this seems rushed and brief.  I promise Thursday, (might), be better, especially if I have some good news.  Either way, I'll have my TV reviews from this week and more on this coming weekend's plans.  Until next time, I remain your faithful correspondent.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Happiness is the Truth

    Welcome to Thursday's post!  While my husband and I are meticulously cleaning our apartment, I thought I'd take a break, (we've been at it for about 10 minutes...)
    First off, I'd like to point out that I'm down to one potential job as of today...a little disheartening, but I'm not going to let that bring down my spirit.  I refuse to let depression take hold of me like so many others who are unemployed.  Besides, it's only been about two weeks, so what is there to worry about?  A lot of people spend more time than that looking for a job, so I should consider myself lucky that I might have a job by the end of next week.  I'm trying to stay happy.  I re-read the job description for the one I have the interview for a week from today and I feel like I would love that job!  I hope your fingers are still crossed for me, (although you might want to think about taking a break because if you leave your fingers in that position they may get stuck like that...)

    While I try my best to control the outcome of my future, I've been roped into an interesting concept for a project for one of my classes.  We are looking at affinity spaces, that is spaces where people congregate, (in person or online), and collaborate, share and interact with each other based on a mutual interest.  They are a relatively new, complex and extremely modern idea surrounding today's students and classrooms.  One theory is that students learn just as much outside of school as they do in school.  I found a fun article on The Huffington Post about parents with teens using digital media here.  

    By using digital media, (Facebook, Twitter, etc.) and games like Minecraft, Pokemon and World of Warcraft they can enhance their communication, social interaction and organizational skills while simultaneously creating a tactfully-designed alternative universe in which to engage with others who share the same passions.  I find the whole concept absolutely fascinating!

    So, in dealing with this idea of "affinity space" and gaming, I'm working on some research that involves Minecraft and Pokemon as they relate to students outside of the traditional classroom environment.  Who plays these games?  Is there a common pattern?  How do players get their inside information?  How do you play?  How do you learn how to play if you aren't already familiar?  What kinds of sites are at students' disposal when confronted with an issue?  These and many more questions will hopefully get answered as I dive into this complex and relatively new terrain.  I might post more about findings as soon as we start researching, but check back for more info later on.

    For my television reviews this week, I'll start with The Bachelor.  CLAIRE IS DRIVING ME CRAZY!  I know she loves him and everything, but we have a Stage Five Clinger in the house and she is all sorts of wrong.  She's not nearly as bad as some of the other wackadoos they've had on this show, but if she makes it to the final four, I may shoot myself.  My Top 3 as of this week are Renee, Andi and Nikki.  I know a lot of people don't like Nikki, but I can see things from her perspective and I think she just had a rough week last week, (not to mention I feel like they're highlighting a different girl each week to be the "problem child," so keep an eye out for next week's fire starter).  I think Renee could win because like Juan said, she's just like him.  I feel like they look good together and I'm hoping to see her in at least the final four.  Let me know who you think should go home next in the comments!

    Bones and Castle were pretty standard.  Not a whole lot going on, and Bones just totally ignored the whole Wendell-cancer fiasco by bringing in another, (horrible), intern.  I miss Wendell's gorgeous face already...  Meanwhile we can see Beckett is getting her first case of wedding jitters as she dons that beautiful wedding gown.  I'm still no the fence about it, so let me know in the comments if you loved it or hated it, but I feel like she would look so much better in something a little more form-fitting.  Thoughts?

    How I Met Your Mother tore at my heartstrings yet again as we see Ted FINALLY, (and literally), letting go of Robin once and for all.  It's sad because of all the years they spent with each other but relieving at the same time.  Now, hopefully, they can get on with the whole wedding business that they are taking forever to get to.  I was anticipating that they would have the wedding happen next week, but seeing as they like to draw things out for as long as possible, I doubt that'll happen.  We haven't seen the mother back yet, and we know they meet at the reception, so we'll have to wait a little longer.

    New Girl after the Super Bowl was hilarious!  Prince was a nice added touch, but I loved the ending.  Also, this week's Tuesday episode didn't disappoint either.  I know I don't talk about it much, but it's one of my favorite shows to watch.  So is Agents of Shield, and this week made me question what they were doing completely.  I'm liking the dangerous situations they've gotten themselves into, but I've totally forgotten the reason behind it.  Also, I knew that whole romance between May and Ward wasn't going to last, but I never saw Skye getting shot, let alone almost dying.  We'll see if she turns into some sort of superhero to save her own life, but the official introduction of Deathlok was refreshing.  My husband and I had looked into it and figured he was the only logical explanation for Mike being kept alive, although the original Deathlok's story line is completely different.  Obviously he has motivation to do the Clairvoyant's bidding.  Let's see where this goes.

    Lastly, I've been spending a lot of time inside, re-watching old shows I haven't seen in years, one of them being Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.  I've been more into them lately, probably because of all the hype over the Michael Bay production coming along, but also because they've been a long-time favorite of mine and I refuse to give them up for the sake of being an adult.  Luckily, I found at least the first and second season of my favorite cartoon reincarnation from 2003 on YouTube and have been getting reacquainted with it.  I absolutely love this particular season because of the graphic artwork, more reminiscent of the comic book style drawing, the humor in the dialogue, and the relationship between the brothers.  I think all of these aspects give the show a more authentic TMNT and they stay relatively true to the original story arc of the comic books.  I have always been infatuated with the Raphael in this series.  It's been nice to go back in time for a bit and relive my glory days as a thirteen-year-old nerd.
    Well that's about it for this week.  I think that covers most of what I've been thinking as of late.  I'm excited for this weekend because I am actually leaving my house, (gasp), to go visit and have lunch with my best friend Katie up in Portland, ME, so that should be fun!  I'm also starting my orientations at different middle schools next week, so hopefully I find where I belong for next year.  I'm subbing on Tuesday, so for all my kids who read this I'll see you then!  Also, I'll be posting again tomorrow until my class page about the "Walk My World" project, so stay tuned for that.  Until next time, I remain your faithful correspondent.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

There and Back Again

    Hello again, and welcome to my terrific Tuesday post! (alliteration is key)  As you might've guessed, not a whole lot has happened since last week.  I saw my nephew again this past Saturday and he's still ADORABLE.  Unfortunately that might be the only good thing to happen within the last two weeks.

(Which one is cuter?)

    Although I do still feel indifferent over the whole unemployment thing, I'm starting to get antsy, sitting at home all day either reading for class, typing up assignments or looking for jobs.  I feel like I started in a good place and now I'm back in a meh state of mind where I definitely don't want to stay.  I have a promising interview a week from Thursday, so we'll see how that goes.  Right now, that's my only promising lead, having been dropped from the contenders list of the first job I applied for already.  Fingers crossed for some good news!  Luckily I got called to substitute next week so, baring the inescapable weather conditions, I could be bringing home some bacon, (if only that were really true...)

    Speaking of jobs, I had my secondary education intern orientation this afternoon and I feel really good about all the prospective intern sites at my disposal.  Number one being my alma mater middle school, with two in close proximity to where I live being close second and third.  All of the schools have a lot to offer, and right now I'm thinking I might want to give high school a second go, but for now all I can do is wait and see what happens at the open houses next week, (again, weather permitting).  I swear to God, if these blizzards all pile on top of each other the ONE WEEK I have significant life decisions to make about my future, there will be HELL to pay.

    In YouTube news, video footage released on the first of this month by Shay Carl Butler and Corey Vidal announced some new information regarding the popular and much-anticipated documentary feature Vlogumentary, which will hopefully be in theaters this coming summer.  Obviously they couldn't say too much without giving stuff away, but we shall see the final product soon, which is more than we could say about a year ago when all this started.  To say that I'm excited about this would be a severe understatement.  You can view the two video announcements here:

    Well that's about it.  I'm pretty sure I had more to offer you today, but sadly I left my blogging planner at home and have since forgotten what I had originally planned to do for today.  More to add to next week!  Thursday I will be talking about the various things that happened in TV this week as well as other stuff, (probably).  How's that for a vague description?  I will also hopefully be starting observation work in addition to my open houses next week or this week, so stay tuned for more on that!  Until next time, I remain your faithful correspondent.